Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Some with half a brain are starting to admit it! Some remain in denial as evidence here of their continuance of pushing the MSM propaganda!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

haha, the word “delusional” crops up there.

As for Walter Cronkite (Krankheit is a Jooish name, not a very nice one), he was neither a prophet nor a trustworthy individual. He was just a popular anchor and was a very shady character, just a mouthpiece for the Deep State which was “the government” then existing under a different name or without a name.

Unfortunatly we may wind up with a North Korea , South Korea situation.

Good. No bloodshed since 1953.

They all get fked in the a$$ in the end. Zelensky is next!

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Even last year, someone said the Zelensky Presidency works to Russia’s advantage.

Trying to recall who…
Maybe the usual suspect Scott Ritter or even Col. MacGregor. LOL

Perhaps, but that would be ironic if Russia stepped in to save Zelensky from himself.

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And this would be the WORST possible senario. The best outcome would be a MILITARY VICTORY for Ukraine. The US needs to stop dragging their feet and supply Ukraine as fast as possible.
Slow Joe is trying to have a PREDETERMINED outcome like its the PHONY WWE.

Make no mistake… Joe wants Ukraine to win; his income depends on it.

Yeah, but things are soon quickly going south for him here at home. There is still hope on that front.

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The nightime sky at Kerch looked beautiful lit up by the fire on the Russian missle ship hit by UKRAINIAN missiles . Yeah go ahead , I know Russia says they shot 13 missiles down, but 1 or 2 go through and.KABOOM !!! on the ship.
The US and some of NATO need to get off their dead ass and supply Ukraine with high tech weapons quicker than they have and not be afraid of that GAS BAG RASPUTRID !!!

     SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is all too funny!

Got to love the hubris of the Ukrainian Army, the 128th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces held an award ceremony. This ceremony was hit with a missile and 22 people died, most of them officers.

Yeah and you deny the hit in Crimea on the military headquarters bldg and no comcern for life there.

Nobody trusts the Biden regime. People around the world are puzzled by the recent mocking of Ukraine / Zelensky by Blinken who dressed up his son as Zelensky and daughter in Ukrainian flag for the Halloween.

This mock Zelensky was begging for candies instead of money. Luckily, people in Eastern Europe don’t know what Halloween is all about.

Last year Zelensky was a Churchill.
This year, a beggar.

That puts it aptly correct. Most are tired of him by now and just want this whole mess to go away. Clearly Russia has all the leverage and NATO and the West have lost!


Russia will have leverage if the PUSSYFIED western leaders agree to a cease fire and a negotiated settlement in which case Russia wins.

Did you really think it was going to turn out any other way?

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