Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Some people choose to live in their version of reality or an alternate one! The reality is the war drawing to a close soon, as NATO just said the quiet part out loud recently.

Then again given the times we live in, especially nearing the summer of love during a presidential election which is probably the most defining in American history, also the COVID injury world wide (is a huge issue) along with W.H.O. trying to make a power grab move by getting countries to relinquish their sovereignty by ceding their health emergency powers, then all bets are off that escalating the war is still a possibility. Lets hope the latter doesn’t happen but you can never be too sure give the tumultuous times we live in.


I know nothing about military matters but I heard some years ago that NATO is just a business enterprise. A pretty fraudulent one.

Let’s say NATO wants to train 10 pilots from a European NATO member country for some newfangled US fighter plane. The European government in question has to pay millions of dollars for the training per pilot and per day. To whom? The US government.

Who benefits? The big name aviation companies that design and build the unnecessarily sophisticated planes which are not really geared toward real combats but toward expensive hi-tech accessories and maintenance work. (I don’t know how many hours of maintenance is required for one hour’s flight of F16 or F35. I heard it’s like 10 hours. Again, the money for this work goes to the same US corporations. Pretty much the same story for Abrams tank. Its performance in Ukraine? You know the rest of the story)

You are absolutely correct! Everything and every decision is based on fleecing the tax payer not serving the greater purpose to which they will use the MSM to convince the masses of.

It always benefits the R&D and weapons industry, its billions of dollars on 20 year contracts that keeps people fed and happy. Threaten that gravy train and you will be impeached, bankrupted and canceled at the same time. Sound like someone we know?

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Zelensky is finished.
(He has been very useful for Russia, because he is an inane leader)

Larry Johnson is a very credible source when it comes to providing analysis of the Ukraine situation and war front. Pretty interesting. I don’t think the West is going to allow Zelensky to be assassinated but maybe provide a safe house for him to exile somewhere. Russian’s will eventually find him though so I am not sure if that matters.


Berlin 1945! Love this woman’s enthusiasm!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Out of the fying pan into the fire.
I sure hope she survived Stalin’s Soviet Union.
If given a choice, I would rather live under Hitler than under Stalin.

Hitler was not a crazy man as was made out to be and he never committed any genocide. He even grieved over the excessive violence in the east, according to David Irving.

Stalin, on the other hand, was a total psychopath; he shot many of his generals and opponents, sent innocent citizens to Gulag camps, and caused famines, as a result of which millions died throughout the Soviet Union, including Ukraine.

This computer generated English narration is weird but you get the picture.

Ukraine can win if the US and NATO actually give Ukraine the support needed to win instead of supporting Ukraine not to loose.
The US and the WEST accepts RADPUTRIDS BS of using nukes. He may use low level tactical nukes but no high level strategic nukes.He is too smart to risk a nuclear holocaust.
Its past time to call out RASPUTRIDS bluffs on using nukes.SLOW JOE BIDEN certainly doesnt have the TESTICLES to do it. It would only take ONE leader to call him out for him to make a choice. We need a leader like BIBI who wont take anyones BS.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

Bye bye cheerleaders for Ukraine!

It is still unknow if Russia wants to take Kharkov or simply create a buffer zone to prevent further attacks on Belgorod.

But eventually, Russia WILL take Kharkov and Odessa.

Ukrainian terrorist just bombed a building in Belgorod so am not sure about the buffer zone part.

We now have the answer why the hatred for Russia

With drone and Tech, the trajectory of war has literally changed to no mans land.

This is pretty brutal and I can’t imagine trying to fight a war that you know you are going to lose.

Ukrainian Nazis captured north of Kharkov.
One of them sounds like a Joo.
(Nazis and Joos are inseperable, and Nazi Germany was no exception).

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The Russian Army took more POWs in Volchansk.

Saving lives is the right thing to do. Good.

Ukrainian Nazis were shooting the Ukrainian soldiers from behind and killing them for wanting to surrender to Russians. At one point they killed 30 or so Ukrainian soldiers somewhere in the Donbass sometime in 2022.

And now these Nazis are surrendering en masse. Real sonofabitches.

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This entire train for the uniparty is about to come off the rails soon and their gravy is going to be spilt entirely on their lap with no one else to blame. Blinken playing guitar in a nightclub has to be the ultimate insult to the American Tax payer! Did we mention the assassins assailing upon Slovakia’s PM Fico too? What a mess this is becoming!