Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

People disagree, it doesn’t mean they support Putin.

At this point, we are broke. Will Ukraine repay all the money, materials they are sent?

In the next few years the interest on our debt will be the largest spending item in the budget.

Things we cannot afford:

  1. Supporting any war that doesn’t directly affect us.
  2. The flood of illegals costing billions each year.
    3, The never ending spending that produces nothing of value.
  3. Not to have a balanced budget amendment.
  4. Higher taxes on EVERY American

The resemblance of the character with Leon Trotsky is no coincidence.
Build Back Better. Vote Biden.


Oh please shut up with your bullshit! Really! Its like a tired song on a broken record! You take the same position out of ignorance just like the libtards!

The Ukrainians are now committing terrorism. Rather than aim their artillery at Russian forces on the battlefield, whom they’re losing badly against, they’ve decided to target the city of Belgorod with cluster munitions, killing over 20 people including children and injuring hundreds more.

These civilians were preparing for New Years. Why is anyone funding this?

Fking cowards!

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For what? Calling out your ignorance and blind stupidity?

Your BS crying over Ukraines missile strike is amazing. Where were your tears when Russia targeted hospitals and churches! You continue as s COMMUMIST shill in support of RASPUTRID. YOU believe Russia is lberating Ukraine to establish a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
IF controlling less than 20% of Ukraine, loosing 20% of its Black Sea Navy and failing ro establish air superiority in its time in Ukraine is wimning them I missing something or you are absolutely IGNORANT and BLIND to the real situation in Ukraine.
You always BITCH about Ukraines Army but remain silent on Russias iconpetence. Wake up and realize the only way Russia wins is to wear down the US and Wests will to support Ukraine and force them to accept an unfair agreement

Russia was ready to accept an end to the conflict by leaving Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhie and Kherson within Ukraine — until big Bojo came from London and promised that the UK (and US) would support Ukraine’s war effort to defeat Russia.

Then 50,000 Ukrainians needed not to die.


As evidenced by your retarded posts with nothing more than repeating propaganda that you keep regurgitating ad nauseam! Go find a hobby or something, and leave the conversation to people who actually know what is happening in the world! We don’t have time to engage in your stupidity here!

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You are blind to the fact that Russia does not have the KNOCKOUT PUNCH to defeat Ukraine because of its ENORMOUS losses.
Im surprised you havent moved to MOSCOW to work for support his BS PROPAGANDA campaign to the masses. You try to indoctrinate me to believe your USLESS BS that Russia is wining.
Im surprised that being a former Intel NCO you gloss over Russias military incompetence. Ukraine has shown that Russia isnt the military giant everyone thought.

This is where your retarded thinking gets the best of you!

Russia is more than capable of delivering a catastrophic blow to Ukraine however they have shown great restraint in terms not wanting to destroy inportant cultural sites, and not wanting to kill any more people than they have to.

Again you don’t know WTF you are talking about. We have the same people in the US thinking the same about China but have no idea what they have been able to advance in the last 10 years alone.

So save me your Hegemonic cheerleading, its the US that needs a serious lesson in humiliation. The world is finally standing up to the bully on the block known as the USA and its been long overdue!

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It’s a Dem war.

Well, I have been watching videos of Lt. GEN
( Ret) Ben Hodges and he has an excellent grasp of not only the military reality and the political reality of the Russo - Ukraine war. But with your closed mind you will brand him as another Ukrainian cheerleader and out of touch with your version of reality and not a creditable source.

         SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!

And he is a moron like you! Ben Hodges hasn’t been right about anything since this war started, Why? Because he is a paid sycophant shill moonlighting as something he never could be. He is still trying to be relevant even after he shamed himself with his many contradictions.

Here! This is what you support. A sysops that convinced you to support Ukraine like a babbling buffoon.


I disagree with his view on Iran. You cant deny his military service with a Bronze Star , a V for valor and 3 oak leaf clusters. His views on Ukraine point out shortcomings of US support , Europe support and Ukraines military progress and focuses on both the military and political aspects of the war.

Russia is using North Korean and Iranian weapons.
Not that Russia needs them; Russia is doing them a favor by testing these weapons in real combat to see how good they are.
Larry Johnson

What does Russia receivefor its " testing" service from N Korea, kimchi???

Kimchi is great. A little too salty to my taste but you can eat bowls of rice with kimchi alone without other side dishes.

When Russia tests North Korean shells and Iranian drones, etc., they can make suggestions for improvement, thus making Russia’s allies stronger against the JOO-S-A hegemony.

Here is an example why no one with knowledge of the war respects Hodges Views.

He just stated this on Twitter, to which is all misinformation and not one claim is factual.

After ten years of war with every advantage, Russia controls only18% of Ukraine, has failed to achieve air superiority, its Black Sea Fleet is retreating from Sevastopol, over 330K killed and wounded, and they are begging North Korea for ammunition. Who’s losing?

You are just as dumb for believing this buffoon. I now no longer have time to waste debating with idiots like you who follow other idiots like Hodges!