Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Iā€™m doing no such thing. I firmly espouse the MAGA mantra. Until the USA is strong againā€¦ and firmly in control of the world again, which it is not, I will continue to put America before anything else. If that is isolationistā€¦ so be it.

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If you carefully examine the PAX AMERICANA in the 20th century and to a lesser degree today, it is actually PAX JUDAICA.

American soldiers didnā€™t die for America.

I doubt anyone dies for what they think they are fighting for.

I wonder what the Rebel soldiers thought they were dying for during the American Civial War.

Or the red coats during the Revolution, for that matter. For the king? Did they love him?

For centuries, humanity forgot to ask the most important questions.

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Most died because they were following orders. I doubt most ever thought to question those orders.

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Itā€™s ok, send all the lesbian and queers in this new woke military to fight. Kills two birds with a single stone! :hamburger:

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The best idea I have heard of all day! See the idiots here waving their flags as they clamoring for more war and spend more your tax dollars while they part their fat asses on their worn Cheeto stain couches while watching Morning Joe and CNN while claiming to be conservatives?

Hilarious isnā€™t it?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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ā€œJeffrey Sachs calling for self-reflection and returning to the language of peaceā€

This is coming a known leftist supporter that wants to apply common sense by calling who actually instigated this war to begin with!

I donā€™t trust Sachs and I wonder why the Duran guys (Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris) bother to interview him off and on.

Well, I donā€™t trust him either when it comes to his politics but he is a credentialed Economist who has been spot on when it comes to Foreign policy and being critical of the USā€™s motives thus far. He has 100% correct regarding Russia and the Ukraine war and why this was started.

Why has there been no concerted effort to foster peace negotiations?
Why has there been no effort to fund raise for aide such as Food, Medicine and Water for Ukrainians?

Why? Because its a money laundering operation to which they will go to no ends to keep it going even if it meant wrongfully impeaching a sitting president two times on bogus charges and false pretenses.

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My take is different, and itā€™s shared by some.

Itā€™s intentional depopulation of Ukraine, so that (now homeless) Israelis can move in.

Ukraine has been run by corrupt oligarchs (who are all Jooish, whether you like it or not) and corrupt politicians from Washington DC.

Birds of a featherā€¦ as you say in English.

You are just hinting at the motives and effect, not the cause. Both can be right with varying degrees of interpretations.

This is intense

Looks like its beginning. Have you seen this script before? (Vietnam)

I thought a whole bunch of them got killed in Kharkov not long ago.
The French are slow learners.

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Remember the US entry into Vietnam was because of the French, and here they are again doing the same thing! Trying to drag other countries into the conflict is their strategy. If I was the French I would be protesting this nonsense!


What is Macron thinking?
He just follows orders (from the Rothschilds).

He is more concerned about taking selfies of him boxing while using fake filters in doing so.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Rocky V, VI, VIIā€¦
Stallone wannabe

Trudeauā€™s boy toy. The two like indulging in sausage festā€‹:joy: