Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Summary of Avdiivka capture and other events

Ukraine is a Joo state in disguise.
Created by Joo Bolsheviks, having close ties with crypto-Joos like Biden, Obama, Pelosi (whose ethnic identity is not clear to me, but I know where her allegience is)

After interfering in Luhansk , Donest and annexing Crimea RASPUTRID decided on his " Special Military Operation " and establish a Pro Russian Puppet Country he invaded a Soverign Country because of NATO expansion to POSSIBLY include Ukraine.
It doesnt take a GENIUS to know that Ukraine doesnt have the manpower and military resources to go heads up with Russia.
Ukraine only wants DESPERATELY needed military equipment to help level the playing field. They arent seeking foreign solders to fight with tbem.
RASPUTRID has his eyes on Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic Countries to reestablish his Russian Empire and is as charming as a COBRA.
I see this as a country that is willing to fight its own battle against a superior enemy that had no right to invade it.The amount of aid they want from the US is only about 5% of the US Defense budget.

You are a good example of the uninformed masses who blindly support a cause that you don’t have any idea about. The irony of Hitler seducing the masses having the same effect and we know how that ended, and now people like you now trying to convince the rest of us of your support of another Nazi regime is breathtaking. America never had the high moral ground in anything yet seduced fools like can’t discern past the lies. You are truly a sad and lonely man

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You are blind to Russias aims in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.You support a military that has NO REGARD for its solders and POWS.Take a look at the STAGGERING LOSSES Russia incurred in taking Abdiivka and MURDERED 6 wounded Ukrainian solders in cold blood. Id say this is a WAR CRIME and you believe should turn its back on a country that is willing to fight to repel the Russian Invaders.All Ukraine wants is the military equipment needed to win. They are not asking for US or NATO troops.

            SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad we couldnt unleash JOLTIN JOHN BOLTON on RASPUTURD.

No, and you repeating that tagline is not only getting old here on PB but it really exposes your lack of intelligence and your old set in ways age. Your bigoted views will be the downfall of your country because you can’t see how the rest of the world is tired of US interventionism by violating our sovereignty. You are old and you can’t see or know what the concept of cause and effect is. I support Putin over your weak President any day! Please go to bed old man it’s past your bedtime!


There is nothing I can disagree with you on, Americans is making the movie “idiocracy” a living a documentary by now.

How are those gaslighting sanctions working now? :joy::star_struck::joy:


So, you’re a Biden / Obama / Pelosi / Clinton supporter?

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You are completly wrong . I supported Sen Ted Cruz but voted for Trump 2xs as he is or was the best option for the US.Sen Cruz should have been US ATTORNEY GENERAL.

My views arent bigoted. I know the US through the CIA has overthrown governments to benefit us. I believe in supporting Ukraine that is fighting to preserve their country against a big enemy. If we FK Ukraine and they beat Russia, what kind of political relationship will the US have with them.
We as a SOVERIGN country, with the benefit of geography, dont know what its like to be invaded and states occupied by a foreign enemy outside of our War for Independence and the War of 1812.

            SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who’s “us”? It didn’t help the American people at all. It enriched the corrupt politicians like Biden and son, Pelosi and son, etc. Oh yeah, Jooish oligarchs (big time thieves) too.

The US was not invaded and occupied by any foreign country, but the US was invaded in the 19th century by Joos and completely taken over by them, while its sons were sent to die ONLY to benefit Joos in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and where else?

We still don’t know how many Americans (and Canadians) have been killed in the Ukraine yet. Cui bono? The same criminals.

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Russian Buddhists get blessing to defeat Joos in Avdiivka.

Yes, I know , the CIA has overthrown governments especialy in Central America to benefit corperate America.
At least the Ukrainans have the will to fight unlike other countries we have helped.Isolationism is not the answer.

You are a libtard, a dyed in the wool democrat! RINO war monger is your middle name!

The is most retarded thing you said so far. Hey Monte is that you? Then again we shouldn’t be surprised coming from a brainwashed uninformed d-bag who can’t see the truth out a brown paper bag! More nonsense as usual!

You like getting fked in the a$$ by Ukrainians and sucking their wee wee! I bet you have a secret fetish for Zelensky as he swings both ways for losers like you!

No one should take this idiot seriously anymore! Apparently he is a shill for the deep state Goyim propaganda machine!

It is much worse for Ukraine at this point!

I have the sneaking suspicion that the new Ukrainian general, Syrsky, is secretly working for Russia.

Whatever he has done sofar benefited Russia, not Ukraine. His nickname, butcher, refers to the high number of Ukrainian troops killed in action under his command.

Very recently he transferred the elite Nazi units to Avdiivka too late, only to be slaughtered.

He is not only Russian but he has family in Russia. Suspicious, suspicious.

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Avdeevka Military Sitrep - How the Collapse & Rout of Kiev Forces Occurred, the Political Fallout in Kiev, What’s Next for Russian Forces in Ukraine, Kiev Forces Using US Chemical Weapons, more

Stop responding to this fking moron! Seriously! He is retarded and shills for the left and its lame-stream media! Anybody who still watches CNN and calls it the gospel has to be mentally challenged!

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