Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Who is Boris and Natasha?

Boris Yeltsin was a Joo. His Hebrew name was Baruch Eliah.

Biden regime already gave the missiles and permission to Ukraine to use them.

It is not an ordinary shit-show, but a deadly game of nuclear threat.





Boris and Natasha (Natalia) are common names in Russia, if it means anything

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He is an Austrian colonel, and also an academic.
His analyses seem too pro-Ukrainian and personal, methinks, but they give a good overview.

This is pretty much the same video as above, but in the German language. His Austrian accent makes it a little bit difficult to follow.

I had to look this up, this way before my time. Lol. :joy:


This was by far one of my favorite shows growing up!


This was interesting!

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DEVELOPING: The Ukrainian soldier with Down syndrome that went viral on the internet months ago almost killed his entire squad by misusing his motor. Ukrainians have reportedly considered using him as bait for drones or be a test dummy for land mines.

I wish this was a sick joke,

The Ukrainian forces are adding everyone that is able to walk to their ranks and it appears their military isn’t compensating their disabled soldiers well.

All paid for by the US tax payer!


Zelensky, a pervert Joo, was the protege of a super-rich Jooish oligarch Kolomoisky, and was elected President of Ukraine on the false premise of bringing peace. He followed the tradition of Poroshenko, a very rich Joo. He was so corrupt that Ukrainians hated his guts and voted him out.

As President of Ukraine, Zelensky enriched himself and bought many mansions in Europe and America, plus a home for his parents in Israel.

To add insult to injury for those who donated money for suffering Ukrainian citizens, Zelensky’s wife went on a jewelry shopping spree on Fifth Avenue.

This Ukrainian war is a Jooish war from the get-go, sparked by the Neocon cookie monster, or angel of death, Victoria Nuland, who along with her husband Robert Kagan, is a very rich Joo in Washington.

This war, which has killed up to 600,000 Christians, is financed by rich Joos on both sides of the Atlantic who laugh their way to the bank.

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Holy cow! The US government seizes Scott Ritter’s passport, so that he can’t travel to Russia.

He was planning to tour Russia for two months. To kick it off, Ritter planned to speak at the Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg.

Boy, Biden regime is out of control. Ritter never committed any crime.

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Of course they did and he shouldn’t be surprised by this action of the US Deep state! In their eyes he is a rogue operative that they need to shut down. I wonder what his next plan of action is going to be because without a passport he is a sitting duck! I wonder if he is now getting the Edward Snowden treatement?

While the Biden Trial is underway to serve as a distraction, I was just forwarded this link. NATO is planning to get US boots on the ground in Europe to go to war with Russia. The war pigs in DC are determined to start WW III.

Congress didn’t authorize this, no one voted for it, yet WW3 is on the horizon.

Anyone telling you otherwise is lying & making $ off the war.

We can’t control our own border yet the DC war pigs want you to believe who controls the Donbas matters.

This is a reckless scam. ~ Joe Kent


Did Scott Ritter meet Big Brother?
More like a cheap version of Big Brother in DC.

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Larry Johnson in St Petersburg.
Why was Scott Ritter’s passport seized?
The enemy of the America is desperate.

When do the disappearing acts start?

They are Russian spies from the Rocky snd Bullwinkel cartoon show.