Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

They may have more planes in numbers but Ukraines Air Defense has made them irrelavent.Russia is known for its bad maintenence record.

Same bullshit response from you to your already bullshit posts here on a regular basis! Go fk yourself! You have no credibility on this subject matter! Go create your own fking thread!

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Billions for defense contractors, nothing for our border while the DC war machine marches us off to WW3.

We are being played, secure the border, stop spending us into ruin & reject the uniparty’s path to ruin. ~ Joe Kent


US White house logic on the destroyed Abrams M1 tank

The M1 Abrams destroyed by the Russians is not an American tank, it was transported to Ukraine, so it is Ukrainian.
American tanks are still the best in the world! ” – US White House

I swear you can’t make this shit up!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Don’t jump to a conclusion. Any jumping can get you in trouble.

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Interesting that you managed to put together a word salad response while simultaneously avoiding any acknowledgment of the truth on how US foreign policy has been far more damaging than anything Putin has done! :clap: Bravo, for your cognitive dissonance that is contributive to old age brain fungus!


Kangaroos are tough, I am sure it won’t remember a thing just like Biden! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



Dont look now , but 3 more SU 34s went down in flames at 36 million each.The A50 was shot down by a Ukranian S200 missile.
You RASPUTRIDISTAS are in denial about his aims im Europe and wants to recreate the Russian Empirr and is nothing but a coldblooded killer as in Prego , Navalny and the Russian helicopter pilot that defected.

           SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ukraine intel chief says Navalny died of natural causes. How can a man of your caliber say something stupid like that?

And yet, not even a few million$$$ to help the people of East Palestine Ohio who don’t have drinking water
 or safe water to shower with. Fuck Ukraine and Russia both.


Yet no accountability on your part to at least cite sources to back up your ridiculous claims. Again proving that you post the same bullshit day in and day out! No one here should and will not take you serious!

PS, Lindsey Graham says he misses you


A man of his caliber? What caliber is that? A liberal shill disguised as a RINO, repeating the daily vomit of CNN?

Intelligence is sorely lacking in his vapid and dumb posts. Don’t lower your standards!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Of course it was a touch of sarcasm.

Why Russia? Russia has done nothing to offend Americans. (Forget CNN watching sheep)


Mostly, because I just don’t care about this conflict
 at all. I care about the USA and the problems (many) that need focused on and fixed. Why should I give two fs about Ukraine or Russia when there are soooooo many problems in my own country that need attention?.. sooooo many people, cities, states that could use/need those federal $$$billions being sent to another country for no reason other than to protect the 1%er’s money laundering factory? Ukraine was once Russia
 let Russia take it back. I just don’t give a f.

We should care about Russia for several reasons SP! We have a lot more in common with them than we do with China. There is a reason why the West is so desperate to get into a war with them as well. Why? Ever thought about that question?

Lastly, I do agree wholeheartedly that I care about America first, and my advocacy is for America only! I am adamant about not sending our money to fund the most corrupt country in the world, which is why when I see posts from Monte 2.0 cheerleading for Russia’s destruction and propping up the money laundering regime of Biden I find it infuriating to see how ignorant and dumb people are about this issue.

Why do I care about Russia?

  1. They are still a Christian nation
  2. They are the last European Nation that still has their culture intact and have resisted all measures to have any western central banking systems within its borders or facilitate any EU migrant infiltration introduced into its culture
  3. They are a nuclear power and will defend itself at all costs.

The last one is probably the most important and we should be careful with what our leaders are trying to instigate here.


If I had the shot I would take it to end this Bitch once and for all. I wish the Russians would do it!

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I totally agree with you on # 3. I have nothing against Russia. I experienced the Cold War
 I was young, but I remember. I don’t have a problem with Russia
 I just don’t care about them in this particular conflict, if that makes sense?

I personally don’t think any of us will ever see the second coming of the former USSR/Russia that we were in conflict with for so many years. I get the feeling that Albert is in fear of this. I have no such fear/s. So, I just don’t care.

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I honestly don’t quite understand the differences between the Russian Orthodox Church and other branches of Christianity.

Many Christians in the west blindly support Israel, because they supposedly have the same God (Yahweh).

Recent Bible translations (in English) are geared toward that goal too.

It’s not true at all that Jesus worshiped Yahweh. It is obvious from recent works by Paul Wallis. Jesus repudiated, mocked and denied Yahweh.