Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

There is plenty of evidence here in this thread if you actually bothered to read what others post or say.

You are a shill for the left and no one here is fooled by your grandstanding for the whores of the Naziā€™s or Bankers.

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The number of Russisan casualties was reported by the UK DEFENSE MINISTRY. I guess they are Nazi supporters. You PUTRIDISTAS believe he is the SECOND comming of Jesus Christ.
He is a DICTATOR and has suppressed the bad news from Ukraine in the media. I suppose Prigos plane crash was " PILOT ERROR or a MAINTENCE PROBLEM" . If you believe that , you believe in the tooth fairy. Yeah , I know , NATO shot the plane down in support of RasPutrid.
All of you are blinded and consumed by every conspiracy you can think or dream of. I do believe that the Rothchilds and Illuminati control certain things, but not everytjing is related to a conspiracy. Most of you know from other thteads , that Im not close to being a Liberal unless you define a Liberal as a person that doesnt agree with your points of view.
Get this through your hard heads that Im not a Liberal or a Nazi supporter. I believe a countty has a right to exist free from invasion by another country regardless of their government.
Ukraine was UNJUSTLY.invaded because of " so called free elections " that Russian people wanted to split from Ukraine. Why not try negotiating first. Alot of this happened when a PRO RUSSIAN President headed Ukraine, so dont put all the blame on.Zelensky
Ukraine needs all the military support it can get beause they are out numbered and need weapons to even the odds. They all.ready are tactically supperior and has a General that admits he was wrong at times .Ever hear of Zelushni. He is blunt and very professional and doesnt tell Zelensky only what he wants to hear unlike Russias General.Staff who a bunch of RASPUTRID ASS KISSERS.

What the FUK would you know of me and my views. Stop SHOOTING FROM THE LIP about me when you dont KNOW my views on other things. You only know my views on Ukraine and nothing else SMARMY KNOW IT ALL. Maybe the thin air has AFFECTED YOUR CRANIAL COGNITVE FUNCTION.

It can safely be said that WWII never ended. The same people are still in power ā€” in London and Washinton DC, and of course Wall Street.

How would the UK possibly know anything as a non participant nation???

And the US is at the end of the freebies stage. 33T in debt and the value of the dollar in the toilet.

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I suppose you are the only supporter of Ukraine on here. That doesnā€™t mean that I want to see Ukraine decimated. Butā€¦ I know what Ukraine isā€¦ and that is one of, if not the most corrupt nation on the planet (other than the good old USA). It serves as the worldā€™s money laundering capital. Our own politicians love Ukraine for just that reason.

It doesnā€™t matter what any of us can see as far as Russiaā€™s tactical incompetenceā€¦ they are winning and they will win in the endā€¦ no matter how incompetent or what strategy they employ to do so. You just canā€™t come to grips with it.


What kind of a DUMBASS answer is that for my comment.

I guess the BRITS are standing there watching what is happening and dont have any intel in Ukraine and made those numbers up.

Maybe a guess by the UK defence ministry. .

According to Ukraineā€™s General Staff, as of Nov. 27, Russia has lost 325,580 troops in Ukraine since the beginning of its full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022.

The Ukrainian military doesnā€™t disclose how it has been calculating Russian losses. Neither Kyiv nor Moscow have revealed the exact numbers of their own losses in the war.

The only people that really know are the Russians.

U.S. lawmakers will not be able to reach a deal on border policy and Ukraine aid by the end of the year, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told NBC News on Dec. 17.

ā€œWe feel like weā€™re being jammed. Weā€™re not anywhere close to a deal. Itā€™ll go into next year,ā€ Graham said.

Republicans and Democrats have been working through the weekend to hammer out a deal on border security before lawmakers leave for the holiday recess. Without a deal, Republicans will continue to block billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine included in U.S. President Joe Bidenā€™s national security supplemental request.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Senate will reconvene on Dec. 18 to vote on the aid package.

Despite extending negotiations through the weekend, senators appear to be no closer to an agreement.

According to CNN, 15 Republican senators, including Graham, sent a letter Dec. 17 to John Barrasso, chair of the Senate Republican Conference, calling for a special conference meeting in January and criticizing the ā€œrushed and secretā€ negotiations.

Sources close to the talks told CNN that lawmakers were at an impasse over certain border policy proposals, including mandatory detention policies and restrictions that would essentially prevent migrants from seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republicans are demanding tighter border restrictions before they will budge on the aid package, but conceding to these demands would mean embracing potentially xenophobic policies that are deeply unpopular with the Democratic base.

Leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus met with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients on Dec. 16 to discuss their growing alarm over possible provisions in the border deal.

If legislators do not reach a deal before the holiday recess, the White House may not be able to keep its promises of uninterrupted military aid to Ukraine. U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters last month that ā€œthe window is closingā€ on reaching a deal to supply Ukraine.

Dude he doesā€™t have to know anything about you, one can surmise exactly who you are with the stupid shit you post here regularly. We and others repeatedly asked you to cite your sources with links but you are too fking obtuse and retarded to do so. My guess you love making a fool out of yourself here much like most liberals do!

Put a cork in it Grand pa!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What? Lindsey Graham a Democrat now?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Fking POS!

Gotta love when you hit a nerve and call out the truth!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Russia has every right to fight for its survival! Now go suk a dk! ~Putin

He wouldnā€™t mind supporting Ukraine and Israel, but I guess heā€™s getting cold feet because the neocons are serious about provoking a war with Iran.

61 million more and 1,000,000 illegals where are the conservatives ?
White House Sets Border Deal: 1 Million Illegals Per Year and $61 Billion for Ukraine by Jordan Andrews

President Joe Bidenā€™s border chief has proposed capping illegal migration at one million a year if the GOP approves $61 billion for the war in Ukraine.

The offer, aimed at curbing mass migration, has sparked negotiations, with some GOP members viewing it as a good faith offer.

However, not all Republicans are on board, and a deal before Christmas seems unlikely. (Trending: Joe Biden Impeachment Formalized As Republicans Unite)

ā€œWeā€™re at 11,000ā€ illegals per day, Sen. Thom Tillis said.

ā€œWeā€™ve seen what the White House has sent over ā€¦ Weā€™ve got to get somewhere closer to ā€¦ 2,000 [migrants] a day [or 700,000 a year], and letā€™s figure out how we get it done.ā€

ā€œBut I think Iā€™m going take it as a good faith offer, which is why I think we have to act in good faith and stay here [in Washington] until we get it negotiated.ā€

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Obviously there is an agenda to destroy the US from inside.
Why do the parasites destroy their own host? Thatā€™s what they always do, after they suck the blood dry.

There was an assumption that no nation would stand to their hegemony (New World Order), but their calculation is not working, because they miscalculated one thing. Russia and China rose from their ashes.

Apparently noone besides me can see how INCOMPETENT they are as Im the only one to comment on it. Everyone else is blinded by their cheerleading for Russia. They are still not close to taking Adiivka and its about one year that tbey are trying. No concern here about their senseless wasting lives for or no gain. No con ern here for human lives, only bashing Ukraine for its corruption , nothing about them fighting against NUMERICALY superior enemy by themselves and winning despite what you PUTANISTAS say.
Ukraine has to STRATICALLY withdraw to shorten defense lines to conserve troops snf because ASSHOLES like Orban blackmail the EU. Lucky gor Ukraine to have Germany and others for help.Those Polish IDIOTS blockading trucks at the border dont help either.
You think your GLORIOUS Russia is corruption free , what about the wealthy OLIGARCHS andGENERALS. Dont they count ???