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Huge Russian bombs with wings

While Im not a big fan of the French, I respect Macron for doing what the WEST should be doing to call RASPUTRIDS bluff.
At least one leader has the BALLS to stand up to him while others are scared of his shadow.

We seem to have a war now, no longer a special military operation.

Now that your PAL RASPUTRID THE GREAT has " won reelection" for 6more yrs( YEAH!!!) Word by the Kremlin spokesperson has been quoted saying they are now in a state of war with the West .
Also Washington is BEGGING Ukraine to stop targetting Russian oil refineries while Ukraine has taken about 10% of Russias refineries off line and Ukrsine basicly said FK OFF since DC is FKING ukraine on the deal.

                SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geez you really like to stoop to new lows don’t you? Terrorist attack with 70 dead and now facing World War 3 that is going to send the world plunging into chaos and possibly American lives with it. But hey, what do you got left 5? 10 years to live max? And you are here celebrating death and destruction?

Get with Jesus buddy, something tells me you are running out of time!


If that hsppens,I hope all Europe will unite and defeat Russia. They are only having success now because of a shortage of ammunition which the West, probably SLOW JOE will use that FK Ukraine into a " negotiated settlement" not fair th them.
Your PAL.RASPUTURD is WAY smartter than anyone in the Biden Administration and knows he can BULLY and BS Washington as long as he wants. He knows what a mistake he would make to actually declare war on the West.p

Meanwhile the country is currently being invaded and in the process of collapse and we got idiots like you siting behind a computer somewhere taking shit about Russia, (a Nuclear power that when its all said and done will defend itself ) instead of worrying about our problems!

As I said before your fking stupidity can’t be fixed and is part of the reason why the United States is soon to become a failed stated!

Have fun living on the plantation you fking moron!

They will be the first to invade Eastern Europe against Poland and the Baltic countries.They wont be within eyesight of France.
I do worry about this country with the DISFUNCTIONAL. DOJ, HOUSE and SENATE. The massive invasion of illegals wanted by Dems and businesses , raping and murdering women and children.The APATHY of the American Voters to allow this to happen.
You see Iam like you , a LONE VOICE that isnt important in the BIG PICTURE.
SEE, Im not as STUPID and IGNORANT as you believe.

What part of Nuclear power do you not understand dummy?

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RASPUTRID uses the THREAT of using nukes to make the WEST back down. He is too smart to actualy use them as it would cause the total destruction of Russia.His nuke threats are his BULLYING and BS.

This is getting very scary and closer to the abyss!


Russia does not react in a burst of anger. Russia weighs benefits and costs after identifying the true culprits, which makes Russia’s retaliation more scary.

I don’t think that has ever been their MO throughout history. I mean Napoleon and Hitler found that out the hard way and I am sure the calculus from the West will also find that to be true!


Sure, but they have to know it won’t go without retaliation. Poof
 world gone.

 if you are a follower of Christ and have read Revelation,
(I know you are/have) you know this isn’t how the world ends. Only God will end the world
 the way he see’s fit.

This interview is really interesting and while he doesn’t come out and say it, its obvious who is operating within he borders of Ukraine.

William J. Burns

Pink Floyd Roger Waters says that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and the rest of the Warmongering Neocons in Washington along with the vassal states in NATO are the

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They don’t care how many will die in wars they instigate as long as the dead are not their relatives.

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Funny that you say that, because our agency is working on an anti war slogan poster and one of the taglines is:

" No Lives are expendable for Political Greed."

I would share the poster but we are under a NDA before its release.