Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Yes you are definitely delusional about this particular subject matter. Nothing you stated in this thread thus far has remotely been true or accurate. So yes you are living inside your own echo chamber!

You sure your name isnā€™t Joe Biden or Lindsey Graham?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ā€œBelorussians, Russians I love youā€

ā€” Ukrainian man

Same religion, (pretty much) same language, same customs and traditions. No convincing reason to have separate countriess.

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You are delusional alright along with your jingling jordiesā€‹:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Then all the sources on You Tube is FAKE NEWS and UKRAINIAN PROGANDA.Russia is the Glorious LIBERATING country comming to RESCUE its people from the EVIL.UKRANIAN government like the sheriff in the white hat!!!
Ukraine is defending itself from an UNJUST invasion , by a country with one of the largest armies ( on paper ) in the world which they have SHOWN to be a TOOTHLESS paper tiger. They have LIMITED manpower available and are logistically supported by NATO countries.
I will CONCEDE they have had some problems in the East around Abdivka but have had successes around Verbove and across the Dnieper across from Kherson eststablishing multiple bridgeheads and a current near stalemate near Bahkmut.
You must be delusional as a former Intel NCO about the OUTRAGIOUS losses the GLORIOUS LIBERATING RUSSIAN Army is occuring because of the RIDGID thinking , failure to adapt tactics and continuing to waste valuable lives in STUPID HUMAN WAVE Assaults as they did in WW2 and are continuing to be EMBARRASSED on the battlefield.
Apparently I must be in NEED of SERIOUS mental therapy for believing the PROPAGANDA from these news sources. You believe Im SELF- BLINDED because of my opposition to the RIGHT COUNTRY.

While you can dismiss all the news in the western mainstream media, YouTube is a mixed bag. Although YouTube has banned good channels and vloggers, there are some good information sources.

Rumble and Bitchute are still better. In any case, you need discernment and a good thinking head.

This is getting serious.

I think itā€™s a very natural reaction because Neocons in Washinton DC have been talking about using nukes against Russia.

And of course the western media will twist the whole episode and make it sound like itā€™s Russia, Russia, Russia, Putin, Putin, Putin

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Another example of Russia showing restraint! Eventually the rubber has to hit the road!

Russiaā€™s mentality verses how ready the US forces are.

A comparison of mindsets!

We are fked!


Avdiivka and Kypyansk are new meat grinders which Russia created.
For that purpose, Russia is not fully closing these two cauldrons in a hurry.

Russia has taken an UNGODLY number of casualties in this area with little to show for it except an armoured junkyard.

[Military Sitrep for Conflict in Ukraine - Russian Encirclement of Avdeevka Progresses, Massive Kiev Regime Drone & Missile Attacks on Crimea Shot Down, moreā€¦ (]

For Zelensky, Ukrainian lives donā€™t matter. His parents live in Israel, if that means anything.

A creative way of saying ā€œdefeat.ā€

I will concede , Russia has made slow progress at Adriifka at a HORRENDOUS cost in casualties because of their MEAT WAVE assaults . Their losses in tanks and armored vehicles make the area look like a junkyardā€¦Russia only gains ground with the use of these human wave assaults , not because of military con
However Ukraine is taking ground across the Dnieper from Kherson and securing its flanks at Verbove and Prokovivka.I hope Ukraine will be able to secure enough ground across from Kherson to bring tanks and armored vehicles and launch an operation to move closer to Crimea. Dont forget because of Ukrainian drone strikes in Crimea , they had to move the K52 helicopters further away before all were lost.

          SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep on hoping. Without hopes, no one can live.

Ukaine doesnā€™t have many left.

Better to stop listening to CNN.

Try answering my posts for a change!!!

When I heard ā€œUkraineā€™s Zaluzhny,ā€ I thought I heard ā€œUkraine is delusional.ā€ LOL

It is totally delusional to believe in Ukrainian victory when its Comander-in-Chief is admitting defeat.

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