Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

or in total denial about everyting


REPEATING myself again, I see Ukraine as a SOVERIGN COUNTRY invaded by another country because of an election in Luhansk and Dumbass ( Donbass) that was as fair as tge 2020 preidential election.
If RASPUTRID was any type of LEADER, he could have attempted to negotiate an agreement in an attempt to avoid to this war .
Who is to say that Russians werent brought in to pad the voter rolls to SKEW the election like the Dems are using illegals.
Tell me Russia isnt CORRUPT. THOSE high in the Russian military know how to skim money for their benefit . Lets see what type of homes the live in based on what they are paid.

Go ahead talk to yourself again and keep repeating your cold war views and talking points, it makes no difference to anybody here. Why? Because in reality you live in a fantasy world that has already passed you by and you like to propagate fiction here on this thread to make yourself feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Its superficial, I guarantee it!

Don’t waste anybody’s time here with your nonsensical gibberish that has no basis in facts! It doesn’t serve any purpose to read the rantings of a lunatic bent on repeating the MSM mocking bird media that Putin is this big bad boogie man who is at fault for everything when the US and its military over the years has egregiously done far worse to the world and to its own people where the body count is covered up with yet another war. Know anybody who has suffered from cancer? Go ahead and ask them how they got sick.

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Russia suffers casualties in the initial stage of encircling Avdiivka. (A city adjacent to Donetsk from which Kiev troops shelled and are still shelling Donetsk for 12 years, killing 14,000 civilians in Donetsk)

You have to admire the INCOMPETENCE of Russian Generals tactics. Using the MEATWAVE assaults of infantry without.the support of IFVS and Armour and only using artillery support and incuring 70% casualties is beyond belief trying to encircle Andivka. The only benefit to this Ukraine running low on ammo mowing down these MEATWAVE assaults.
Russia must be fighting WW1 all over again WASTING lives NEEDLESSLY with these STUPID tactics. I guess the idea of a COMBINED ARMS approach is beyond their LIMITED thinking ability. What a GREAT way to teach young officer cadets these tactics.
With Russias Vast NUMERICAL superiority in weapons and manpower, they should have ROLLED over Ukraine earlier.
I cant imagine what other countries military is thinking about this.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Battles are won and lost during the course of the war, but even to a layman it is obvious that Russia has shown great restraint so far.

I hope you are proud of yourself by supporting the Neocons thirst for 3rd world War and getting closer to that goal.

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Im only pointing out the INCOMPETENCE of the Russian General Staffs tactics NEEDLESSLY wasting lives to accomplish a goal.They done it in WW2 and are doing it now and show a RIGID mindset and a complete DISREGARD for the lives of the soldiers.Russia has only shown IMCOMPETENCE not RESTRAINT.
Again REPEATING myself, I dont support a 3rd World war . Im only saying that a SOVERIGN country was UNJUSTLY invaded on a PRETEXT to accomplish RASPUTRIDS personal goal.

     SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are funny! Yours are just words! They cost you nothing. There are countless people like you on the internet in the world who say anything without thinking there is consequences for the vehement dogma they spew when it’s a negative one. It’s easy to sit behind a computer without once living out side a comfort zone that allows one to see the truth. Your horse blinders are true definitions of the enablers of the blood machine they blindly support! You live your mental slavery well.

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What is your military experience??? It doesnt take a PHD in Military Tactics to see how Russia is wasting the soldiers lives NEEDLESSLY to gain a few km of ground.
You OBVIOUSLY didnt understand what Im saying. Russias NO REGARD for the soldiers lives is DISGUSTING. During WW2 the German Generals were amazed at how the Russians wasted soldiers lives and many military people are amazed today.
No , I dont sit behind a computer or smartphone all day or live in an Ivory Tower. I voice how I feel and ACKNOWLEGE when wrong.
RASPUTRID is a COMMUNIST NAPOLEON who wants to recreate the former Russian Empire and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. TOO BAD if my being an ANTI COMMUNIST offends you.

The idea of the Russian Special Military Operation is to minimize civilian casualties and destruction of the infrastructure. It is contrary to the wars America waged since its Civil War. The Union Army destroyed the industrial base in the South as it advanced, and the South still remembers it. No need to mention what happened to cities in Germany, Japan, Iraq…

“Terrikon” appears to be an artificial hill made with waste material from the coke plant in Avdiivka. The hill is strategically important because you can shell from it at targets on the lower ground.

Try answering my post ? What dont you understand.about my post ???


Ukraine is.
Russia does not care about territory. The country is big enough.
If the Russian military leadership deems it advantageous, it does not hesitate to retreat, as we saw last year in the Kharkov and Kherson (on the west bank of the Dnieper) regions.


You just dont GET IT !!!

Gee aren’t you one to be lacking reading comprehension skills! Military experience is irrelevant to my last statement. It requires thinking on your part!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What a statement that Russia attempts to mimimize civilian casusalties. I guess the hospitals they hit were ammo warehouses!
The Russian Generals know its ADVANTAGES to retreat from the Dnieper river across from Kherson because they know Ukraian Marines will KICK THEIR ASS to Crimea.
You Apparently dont want to address the fact that Russian Generals are IMCOMPETENT and too RIGID in their thinking to change their tactics to defeat Ukraine. They are being LAUGHTED at because of the INCOMPETENCE and FAILURE to adapt.
SIMPLE military tactics must be BEYOND your ability to COMPREHEND.

     SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah they are kicking so much a$$ that still remain an occupied country seeking additional aid from the American tax payer!

Holy crap! Your delusions has reached a new level!

Can’t take you seriously anymore, your posts are now officially a joke!

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Im not delusional. Ukranian Marines have opened MULTIPOLE bridgeheads across the Dnieper and may soon have enough room to bring armored vehicles and artillary across to push the Russians back further.