Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Some good and not so good news in Ukraine. Ukraine strategicaly withdraws from Marinka to better defensive positions.
Now the GOOD NEWS.RasPutrid received a great CHRISTMAS PRESENT with a BIG KABOOM of a Russian landing ship reduced to scrap metal ,the destruction of an important ammo supply train and 2 more fighter bombers shot down by Patriot missiles. Aw, the SUCCESS of the Russian military for all you RASPUTRID operatives !!!
More and better success for Ukraine in 2024. A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR evreryone.

           SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You really need to try and get out more. Perhaps make plans to travel to Moscow or St Petersburg to learn more about Russian culture.

Remember it was the Russians who liberated Europe from the Nazi’s in WWII and how short you lefty’s memories are for the sake of satisfying your fake patriotism for Ukraine! Hilarious you ratturds are!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And Eastern Europe was better under communism??? You know Im not a leftist unless anyone that diagrees with you is a leftist.

Communism? It was a buzz word pushed by the MIC and intelligence community aimed at duping clueless dolts like you into waving your patriotic poms poms while they spend our tax dollars.

If you support Ukraine, Nazis, and spending our Tax money to support this bullshit country, this bullshit war then you are as good as a lefty to me! There is nothing in this narrative that supports such stupidity that you have shown repeatedly in this thread to suggest you are a conservative that has good sense, but one who is a leftist who supports a foreign border before supporting Americans and our own border!

I’m not sure why you insist on dying on this hill. Ukraine is not going to win this
 or come out of it well. I get that you hate Putin and Russia. But, Ukraine has problems of it’s own
 they are far from being a ‘good’ country. I feel sorry for the people, I really do, but there is no way Ukraine comes out of this with a win
 no possible way.


Zaluzhny, Rus To Take Avdeyevka, Zelensky Row; Bankers Oppose Asset Seizure, EU to Borrow for Kiev - YouTube

Question now is WHEN the Russian sledgehammer will fall.
Sleboda thinks the war will continue for years. Sure hope he is wrong.

You spending your Social Security retirement benefits on that weed you smoke all day? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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The recent Ukrainian attack on Crimea brought no strategic benefits to Ukraine and boosts Russia’s (domestic) argument that Odessa must be returned to Russia.

Balitsky cites his military experience as well as grapevine signals from the other side as the sources of his insight into the situation in Ukraine. Speaking to journalists on Wednesday, he cited “tectonic shifts” in Ukraine that he expects to “finish it off from the inside.”

“Most likely [the hostilities] will end in late spring or early summer,” he said. “The Ukrainian army will collapse.”

Ukraine is an artificial construct, an artificial state, created by the Soviets. I don’t know what their intentions were.

Nikita Khrushchev was a drunken politician who “gifted” Crimea to this artificially created country. Maybe there was a bigger agenda? (By the way, all Soviet leaders, including Khrushchev, were Jooish. With the exception of Gorbachev who was descended from the Austrian Habsburgs and whose job it was to dismantle the failed Soviet Union as peacefully as possible, and he succeeded.)

But the unfortunate Soviet legacy lingers on.

This is not a democracy, its a dictatorship and more!

And then there are idiots who say Ukraine is winning the war, If it were, Zelenskyy wouldn’t need to impose these extreme sanctions just to get people to fight for the nation.

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I hope you are proud of your FUKING Russian heroes for the missile attack on CIVILIAN AREAS INCLUDING A MATERNITY HOSPITAL. Fortunately , Ukraine shot alot but not all down.
Your MFKING hero RASPUTRID, is betting on prolonging this war in hope of wearing down WESTERN and US support for Ukraine , similar to N Vietnams strategy against the US.
I dont need to respond to your or anyone elses INANE Leftist accusations here. You are nothing more than a.SHILL to establish a FAR RIGHT govt here as you and others here are intolerant of my opposing viewpoints.You know where I stand from my comments on other threads, so I needent waste my time restating them.
Why not BITCH about how this war might have been if the election wasnt stolen to have OBAMA BIN LADENS puppet become president.

         SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you can soak your head in a vat of acid and I dont mean LSD!!!

Here you go again with your moronic posts here in this thread! Are you fking retarded?

It’s the stupid Patriot missiles that miss the target and fall on such areas.

I never said Ukraine wasnt corrupt , but like any other country , has a right to exist free from unjust invasions. The Luhansk and Donest problems are an internal one Ukraine should be left to solve with help from the west to solve by needed by negotiation, not with a former KGB agent, that is a dictator, a serial liar and murder and whose STATED GOAL is to reestablish the former empire.
I guess Im retarded to say that if Trump would have been reelected, this situation eould be different. According to you , this is a LEFTIST idea.

How would you like it if Poland would imvade Konigsberg to piss off RASPUTRID because it threatens Polands security.
Maybe Germany should invade to RECLAIM its former land!!!

Germany is likely to reclaim parts of its former territory (Silesia and Pomerania) from Poland, if Russia lets Poland regain Lvov. Russia doesn’t want to have anything to do with Lvov.

Russia is likely to let Hungary have Transcarpathia where the majority are ethnic Hungarians and they are tired of the Kiev regime.

Ethnic Romanians are tired of the Kiev regime too. I don’t know exactly where they live in western Ukraine. Incidentally, their language is very similar to Italian / Spanish.