Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Good news in Crimea with the BIG KABOOM on the Belbeck airfield destroying some fighter planes and fuel storeage areas.
Senior Russian commanders still dropping like flys in Crimea.Russias total casulties approaching 450k with between 150 and 200 k kia.The US and Western aide to Ukraine needs to be quicker and more of it. They need to get off their ASS , stop all the delays and get it done !!!

          SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!

Great news in Ukraine! Russians are taking more territory by the day and its only a matter of time before Ukraine is totally defeated! In other words Zelensky’s days are numbered and is listed on suicide watch!


Zelensky’s term ends in a few days, on Tuesday if I’m not mistaken.

Will Russia take him out? I don’t think so.

Why aren’t they talking about Zaluzhny?
I think he died with Lloyd Austin earlier this year.

Detailed report on the war fronts.
Slow territory gains by the Russians.

The guy has videos both in English and Russian.

This was brutal to watch but Ukraine Soldiers are disappearing fast at a rate ten times faster than Russian casualties.

Tell me what you see at the very end.

Russia storms Chasov Yar.

Control of Chasov Yar is critical because it’s located on a hill and, if Russia takes it, Russia will have an easy access all the way to the Dnieper.

US taxpayers want to know where is all the aid that is being sent to Ukraine to build their defenses is going? Where are all the fortifications?


When was “day one”?
The day when the cookie monster distributed her cookies to the demonstrators at the Maidan Square?

Zelensky is no longer President as of midnight Monday-Tuesday, which was already several hours ago.

What will Russia do about it? Probably nothing. Russia will let Ukrainians handle the situation.

Re-edited war footage including enhanced audio never before done.

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This triggered my PTSD. Way intense.

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It was in France, seems like.

I didn’t know the Germans had bazookas and flame throwers. Somehow their grenades appear to be more powerful.

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It would make life easier for the rest of us. :weary:

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It is no secret that the recent Russian attack north of Kharkov forced Ukraine to divert its forces from vital positions elsewhere.
Total Ukraine defeat is no longer a question of if, but when.

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I have not heard about it from other news sources. Maybe they did, maybe not (yet).

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What’s happening is the NATO countries (a block of US / Zionist / Wall Street slave states) is being broken up. The sheepish support for Israel by Washington means, Israel rules the US. Not the other way around.

KEEP DREAMING !!! Bad day on the Black Sea. Ukraune sank a minesweeper another ship on the bottom. Ukraine hit tbe Belbek airfield again destroying and dsmaging planes. Ukraine also hit a ammo depot and the Crimea bridge.

The cheerleader cheering on for WW III is back to tell us how Ukraine is winning the war!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Original Link and translated

At the same time, the US remains the most active – in a destructive sense – force in international relations, constantly working to create ad hoc coalitions to use against its opponents. Now it’s acting more and more feverishly, realizing that time is not on its side.

Instead of this nonsense, it would be wise for Washington to accept that objective demographic, economic and social processes are making Asia the world’s main center of gravity in the new century, and to work to ensure that the conditions for stability and development are maintained. The actions of the Americans, unfortunately, show the opposite: they are exacerbating the perception of their own decline, which would be less acute if they behaved more constructively.

The shift of the center of gravity from the Atlantic region to East and South Asia is an objective process. Moscow and Washington are only indirectly involved in it, but the growing influence of the countries of this region cannot be denied or stopped. In this context, relations between Russia and China are remarkable – although there have been crises between our countries in the past, Russian-Chinese relations are now at their peak and are one of the fundamental pillars of a new balanced international order.

As early as the mid-1990s, Russia and China formulated a common vision of the world of the future. It was enshrined in the 1997 ‘Declaration on a Multipolar World and the Formation of a New International Order’. And since then, the Russian-Chinese understanding of how the world should be has evolved: on the basis of non-interference, respect for sovereignty, mutual interests, and the recognition that cooperation between countries is possible regardless of the nature of their government. This basis for cooperation has stood the test of time and many international crises in recent decades, and is taking our relations to an even higher level.