Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Another fake news propaganda that you swallow up as gospel. You are out of your foxhole and you have been duped yet again! Pravda!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Even the West is fed up with Zelensky

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You are BLINDED by your ANTI UKRAINE RHETORIC my friend.

Nope I am not! I don’t support the most corrupt country in the world whose history has aligned with the Nazis. You are the one that is egregiously blind and brainwashed!

How many years do you think you have left on this Earth? Serious question.

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Why would anyone be “pro Ukraine?” You have to be an ignorant beta cuck to be supporting a corrupt and immoral country like Ukraine. Meanwhile your country is going bankrupt while fools like you want to ignore your own people while supporting a foreign country.

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I am presently 74 will be 75 on Feb 25. My best guess would be 10 yrs or a little more as my mother lived to age 92. My father died young at 65 in a car accident.

I support Ukraine as a SOVERIGN COUNTRY unjustly invaded by Russia .You show me one country including the VATICAN where corruption doesnt exist. Our southern neighbor , Mexico, is a textbook example of corruption gone wild.
Getting back to Ukraine, the elections in Luhansk and Donest were about as fair as our 2020 presidential election. This invasion is similar to Nazi Germany taking back the Sudenland.
As an aside, big KABOOM on the airfield in Berdiansk as many helicopters went up in smoke

     SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!

Maybe that is why you don’t care to be honest with the facts but instead choose to buy into the mass media false narrative instead of looking at the facts objectively! Its lazy on your part to not only deny the facts but failure to do the research in which reveals the truth. People like you are more about the symptom that ills the country.

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Putin is SOOOOOO Honest , he wouldnt flood Luhansk and Donest with Russian people to have the election go his way and to have an excuse to invade Ukraine.
Ukraine should be at Tokmat before the end of this year to further disrupt Russias logistics.Crimea should be in good missile range for Ukraine to make Russia pay a heavy price.
If Putin isnt stopped from " ANNEXING " Ukraine , Eastern Europe is next.

   SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

You like conflating much? Do tell as you continue to make a fool out of yourself here!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wake up from your self induced STUPOR my friend. Ukraine has crossed the Dnieper River in the Kerson area and will threaten Alesky forcing Russia either retreat or send in reinforcements from other areas there by weakining other areas.
Around Andivka, Russia has SUSTAINED ungodly losses in men and equipment in a FAILED attempt to take the mound at the coke plant and trying to encircle Andivka.
Unless the West CONSPIRES to FUK Ukraine when they threaten to retake Crimea , I wil celebrate the victory without being obnoxious here.

    SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are certainly projecting here! I know what the facts are, but you obviously you don’t and are living in denial!

I don’t know if you know this, but I am lawyer who is actively involved in Media with a company I am currently working with and its my job to disseminate the news for Strategic communications Organizations that are funded by Governments all over the world. So I would not come posting nonsense on this site in order to make a fool out of myself such as what you like to do on a daily basis by vomiting the sources you continuously claim to be Youtube but have yet to produce a link to back anything you say.

I am not going to respond to you anymore on this matter, because you are not apprised of the facts and discussing this topic with you is not only a waste of time, but a futile endeavor. You are not being intellectually honest but are brainwashed by whatever hegemonic view you continue to embrace such as continuing to live in the cold war era with cold war era points of view. In other words you are living in the past and have no idea what the facts are!


Ukraine is finished.
The US cannot fight three wars: in Europe, the Far East and Middle East.

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The USA has a long history of betraying previous people we used to support … how long does Zelenskyy have at this point?


Attention all PUTANISTAS , In the past 2 days , the RUSSIAN " LIBERATION ARMY" has lost NEARLY 100 tanks , armored vehicles and over 1300 " FREEDOM FIGHTERS " in its failed attempt to encircle Antivka. So much for MODERN Russian military tactics.

    SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are freaking insane! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

In YOUR OPINION, why do say Im insane. ? Please ENLIGHTEN me.

Anybody who unashamedly supports a corrupt country like Ukraine has to be insane.