Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Well get ready to accept a defeat because that is exactly what is going to happen.

Your delusions not withstanding of course!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I m not having delusions about Ukraine but if Ukraine falls, Poland and Germany will be next for RASPUTRID.
DC needs to get off their DEAD ASS and not take 2yrs to send a batalion size amount of Abrams tanks ( 31) and to FUKING DELAY rhe F16 training. Its EMBARRASING TO ME !!!

Oh but you are, you prove that point every time you post here with the kind of nonsense that has no basis in reality! Why do you think we know you never cite any credible sources to back up your outlandish statements here when asked to? Because you know that I am right! You continue to make a fool out of yourself, as one that none here should take seriously!

Thanks for playing!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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This was going to happen sooner or later.

Somehow the world considers the wars in Ukraine and Gaza to be American wars.

Western Europeans have no clue to either place, mostly due to their own propaganda.

[Blinken denied hug/kiss. Ursula 5 principles for Gaza. Elensky no elections. Kuleba no stealing.]

Can Russia and the US resolve the conflict without triggering a nuclear crisis?

This is what they are asking? Seriously?

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced the move on Tuesday, saying the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) had “finally become history” after prior steps to withdraw, the first of which dates back to 2007. While it originally “played a certain stabilizing role,” the deal was largely ignored by NATO members and thus has “ceased to meet the interests of Russia,” the ministry said.

“The authorities of NATO member states and client countries of this bloc have clearly demonstrated their inability to negotiate. At this stage, no agreements with them in the field of arms control are possible,” the statement added.

“Only when life forces them to return to constructive and realistic positions could appropriate dialogue be revived as part of the effort to shape a new European security system.”

This is your man, this is and what you support. Sending our tax dollars to this loser!

Nov 6, 2023 - Zelgriftsky cancels elections.

“We need to recognize that this is a time for defense, a time for battle, upon which the fate of the state and its people depend. … I believe that elections are not appropriate at this time.”

~ Volodobucks ‘Benjamins’ Zelgriftsky

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The sooner the Americans forget about Ukraine, the better. The Average CNN-watching Americans forgot about Afghanistan, so it is not an impossible proposition.

In the last 10 years alone, the west cheated Russia with the Minsk accords, the Istanbul whatever last year; and of course we must not forget the agreement between Baker and Gorbachev, which Clinton ignored by saying it wasn’t him who made such an agreement.

He is allowed to by the Ukrainian Constitition.

How low do you have to allow yourself to go to gaslight for this nazi loser? You are pathetic!

Avdiivka may fall sooner than I expected if this video is correct.
If Ukrainians still trust Zelensky — who wants your credit so that he will pay back later —, they are totally hopeless.

In the meantime, Ukraine shells the residential areas of Donetsk city with cluster munition. Pathetic.

I guess the museum in Odessa was a military target.

I guess the Trade Union Building in Odessa was not a crematorium.

[Ukrainian rightists burn alive 39 at Odessa union building]

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The Ukrainian war is a Jooish war.
The Mossad and CIA were behind the 2014 Maidan coup.

Governments that support Ukraine are Jooish bankster-run including the Biden regime as well as British, German and French governments.

I’m not in agreement with Scott Ritter on all matters but I respect his opinions on military matters.

STGU about it being a jooish war. This about an invaison gone wrong with RASPUTRIDS underestimating Ukraines military abiliity. He should be more concerned about Russias TACTICAL BATTLEFIELD failures and EXCESSIVE NEEDLESS casualties. But Russia has never been concerned about that since Napolean invaded Russia.
He should be concerned thst Russia fails to PROPERLY maintain military equipment especially causing fighters to crash because of it. The only thing that has more air time than Russias Air Force is the Russian tank turrets flying when hit.
Simply put, Russias failures are due to TACTICAL INCOMPETENCE. The failure of not securing the airport near Kiev is a prime example, where rear area type troops held off Russian soldiers and regained control in a little more than 24 hrs against VASTLY SUPERIOR Russian units.
Come up with a STUPID EXCUSE in support of Russia you PUTANTISTAS COMMUNIST SUPPORTERS!!!

             SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!