Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

One more plane for Russia, and one less plane for Ukraine.

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This is actually real but some have a sense of humor!

Collection of NATO ATGMs

Who’s carrying them? A Russian soldier? LOL

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Well at least we know partially where our tax dollars is ending up.

Russia uses its cluster bombs.
Acutally they should be effective, since Ukraine tanks and armored vehicles have already gone the way of T-rex.
Now nobody can blame Russia for this, because Uklele has been using American cluster bombs for months.

Not going well for the “Slava” Ukraine cheerleaders!

Without reading the article, I suppose the figures come from Avdiivka.

Russia has not made clear what’s really going on in Kupyansk or thereabouts. Of course Ukrainian claims are not trustworthy.

I heard the life expectancy of the Ukrainian soldiers who crossed the Deniepre River to the “bridge head” in Kherson Oblast is two days. The Zelensky regime doesn’t give a damn about Ukrainian lives.

Krab is Polish made.



asks Democratic Presidential candidate Congressman Dean Phillips about the recently released report from German General Harald Kujat, which states that Russia and Ukraine sought peace at the start of the war, but the U.S. and NATO aimed to escalate the conflict in pursuit of regime change in Russia. ----- The report released last week by Michael von der Schulenburg, a former UN Assistant Secretary-General who worked for over 34 years for the United Nations and retired German General Harald Kujat, is a detailed reconstruction of the Russian and Ukrainian attempt at peace at the start of the war which was blocked by the Biden administration and Western nations: 1. Just one month after the start of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, Ukrainian and Russian negotiators had come very close to an agreement for a ceasefire and to an outline for a comprehensive peace solution to the conflict. 2) In contrast to today, President Zelensky and his government had made great efforts to negotiate peace with Russia and bring the war to a quick end. 3) Contrary to Western interpretations, Ukraine and Russia agreed at the time that the planned NATO expansion was the reason for the war. They therefore focused their peace negotiations on Ukraine’s neutrality and its renunciation of NATO membership. In return, Ukraine would have retained its territorial integrity except for Crimea. 4) There is little doubt that these peace negotiations failed due to resistance from NATO and in particular from the USA and the UK. The reasons is that such a peace agreement would have been tantamount to a defeat for NATO, an end to NATO’s eastward expansion and thus an end to the dream of a unipolar world dominated by the USA. 5. The failure of the peace negotiations in March 2022 led to dangerous intensification of the war that has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, especially young people, deeply traumatized a young generation and inflicted the most severe mental and physical wounds on them. Ukraine has been exposed to enormous destruction, internal displacements, and mass impoverishment. This si accompanied by a large-scale depopulation of the country. Not only Russia, but also NATO and the West bear a heavy share of the blame for this disaster. 6) Ukraine’s negotiating position today is far worse than it was in March 2022. Ukraine will now lose large parts of its territory. 7. The blocking of the peace negotiations at that time has harmed everyone: Russia and Europe – but above all the people of Ukraine, who are paying with their blood the price for the ambitions of the major powers and will probably get nothing in return. ----- Democratic Presidential Candidate Dean Phillips momentarily concedes the truth in the last few sentences of his answer: “So, to answer your question, had there been a peace deal at that point that simply would have been we would give you territory back in return for not entering NATO, who in their right mind would say that was a bad deal?” ----- President Joe Biden. He is the reason there was no peace deal. He is the reason Ukraine is destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of young men and women in Ukraine are now dead. President Joe Biden played a leading role in starting the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, and Syria, which killed millions of people and wasted trillions of dollars while not serving the national security interest of the American people. President Biden turned down a peace deal at the start of the war because NATO and the Western military-industrial complex that Joe Biden has served his entire 50-year career in Washington DC were willing to sacrifice the youth of Ukraine in the pursuit of regime change in Russia. You should be ashamed of yourself if this is what you voted for.


It looks like they are set and ready to cut their loses soon.

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Dunkirk was Hitler’s peace overture. The Germans let the Brits to evacuate instead of annihilating them completely. Gerrmany had no quarrel with Britain.

Little did Hitler know that Churchill was determined to fight Germany no matter what cost.

Russia has no qurrel with the Ukrainian people.

The exception is that conflict wasn’t about money laundering.

They know the jig is up and most have caught onto what the corrupt class has been doing.

Many are still in denial.

Supposedly there is no Ukrainian defeat or failed summer “counteroffensive.”
Only stalemate…

RUSSIA will.fight no matter how many solders lives they waste. Shogun is a PUTRID yes man and will tell him what he wants to hear , not the TRUTH.

That doesn’t bode well for your “Ukraine is winning” stance… does it?


No. What he claims always turns out the other way around. Bring it on! LOL


He has been wrong almost every time he posts something here. He must be an Eagles fan.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is pretty entertaining to listen to.

Well Yes , Im a PROUD EAGLES FAN !!! F the BOYZ!!!
The US delaying sending military to UKRAINE is keeping UKRAINE defeating. Dont tell me it takes 2yrs to deliver a battalion of Abrams tanks.SLOW JOE BIDET is playing to his pal RASPUTRID by FKING UKRAINE. This should be a SPRINT NOT A MARATHON!!!


Abrams burn better than leopards.