Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

The HEROES OF THE FREEDOM OF RUSSIA LEGION has occupied a small town on thr Belgorod Oblast. Yes, this is only a SYMBOLIC victory, but a little slap to RASPUTRDS face.
I know about history and its repeating itself in Ukraine, similar to WW2. Most western leaders dont have the BALLS to call RASPUTRIDS bluff.These leaders are AFRAID of upsetting him and he is smart enough to exploit this WEAKNESS and he has the help of you ISOLATIONISTS and RASPUTRID CHEERLEADERS spreading his BS.All ot will take is one Western leader to say emough is enough and call him out.Unfortunately this leader wont have any support from the other BALLESS leaders

            SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!

The “heroes” got blown away in no time. They were most likely foreign mercenaries.

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I watched the same thing and I can’t for the life of me understand the cognitive dissonance or the mental gymnastics needed to deny that fact. Amazing!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Sounds like the Libtard Leftist MO in spades!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


GREAT NEWS in Russia!!! The Kerch bridge has been closed ALLEDGEDLY under attack by Ukrainian drones.
Also the HEROES of the FREE RUSSIAN ARMY has attcked Belgorod Russia. Because of MILITARY TARGETS being in RESIDENTIAL areas, they PUBLICLY advised civilians to leave to AVOID un necessary civilian casualties.The Free Russia Army controls the land from Ukaine to Belgorod. Hopefully they will OCCUPY and hold BELGOROD for awhile.

              SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kerch bridge lost its logistic significance.

The Kerch Bridge is important for INVADING RUSSIAN HORDES to supply its troops in Crimea.Do you know geography???

The Kerch Bridge was built at a break neck speed and important between its completion and 2022. Even before its completion Russia had connections with Crimea by air and ferries from mainland Russia.

Now Russia has a big, fat land bridge called Kherson and Zaporozhia. Improved roads and train tracks connect Crimea with the rest of Russia.

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Ukraine will make the Kerch Bridge useless.

F*** the Kerch bridge, Ukraine and Russia. A-M-E-R-I-C-A first!

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Will you say that if Russia defeats Ukraine and invades Poland and/or the Baltic countries?

Look who is doing the provocation!

The time is NOW to call RASPUTRID out right now, Macron is the only one with BALLS to do it.
RASPUTRID is smart enough to BULLY the West as he knows they are BALLLESS and scared.The West must stop attempts to APPEASE him as it will make him bolder just like it did to Adolph Hitler.
Are you CELEBRATING his election VICTORY with about 88% of the vote? 6 more yrs, HOW NICE for the Russian people.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If Russia defeats Ukraine? Ukraine has no chance of defeating Russia. So, yes, I will maintain my America first stance.

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Mark Sleboda

Ukraine has a chance with the FULL support of the WEST. If they loose there will be an INTENSE GUERILLA WAR in Ukraine and RASPUTURD will move on Poland and the Baltic countries.
Yeah, so what he invades Eastern Europe , its far away from the US so who cares, right!!!
Not our problem.

Let’s not get our panties in a bunch. I’m honestly not saying there is no concern at all… just that we need to concentrate on our own house first. We can’t continue to spend billions of $$$ on everyone else while our own people need some serious help. I’m not sure why that is hard to grasp?

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The support for Putin by the people in the Donbass is higher. No room for a guerrilla war.

Final tallies are not in yet, but I estimate his support in Crimea to be well over 90%.

I didn’t know they could vote on the net this time. But people lined up in polling stations to cast their paper votes which cowardldy Ukraine shelled and harrassed.

Ukraine is receving military equipment by redeeming coupons on the dollar amount of US aid. The dollar amount of aid is about 5% of the US Defense budget.
You expouse ISOLATIONIST ideas putting your head in the sand believing that APPEASING RASPUTURD will.make him go away.It didnt work with Chamberlain appeasing Hitler and it wont work with RASPUTRID either. Maybe you believe the US, Russia and Communist China should control the world together in a partnership.