Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

There will be more Trump voters for sure, thus leaving less room for foul play, come November.

Not only the people on the fence but folks who generally vote Dem get tired of this shit-show.

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This is now heading to another level! What happened to diplomacy?


Good news in Crimea today.2 more Russian patrol ships ate resting on the bottom of the Black Sea . Also 2 ferries were damaged in Krasnodar. They are used by the Russian military for transportation of miltary goods to Crimea reported by ORACLE EYES.

        SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!

I believe our country comes first. No one suffering because we aide Ukraine. As I said before I support Ukraine because they are willing to fight for their country against an unjust invasion by Russia.

Good back to sleep clueless grandpa!

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Was not an unjust invasion, and more proof of you shear stupidity and ignorance to the point you not only contradict your self here but you prove to everyone here you have no idea what you are talking about. You are and people like you are the reason America is in decline and threatens the rest of the world by bullying everyone in it by imposing its war machine.

As I said before, you stupidity can’t be fixed!


This is the US trying to provoke Russia to respond with its brazen acts

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This is who he supports and its disgusting! Fking idiot!


Russia had no intention of invading Ukraine, until the Kiev junta, consisting of Nazis and financed by rich Joos, started massacring Russian-speaking citizens and shelling Donetsk indiscriminately, killing 14,000 including women and children while they minded their business or slept at night in their homes.

The Maidan coup (which started late 2013 and climaxed February 2014) was orchestrated by the CIA, neocon Joos and Israeli Mossad against the constitutionally elected and thus legitimate President Viktor Yanukovych who had to flee Kiev.

Interestingly, he resurfaced in Belarus from his exile in Russia while Putin met President Lukashenko in Minsk only a few days ago. It is likely that both Putin and Lukashenko intend to install a new government in Kiev under Yanukovych.

After all, Zelensky was installed illegally and his term as president expired last week.

It was a combination of CIA and NATO that provoked Russia to act. I am so sick and tired or morons insisting that it was Russia this and Russia that when you give a blind eye to what the CIA has been doing around the world the past 50 years. That is all they do is infiltrate sovereign countries for the sole purpose to create wars and regime change, and they have been doing in Ukraine in order to destabilize Russia and its neighboring countries!


I am not familiar with the situations in Georgia and Armenia, but Georgians recently said No to CIA interfereance, overriding the veto by the French-born president.

Also, the disturbance in Kazakhstan (a very important neighbor of Russia) was a CIA coup attempt against a new president. Russia had to send troops to calm the situation.

It was not clear then, but apparently that’s what it was. The old and corrupt president / dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev was obviously compromised and may have had a hand in the coup attempt.

Sorry chaparoonski, but you responded to the wrong lad here. Going senile in your old age or did you forget to put on your reading glasses?

While we are at it I don’t have a dog in this fight, but after spending more time than I should searching this thread I did not find any reference links to articles or videos that you posted previously. Please advise me as to what am I missing here.

Ps. Did you watch the Jeffery Sachs interview by Tucker Carlson? Would be great to have a robust discussion on substance and not playing Boris and Natasha reruns. :joy:


You are an ABSOLUTE LIAR with this post .

Put your glasses on or get a stronger pair of glasses.I have said many times that Im opposed to regime changes by the CIA or any other US agency.

How could I be a liar when the proof in this thread says otherwise? You really are not good at this even other people are pointing this out as well.


You haven’t posted not one link to a story in this thread that corroborates any claims (which are absurd and propaganda nonsense) which you have made since this thread has been created. You were asked to do so in a nice way many times and yet you insist telling everybody to go search some dumb YouTube Videos that you don’t even have the courtesy to specify which one. This is how ridiculous and absurd your statements are here. I wonder if you see how others here perceive how retarded that is? Apparently you don’t or you are afraid to post links to your claims.


You talk out of two sides of your mouth to the point your responding to the wrong people in this thread! Who needs the glasses again?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



Here this is a book made just for you!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The US might win an all-out war with Iran, but never in a limited war. (Limited to the Persian Golf area, that is).

I think that’s what Scott Ritter et al are saying.

There’s no doubt that many Iranians and US soldiers will die in either of the scenarios.

But what does Israel care?
What do the Neocons in their comfortable homes outside Washington DC care?