Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Holy crap dude! Your stupidity doesn’t know when to stop! How many times have we asked you to cite your sources? Your fking lame excuse is always the same:

“Duh duh go watch some YouTube videos”

Same bullsh*t different day for you!

Give it up man! You haven’t had a winning argument on this issue since the war started!

An update on Gonzalo Lira’s death

For some idiots this is a bitter pill to swallow. Why? Because they have their heads too far up their own collective asses to accept the facts!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didn’t know him personally, but I really liked his podcasts and interviews. RIP

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The facts are as of now its a stalemate and Russia is trying to start sn offensive. All of you RASPUTRID CHEERLEADERS are blinded by your own BS that Russia has suffered 3 times as many casualties as Ukraine in men and equipment.
Russia has proved how INCOMPETENT their Army is from top to bottom.All of you PRO COMMUNIST or AUTOCRATS fail to understand that Russia with COMPETENT leadership could have taken Ukraine in 6 mths or sooner.
All you Pro Russian cheerleaders have you heads up.your ASS so bad, that the lack of oxgen has affected the ability to see the reality of Russias plight and brlieve your hero will be the GREAT LIBERATOR OF UKRAINE.

         SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!

Again you are talking out of your ass! Why? Who are you shilling for? The Jooosish Lobby? Are you just a dumba$$ liberal? Perhaps both, but one thing is for certain you are a clueless dolt whose only objective in these threads is to regurgitate the leftist propaganda media! Clearly the only person who has their head of their a$$ is you! You demonstrate this fact daily with your moronic claims with nothing to back them up with!

Oh wait! Didn’t you try using CNN as a credible a source?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are reaching Montecrusty clown level status here now! Congratulations!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

“The military is eagerly awaiting fresh reinforcements because the situation in many units is critical in terms of personnel,” he explained. “Even those who do come often leave much to be desired. Mostly, these are men of a much older age with a multitude of problems that typically arise.”

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That is a real undeserved insult because I dont follow your party line on Ukraine. Im far above that level.
The videos are there for everyone to watch . You know where I stand on issues and dont need to repeat myself.
Fighting by themselves, Ukraine constantly out maneuvers Russia on the battlefield. If Russias manpower losses are small, why are they using prisoners as cannonfodder. Next you will deny Ukraine shot down one Russian electronic surveilence plane and damaged another.
If anyone is shilling , its your support of Russia and RASPUTRID that.doesnt support what happens on the ground.

      SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!

Based on your hyperbolic and usually shallow posts with nothing to back up your outrageous statements here, I think my insult is pretty accurate. Like most brainwashed dolts you are hopeless and can’t be helped even when confronted with facts, something you have no idea what that is!

I am laughing at this one. So much for that Ukrainian army winning the war.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


An AFU guy is terribly unhappy that the takeoff of one Russian MiG completely paralyzes the work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Military units across the country are urgently evacuated, nothing functions, military personnel are kicked out onto the street and sent to hide in the subway.

Profanity, 18+

by @MilitaryThemeZ

Both Darth Vader and Zaluzhny may be dead.

White Hats confirm killing of Lloyd Austin in Ukraine. ?More details
 conspiratorial? The White Hat Coalition confirmed that criminal Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was killed in Ukraine on January 3 by a Russian cruise missile strike that destroyed a command post where Austin and senior Ukrainian military commander Lt. Gen. Valery Zaluzhnyi were plotting. to overthrow Vladimir Putin, a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. As reported on January 7, Russian FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told RRN that claims by the criminal Biden regime that Austin was secretly hospitalized for a week was disinformation because Russian intelligence had placed him in Kiev at the time of his alleged hospitalization. He said 20 hypersonic cruise missiles destroyed the maze of underground chambers in which Austin and Zaluzhnyi plotted Putin’s demise. Although the White Hats did not dismiss the claims as propaganda, they wanted physical proof of Austin’s death. They received that evidence, our source said, on January 14. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu sent General Smith’s office a digital copy of Austin’s fingerprints, lifted from a device he touched in a bunker in Kiev. The prints were a 14 point match, more significant than the 10-12 point match used by courts to prove a person’s identity. Shojga also sent surveillance photos of Austin and ZaluĆŸny lingering outside the bunker the day before the strike. Our source said experts from the Marine Corps Cyber Command verified the prints and images. As reported in August, General Smith’s office and Shoigu had a mild alliance in a joint effort to rid Ukraine of adrenochrome labs and child traffickers, even forming a joint US Special Forces/Spetznas team to root out the Deep Staters in the corrupt country and using all available resources to rescuing kidnapped children from pedophiles. Our source said the team’s achievements created a channel of conversation between General Smith and his Russian counterpart. After hearing stories about Austin being fired, General Smith’s office approached Shoigu and asked for proof. Zakharov later told Real Raw News that although the Ukrainian military had closed and secured the blast zone, the Russian military attacked the beleaguered Ukrainian “rebels,” most of whom were in their 40s and 50s, as the war took its toll on Ukraine. younger warriors. He said the Russian military hosed off about 70 Ukrainian defenders to reach the wreckage. “They went through everything, as they say in America, with a fine-toothed comb. The site was destroyed, but they found footprints and some bodies burned to the bone. Minister Shoigu said yes, we are sending our friends to America," Zakharov said. Our source in General Smith’s office said: “We are satisfied that he is dead and we have crossed his name off our list.”

I suppose the death star awaits to be discovered at some point but it’s lord is no where to be found?

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Krynky is a small village on the left (eastern) bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson Oblast. The Kiev regime has been sending troops across the river only to be “liquidated” by Russian troops.

Who were these large number of French mercs in Kharkov?

An argument has broken out between the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Zaluzhny and the Ukrainian president, Zelensky.

This comes after the collapse of the Ukrainian defence in Avdeevka. The Russian troops keep advancing on all major fronts.