Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

The truth always comes out in the wash! Now we know!


Boy, talk about the Freudian slip


They are shaking things up and its going to continue onward as more start to drop like flies!

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This clip is a little long but it’s a must listen to from


because he ties in this NY Times story about the CIA with Ukraine and election interference and he exposes Victoria Nuland and her unorthodox role in Ukrainian politics.


Trudeau confirms who must win this war!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Funny you say you are a sovereign country yet you don’t think twice in violating other countries sovereignty or overthrowing democratically elected governments. You don’t have a truthful world view just a myopic one that you obtained while sitting on your worn frayed sofa!

My money is going to be you eating your words in a few months because you have no self respect to know any better.


Why does Victoria Nuland continue to get a pass to operate in the shadows as she has done? Even under the Trump administration?

Trudeau and Newscum are two peas in a pod. They make my skin crawl. Two of Satan’s own. God help us if Newscum gets elected.

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She only represents one powerful entity in the US.

As Colonel MacGregor points out, these Joos own the Congress and White House. Additionally, the Supreme Court and the Fed are theirs. It’s the total control of a country.

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That is a very good question! My guess is she is so entrenched with the deep state that when Trump was president he was too aloof to do anything about removing her. Something has to be done to nuke that bish!


Russian planes dropping like flies.Two more SU 34s down in flames , 10 planes total this month and 2 to go.Russias Air Force will soon be as irrelevent ss the Navy.
Congrats to Macron for organizing European support for Ukraine.Hopefully this will embarass the US and to get off their ASS and pass the Ukraine aid deal. He is doing what the US should be doing.
Seems like the SOH is a Comminist sympathiser and a RASPUTRID PAL. Give Ukraine whatever they need to fight Russia to keep their country.Russias battlefield claims are BS Russian propoganda. Russia has taken Avdiika at a STAGGERING COST OF MEN AND EQUIPMENT. A PYRRICH VICTORY.

Blah blah blah! More of your bloviating bullshit! Lets add being purposely Obtuse too!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Russias loss in planes isnt BS like your support of RASPUTURD. Russia may have 3 flyable A50s at best .The others suffer from poor maitenence and lack of spare parts.

Yeah OK! (Sarcasm) Go ahead and provide a link you fking cheer leading moron as usual!

Whats the matter? Couldn’t suk Lindsey’s Grahams Wee wee today?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Russia has complete air supremacy over Ukraine.
So much so that Russia’s drones could follow the (idiot but very brave) German Foreign Minister visiting southern Ukraine.
Listen to the Clown World by Alex Christoforou.

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First Abrams tank goes up in smoke

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Zelenskyy lied to his people about the casualty numbers of Ukrainian troops. Russian Defence Minister Shoigu disclosed today that Ukraine lost 444k soldiers so far. Currently 800 Ukrainian soldiers die every day. Obituary data from Ukraine confirms this.

I smell desperation if they are actually considering this option.

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Go on You Tube there a plenty of Ukraine videos there.