Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Something tells me that wonā€™t last long. Karma is a ā€¦

Neocon is just another fancy word for Zionists who promote the Jooish interests at the expense of Americaā€™s military and political clout.

When America is exhausted, neocons will move on to another country to parasitizeā€¦ but unfortunately thereā€™s none left.

Thatā€™s exactly why these parasites have been kicked out of one country after another for their nefarious deeds.

Turks and Armenians lived peacefully side by side for century, but when a Crypto-Joo, Mustafa Kemal AtatĆ¼rk grabbed power, the genocide of Christian Armenians began in eastern Turkey.

Poroshenko who became President of Ukraine after the Maidan coup, was a corrupt Jooish oligarch, while Zelensky was financed by another oligarch.

I heard some of them are now promoting cannibalism in California! Whatā€™s to be done with them?

Ship them out on trains again? :joy:

Apparently you are not worried about cancel culture with that kind of rhetoric!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Moldova wants to send men back to Ukraine.

Effectively removing the refugee status. The white genocide continues.

I donā€™t give a fk, I canā€™t be cancelled and I am old enough to be someone you avoid at all costs! The alphabet mafia and joobas know that! :joy:


I wasnā€™t talking about Russia attacking the West by taking the offense. That has never in all of their history been their MO. History is replete with examples of Napoleon and Hitler invading Russia and finding out the hard way to devastating results. The West such as the US and NATO were to invade Russia the same fate awaits them too.

ā€œThe Harlotā€ is America

Revelations 17: 5 "Mystery Babylon The Great The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth


This is the image pastor Texe Marrs used.

America is the beast with mighty (military) power but, alas, the beast has no brain. Its thinking and actions are controlled by the bloodthirsty harlot (NEOCONS) whose interestes lie in Zionism, and not in America.

He didnā€™t come out and directly say Nuland but he said it.

Waste of money, waste of lives, but somebody is making money.

How did the US and UK know ahead of the time?
Why do the US government officials as well as the British mainstream INSIST that Ukraine was not involved?
As pointed out already, the arrested Tajiks are not really ISIS.

Definitely the terrorist attack is part of the war in Ukraine.

Again, we donā€™t know who really was involved in the Moscow attack, but what matters is what the RUSSIANS think.

Heavy missile attacks on Kiev and Kharkov. Retaliations?

Was this an official news release?

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If TASS says so, the news release must be official.

Then that is fking crazy! Something is getting lit on fire pretty soon! Not good!

Remember the guy that shot up the homosexual nightclub in Florida he declared a allegiance to multiple Islamic terrorist organizations that where fighting a civil war against each other at the time of the Florida attack

Due to the structure of Islamic jahad someone can become radicalized to Islamic fundamentalism in the comfort of their own home go out and commit an attack and declare allegians to that particular Islamic group without ever having receiving funding or direct instructions from that group

No. I have a lot less interest in the events that happen in Bidenā€™s America.

Christians vs Muslims
Thatā€™s a paradigm created by Bush.
Guess what Bush is.

That terrorist attack happened in 2016 so before Joe Biden and Muslims have been attacking Christians for 1400 years long before Bush

My previous point remains completely true due to the way Muslims practiced Jihad they do not need to be indirect contact with a terrorist organization to be working under them

711 to 1031 was how long the Muslimā€™s ruled Spain and persecuted Christians for do you understand that this is a long story conflict and that it is literally written in the Quran that Muslims should persecute Christians? Genuine question do you understand this is a long-term conflict

Spain as we know it today did not exist then.

It was the Christianized Spanish kings who invaded Muslim lands and conquered them. I assume the inhabitants (Celts, Basques, etc) of the Iberian Peninsula practiced some form of Roman / Celtic pagan faith

The Christians were fighting back in retaliation to regain Lands and not allow themselves to be conquered youā€™re using a diversion tactic

This started because I was trying to explain to you how affiliation to Islamic terror organizations can be quite loose and used a 2016 terrorist attack in Florida as an example

You replied by explaining you do not care about things that happened in Joe bidenā€™s time as president and implied that former president Bush is to blame for poor relations between Christians and Muslims in the current time

And after me question about Bush which I believe the answer for Zionist correct me if Iā€™m wrong

I then explain to you that Christian and Muslims have had conflict since Islam first came into existence due to the Quran and what the Quran says

Just felt like I needed to clarify what exactly happened here

Catholic Spain (which included Portugal) throughout the Middle Ages was a terrorist state.

Like I was saying, we donā€™t know what religion(s) people in the Iberian Peninsula practiced before the Muslims came from the south.

Neither do we know eactly what languages were spoken there before and during the Muslim rule.

Iā€™m sure the ruling class spoke Arabic while Celtic, Basque and Roman (Latin, vulgar Latin, pidgin Latin etc) languages were spoken.