Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖


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The way you respond to my views , prooves you are a CLASSLES MFR that only sees things your way and degrades those who disagree with you. This is typical of RASPUTRID SUPPORTERS. YOU are a HARD RIGHT supporter of AUTOCRATIC leaders and a DEVOTED ISOLATIONIST.You have the FKING BALLS of an elephant to compare me to Monty .You may envision a US government that is further to the right of Nazi Germany.

Oh Look who is calling the kettle black when you can’t even practice what you preach with your ad hominem attacks and name calling on political adversaries that is outdated from the cold war era!

Save your BS for people who are the low info voter types such as yourself because you simply don’t live for truth let alone have a moral standing when you advocate for more wars and wishing the death of humans and spending my tax dollars. The rest of the bullshit diatribe you go on about is more trash lip service from RINOS like you who is yes aligned with the Monty’s of the world! Seeing it was you who started all this bullshit with your fake news propaganda shit-posts here in this thread which is complete nonsense kindly have the commonsense to fk off and leave the conversation to people who actually know what is going on and are not regurgitating left wing media talking points such as what you have repeatedly have done here.

Also spare us your dumb labels here as they show just how out of touch and clueless you are! Your fake liberal talking point narratives has gotten pretty tiresome here. If you want to go suck some Ukrainian dk or lick their balls I suggest starting your own thread or in others words your own echo chamber! Don’t come here with your propaganda garbage, its not welcomed!

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Your FKING BS came when I named my sources on You Tube which doesnt agree with your viewpoint. I tried to keep our disagreement civil, but started this name calling BS. Now you get your feathers ruffled when I stoop to your level with the name calling.Because I dont bow down and KISS YOUR ASS, you declared war on me with you personally degrading me.
You have unecessarily taken your personal hatred of me to the next level which isnt needed.You cant agree to disagree and our posts remain civil. Do you run your personal life with a TAKE NO PRISONER AND A SCHORCHED EARTH POLICY.
As a formerI Intel NCO , you are constantly in denial about Russias soaring staggering losses in men and equipment.Their losses are 3xs that of Ukraine. They lost around 40k dead to take Abdiivka.You wont understand how LITTLE they care about their soldiers and you support this. Compared to you, I would prefer to have Monty here. So go FK YOURSELF.

Go blow it out of your a$$ Libtard! No one here gives a sh*t what you have to say on this subject matter because its all bullshit to begin with. Like I said before, go start your own thread so you can create your own liberal echo chamber to hear yourself bloviate your liberal hot air RINO propaganda talking points! I am done wasting my time with retards like you!

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Another Russian A50U AWACS plane went down in flames by Ukraine. Aprox 500 million lost and Russia may have only 3 left. That comes tob7 planes lost this week.

           SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!

How much tax dollars that could go to helping people in our country, did that take?

Alot less than 500 milion dollars !!!

And still more than we should be spending on Ukraine… or any other country NOT the USA.

Especially Israel.

All the money, weapons and technologies sent there have been used for nefarious purposes.

As for Ukraine, the US ran out of artillery shells, so cluster bombs and shells were sent. What did the Ukrainians do? They started bombing citizens of Donetsk, Belgorod and other cities and towns with cluster bombs.

I don’t have a dog in this fight. Nefarious or otherwise.

Israel wants to expand its territory.
Palestinians want to survive.

That’s the difference.

The Russian-speaking people in the Donbass want to survive, speaking their language. But the Kiev regime didn’t want to leave them alone.

Russia / Putin was cool with the agreement to give the Russian speakers autonomy, keeping the Ukrainian state intact. But it’s the west who deceived them through deceitful Minsk accords, and then Istanbul accord (initialed by Ukrainian delegates). I think Putin showed the document to Tucker in Moscow during the interview.



Try $60 billion? Just goes to show how ignorant and stupid some Americans are about this entire issue. It will be America’s Achilles heel!


Got to trigger the lefty here!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Can’t wait to see how this story ends!

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This is how people in Avdeevka reacted to Russian troops.
We waited for you, there was nothing under Ukrainian rule…
(Call it Russian propaganda, but Russia rebuilt Mariupol surprisingly fast)
You can get English computer translation.


This is what the US concern is right now.

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