Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

This one is a very clear message!

“We simply won’t put up with the attitude of the US towards our country,” Konstantinov wrote on Telegram. “Americans should think about why our country and many other civilized societies around the world aren’t willing to tolerate them anymore.”

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It’s a sad fact that the behavior of the necons is taken as the behavior of the entire US.

There are several replicas of the Statue in France alone, the most famous one being at the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris.

“Liberty” is actually a Greek / Roman goddess, but I forgot which one. The spikes from her head actually represent rays of light.

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RASPUTRID will face consequences if he deploys and or uses tactical nuke missiles. With the Russian Army in DEEP EXCREMENT in Ukraine he attempts to BULLY the WEST to agree to his demands. Like Hitler, he has surrounded himself with YES MEN that are TOTALY INCAPABLE of using modern battlefield tactics and REFUSE to listen AND " RETIRE " capable battlefield Generals that oppose these WW1 style tactics which incurr unnecessary excessive losses.
He is a PLAYGROUND BULLY that someone should grab by the shirt, slap his face and him to STFU. He will only succed if WESTERN LEADERS run like COWARDS instead of calling his bluff and will only become increasingly braver if allowed.
KUDOS to the RUSSIAN AIR DEFENSE for shooting down another of their planes.

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Russia is still targeting hospitals, appartment buildings and a Ukrainian village that was holding a FUNERAL for one of their military men . I assume there must be weapons stored in these areas somwhere. By the way, two Russian Air Force pilots and their families DEFECTED to the U S while on vacation in the UAE.

Desperate Ukrainian soldier tries to hit a drone with his rifle, after running out of ammo.

→ WOW 
 that’s the craziest thing I’ve seen 
 just surrender.

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He must have been watching too much baseball or cricket on TV.

Who’s responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians?
Anybody who spreads lies about Ukraine.

Something big is about to unfold in Ukraine.
Remember, Putin is a moderate and pressure on him is mounting inside Russia to get the thing in Ukraine over with.

Yeah right! I never have seen such lunacy on the battlefield in my life!

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How is RASPUTRID a moderate. Is he a moderate former COMMUNIST KGB agent ?? His sole goal is to reinvent the former Soviet Empire. Does this make him a moderate???

Never heard of Dmitry Medvedev?

Russia Launches Major Suprise Offensive on Avdeevka and All Along Contact Line in East Ukraine, No the US Can’t Arm Both Ukraine & Israel in Conflict, Russia Has Issues with Hamas, more

This is probably a great opportunity for Russia to move in for the kill!

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Toward the end of the audio Sleboda mentions that the small location just north of Donetsk (I always get confused because there’s another town with a similar name) from which the Kiev troops launched missiles etc since 2014 is about to be encircled and taken, hopefully.

Is anyone paying attention anymore? Has Israel-Palestinian conflict taken over the narrative now?


Poor Zelensky. Nobody cares about him anymore.


That is why I said earlier this is probably a great opportunity for Russian forces to finish the job.

From 1:10:00 only.

Russia is making major moves.

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This is quite remarkable! Seriously! Unbelievable!

đŸ’„This should be front-page news!

“US throws Ukraine under the bus!”

“We are the end of the rope. We will fund as long as we can, but it’s not going to be indefinite.” – White House

Who wants to be America’s next victim? Any takers in the Middle East? Or maybe its American taxpayers themselves that are the real victims.