Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖


What are your thoughts on Republican Senator John Kennedy, who just voted to give Ukraine and that little dictator Zelensky another $65 billion dollars?
I’ll never forgive him for this, what about you?

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I’m kind of shocked to tell you the truth. I like Kennedy, but this puts a strain on my support of him.

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Avdiivka cauldron

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Looming disaster in Ukraine
Col MacGregor

Joo money controls Washington DC and Joo media controls the moronic minds

This woman is now growing on me once again!

HELL YA MTG!!!🤣🤣👊🏼 So FUKTARD David Cameron, ya know the asshat foreign minister to the UK, compare us to Hitler… MTG’s message to him was PERFECT!!👇🏼 No more slick politicians! We need people not afraid to tell someone to EAT SHlT!!!

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“At one of the sites in Avdeevka, soldiers of the 3rd Special Operations Brigade are completely surrounded - they are trying to break through the ring”

  • deputy brigade commander

Rodion Kudryashov confirmed to the media that the Russian army had captured the Zenit fortified area. The Ukrainian military has to scramble, abandoning their positions to retreat to more advantageous positions .

I think they are the Azov, or Nazis.
Zaluzhny wanted to conserve them, so he was reluctant to put them under Russian fire.

Almost sounds like a joke

Its really sad that Humanity would resolve itself to this

Avdeevka this night

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Between the rock and the hard place

Ukraine has SUCCESSFULY withdrawn from Abdiivka to better fighting positions. All the more reason for the US and NATO to increase their support.

Hey , I havent been hiding from you. I took a break from here. Im man enough to take my lumps and not afraid to be wrong, but I will be right about Ukraine unless the US and NATO bow dowm and ORALY SERVICE RASPUTRID and stab Ukraine in the back.

It’s time for the USA to take care of it’s own. There is no way Ukraine can/will win this war. How much longer and how much more money should we throw in to this dumpster fire? When is it time say f**k the rest of the world and focus on our own country, problems and people?


This is s NARROW VIEW will be too late when RASPUTRID invades Poland.and the Baltic countries. We cant continue to have our heads in the sand or up.our ass about Russia.

Who said anything about having our heads up our ass about Russia? Take care of our own… and then take care of Russia if need be. By take care, I mean fuck them up the ass if they even think about fucking with us. Unfortunately for us, we have a pussy for a POTUS, at this time. Trump will put a boot up their ass… to quote Toby. :grin:

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I am talking about Russias goals on Eastern Europe. Im not an isolationist and we shouldnt be in the goverment change busines,.but.if a country needs our without putting boots on the ground.

That is totally BS and you are a moron for putting forth such fake narratives!

Hey look every one, its Albert puketurd from the the DEEP state spreading the fake propaganda again!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Russia is not our enemy! The US is completely unhinged and is viewed not only as a banana republic at this point in time, but as the enemy to the common man’s interests around the world. Most common sense reasonable people will agree with this point of view, which is why Tucker is there now doing various videos of Russian culture to dispel what the average American has been told to believe including this moron which is mostly lies!

If you can answer why the west want to destroyed Russia then you will know what I am saying is correct!