Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Ukraine msy not be perfect , but the invasion wasnt necessary. It was only necessary to satisfy RASPUTRIDS aims to reunify the old SOVIET UNION

It was necessary, and that is why you donā€™t know anything! All you have is your old cold war views that was outdated 50 years ago. Its also why I donā€™t value your opinions on this particular subject matter, you donā€™t have an objective point of view nor an educated one! Yours is strictly based on emotion and not intellect!

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At least my views are not ISOLATIONST !!!


Why should the US get involved in the affairs of Europeans, Asians, Africans, and Oceanians?

Who and what are the Neocons?
Zionists and their flunkeys who use the US military power (at the cost of US lives and tax money) to promote Israelā€™s interests.

ā€œIsolationistā€ That is among the dumber things and responses you said so far!

How about not wanting any more wars? Apparently you never been in any to know what hell is all about. Isolationist my ass!

BTW ā€œIsolationistā€ is an irrelevant response to the earlier points I was making. Do try keeping up1

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I know! That is the main reason why the chickens are coming home to roost and also why half the world hates us! BTW, Russia doesnā€™t hate America, but our own leaders (NEOCONS) are doing a good job to change that with the false accusations and propaganda narratives that this moron is brainwashed by!

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If Russia defeats Ukraine and it becomes part of the former SOVIET UNION , RASPUTRID will set his sights on Eastern Europe to recreate the former WARSAW PACT. When that happens remember this MORON warned all of you that this will happen.

It ainā€™t gonna happen.
The Soviet Union was an empire ruled by the Rockefellers.

Who financed the Russian Revolution?
What was the ethnic identity of the Bolsheviks?

Pure fear mongering bullshit! As usual you canā€™t quite seem to break from your horse blinders view.

Go walk your Shiba Inu, at least he might believe your bullshit!

Mark Sleboda
NATO/Kiev Targeting Russiaā€™s Nuclear Launch Early Warning Detection System, Ukraine Military Sitrep, moreā€¦ (

You can educate yourself by watching this interview with Jeffery Sachs who is a subject matter expert when it comes to this particular conflict and the history of it. You can stand to learn a few things including dispelling erroneous claims that Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked.

Also this is how one posts a link or a source when it comes to making assertions or claims about a particular issue and then backs them up!

(20:17) Why did America push for Ukraine to Join NATO?
(58:34) What is a Neocon?
(1:25:28) Regime Change Never Works
(1:36:27) Who Blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline?
(2:01:45) COVID Origins


Good news for Ukraine!!! Sweden has provided a radio survalence plane to Ukraine. Sweden is also providing apcs. Seems like Sweden is a better ally than the US.Ukraine has stopped the Russian advance on Voychansk with the help9f the artillery shells arriving.Maybe the Gripen fighter planes will be next. How does Sweden do it without their legislative body delaying action?
Ukrsine should not have to kiss US ASS to use missiles to strike MILITARY TARGETS in Russia.

So you didnā€™t watch the video to educate yourself on the issues? Great! You proved to everyone here you are just another useless tool shilling for the MIC! Go to sleep jerkoff!


Now liberal media news is finally admitting that the end is near!

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Ukrainian soldiers getting their lives blasted from one Russian soldier in the trenches.

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You are only good at attacking my views which dont agree with yours. You cant or wont comment on Russias willing to take staggering casualties to take an objective. Unusual for a former Army Intel Nco. My support of Ukraine must really BURN YOUR ASS MR RANGER. Whatever happened to having a REASONABLE ADULT discussion with our opposing views ? I didnt start these attacks. I expected better from you.

   You must approve of an invasion of a SOVERIGN COUNTRY before trying to reach a DIPLOMATIC SOLUTION so whio is the WARMONGER here? RASPUTRID doesnt give one FUK about any Russian person . He only cares about FUKING up Eastern European politics to achieve his goals.He is no better than STALIN and probably worse.

            SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!

I already provided a video for you to watch, with an interview involving one of the worlds most respected Economists on the subject yet you refuse to watch it. I suspect you wonā€™t yet again because your entire Ukrainian masturbation narrative will fall apart!

Nothing has been reasonable with you when regarding this subject matter interest. You shit post here while cheering on the lefts war mantra for ever so close to having Nuclear war with a Super power. Tell me who is being reasonable here? Furthermore you continue to shit post erroneous claims without an ounce of proof or a credible cited source to back them up.

I find you annoying because you act exactly like a leftist who canā€™t formulate an intelligent cogent response to anything here, only that your desire is shit post nonsense that has already been proven demonstrably false because Russians are your cold war boogie man and you simply canā€™t let it go! How about by starting with yourself first instead of asking others to change when its you that is instigating this bullshit? Start with actual facts instead of posting propaganda bullshit here all the time?


I have to be honest, I didnā€™t sleep well last night after watching this. A lot to unpack in this interview

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We havenā€™t come so close to a nuclear holocaust since the height of the Cold War and Cuban missile crisis.

Ego-centric politicians such as Macron, Linsey Graham, and Zelensky place more importance on their political survival and agendas over the lives of millions.


That pretty much says it all doesnā€™t it? Meanwhile people just want to see the world burn!

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