Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

What a waste of men and equipment…

Waking up in a trench after falling asleep in a Ukrainian bar. Ready to die for the Joos?

I have no doubt that stories like that actually exist! One minute you are partying with your friends to the point of being inebriated and the next morning you are waking up with a wicked hangover only to find out your life just started sucking because reality starts sinking in that you were kidnapped to join the meat grinder war front!

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Mark Sleboda

It is weird witnessing the left jumping ship. College students are now off that plantation and voting Trump. Black Swans?


Trump haters voted for Killery 8 years ago, and for Biden 4 years ago.

After 3 years of Biden shit show, are they gonna vote for Biden again? I don’t think so.

Even the lefties are tired of money disappearing into the Ukrainian blackhole.

Black Swans oh my! Wait for it! They will give you a clue eventually!

This makes capturing any Americans operating in and on behalf of Ukraine high trophy targets! It could be a lucrative enterprise for any of you mercenaries out there looking to cash in!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Predictable programming it’s the definition by default. We have seen a lot of those already.

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You’d be surprised what the left will keep voting for, they are that clueless bunch that never gets the memo!


We are fked if what I think is going to happen, is really going to happen. Let us hope not!

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A Russian soldier with some cajones stood up and walked over to the Ukrainian trench, threw a grenade there and quickly returned to his guys.

As a result, in the Ukranian trench dead and wounded appeared, which made it possible to completely destroy the group.

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It feels like a time that is set up for a Black Swan event to happen.

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You don’t understand history very well at all. Your response is very weird too because it is obtuse in nature and lacks any real substance or objectivity on your part. It’s always the same drivel!

Are you on any medication? Were you sodamized by a Russian or something that makes you hate them so much to cloud your judgement to having a clear honest perspective? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Never seen a poster besides that idiot named Jitss who posts so much false narratives without any substantive sources to back anything up!


That’s a fair guess.
Dems and neocons support Ukraine and Israel.

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We wait with baited breath!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No seriously, we got a long way to go until November and anything can happen including the cash cow going up in smoke for all the traitorous fking morons in both houses!


If Russia publishes interviews with the POWs captured inside Russia, I’d very much like to watch.