Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

At least you cant challenge his miltary record. His views are opposite of your hero McGregor. Hodges has excellent views on both the military and political issues of Ukraine.
Are you saying he is wrong on Russia being in Ukraine since 2014 ( almost 10 yrs ) and hasnt air superority, only controls less than 20% of Ukraine, hasnt hit any supplies coming from Poland and moved most of the Black Sea Fleet out of Crimea.
Russia has adapted tactics somwhat, but still takes too many casualties which is a result of their LOW RESPECT for their soldiers which they willingly accept to take a few meters or km of land. Do you call this any type of success???

I don’t give a shit about his Military Record! He is fraud when it comes to reporting the truth. Much like you and the bullshit you continue to post here, McGregor has been far more accurate and right which is why he is invited on so many more shows that phony a-hole Hodges!

WTF are you talking about? Ukraine virtually has no Airforce and Russia controls the airspace over Ukraine.

You see? You keep talking out of your ass here again and its fking annoying! Reading anything you write here because its pure bullshit and you can’t be bothered to actually research the actual truth is increasing nauseating. Give it a rest old man!

Russias use of its fighters and helicopters is limited because of its air defense and why has Russia moved most of its Black Sea Fleet out of Crimea. There was a recent missile strike on a Russian ship in Feodosia Crimea.
You apparently approve of Russias horrible disregard for their soldiers lives with the use of MEAT WAVE ATTACKS.
Gen. Hodges is accurate on Ukraine and gives vital imformation not found in the MSM…COMMUNIST CHINA is intently watching to see when and if the US and the west looses its support of Ukraine to see how long the US supports the REPUBLIC OF CHINA when they invade.

Again talking out of your ass! Please stop! You are embarrassing yourself here!

Why havent you moved to Moscow or Peking to work for your COMMUNISTS PALS. You would do a great job in the PROPAGANDA DEPT!!!

         SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!

Go suk a dk!)&(%&@P&~(@%&

Scott Ritter holds a motivational speech in front of thousands of Chechen soldiers and says they will win!

He wants to work towards a friendship between Russian and US!

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That isnt nice!!! !!!

His Russian isn’t perfect, but they understand because Ritter is speaking from his heart.

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What Ukraine should do to ensure its victory!

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They were lucky in a way.
Wounded Ukrainian soldiers have to bribe the ambulance drivers to be evacuated.
Corruption in Ukraine is beyond belief.

This is rather sad news.

Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.

Ep. 47 Gonzalo Lira is an American citizen who’s been tortured in a Ukrainian prison since July, for the crime of criticizing Zelensky. Biden officials approve of this, because they’d like to apply the same standard here. The media agree. Here’s a statement from Gonzalo Lira’s father.

(00:00) American Zelensky critic jailed in Ukraine (05:14) Where is our State Department? (08:40) Lira arrested after criticizing Biden (11:49) Is Ukraine the democracy we’re told it is?


This is pretty telling on who the real RINOS are.


Joos in DC support the Joo regime in Kiev.
The Ukrainian war is a war of Joos against civilization.


You have raised the bar for stupidity.

That is rich coming from a person who can’t perform the simple task of posting a link to back up their false claims

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Well, why dont you go on You Tube and stop BITCHING at me !!! You want me do your work for you???
More great news in Ukraine!!! A Ukranian Bradley IFV took down a Russian T90 tank in Stepove.

Then stop with your ignorance here and making false claims and no one will have to call out how dumb you are. If you make a claim then it’s your responsibility to list your sources, not telling people that they should do your own work.

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