Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

I agree about the CIA which I may believe put the SHAH on the throne.
The U S has done its part in FUKING up countries because of " U S INTERESTS". You can see Im not blind to our faults.
Was Ho Chi Minh supposed to be given western help after WW2?
I also would like to see an end to the Russo - Ukraine War as long as Crimea , Luhansk abd Donbas return to Ukraine until those issues are settled.
I’m not completely out of touch , nor have the 50’s mindset. I’m glad you appreciate my sense of humor MY FRIEND. May I call you my friend here???

Sure! We may disagree but we remain friends.

Ukraine War as long as Crimea , Luhansk abd Donbas return to Ukraine until those issues are settled.

I think this is where we will disagree. All of those regions are predominantly Russian speaking citizens, and referendums were held in those regions to either remain part of Ukraine or be annexed by Russia. Needless to say I think the citizens of those regions should determine their own future as returning to Ukraine is an untenable situation for Citizens there who they themselves were subjected to abuse, rape, murder by the Ukrainian underground state.

I know I am not alone in saying this, but Ukraine should be split up into three parts. Much similar that should have happened to Iraq between the Shiites, Sunnis, and the Kurds.

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How do women rape a gay man?

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I bet there are 50 ways to do it.

Refresh my memory. I don’t think Iran’s missile technology is that advanced. As for drones, Iran could make very cheap and noisy drones. Noisy and slow drones have the added value of scaring people longer. LOL

People there have already spoken — by overwhelming majority vote at that.

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Six men were detained by Ukrainian border guards while trying to illegally cross the border to Moldova to escape mobilization.

Such attempts costs $4,000 - $5,000.

Such cases increase but can anyone blame them?

“Today, the rhetoric of our opponents is filled with slogans: ‘invasion’, ‘aggression’, ‘annexation.’ And not a single word about the root causes of the problem,” Lavrov said in a speech at the UN Security Council.

He went on to accuse the West of “fostering a blatantly Nazi regime [in Ukraine], which has been openly rewriting the results of World War II and the history of its own people.”

“The West is avoiding having a substantial discussion based on facts and the respect for all tenets of the [UN] Charter. Apparently, it doesn’t have arguments for an honest dialogue,” the minister said.

I’m glad we remain friends here regardless of our few disagreements.Without various points of view, some problems may never be solved. You are one of the FEW bright spots on PB and I am glad you correct me when Im wrong.
This isn’t an attempt at butt kissing , but my HONEST opininion of you on PB.There should be more like you here instead of TROLLS and Real ANAL ORIFICES. I try to use certain words as not to be put on probation or banned.

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Thanks Al, appreciate the kind words. The sentiment is mutual!

Changed name back to Freedom 76.
Correct me if I 'm wrong, I see the Russo - Ukraine War as a.matter of a soverign country being invaded because of peoples vote to secede from Ukraine. Almost like the South seceding from the union.
In my opinion, I see you supporting Russia coming to " LIBERATE " Luhansk and Donesk from the Ukrainia " OPPRESSORS " without an attempt to negotiate an agreement before an invasion.
This isnt an attempt by me to be obtuse etc only an further understand your view.

People in the southern States were pretty much the same as the people in the north. Same language, same ethnic makeup as far as the whites were concerned. (“Slavery” was never an issue, and it was one of the justifications later historians made up to justify the mass murder of the whites in the south.)

Not so in the Donbass. The Russian language, which is the language of the Donbass, was denied, while its use was punished by the Kiev government, and the Russian culture and tradition was suppressed.

It was the people of Lugansk and Donetsk to form independent republics who witnessed the illegal coup d’etat of 2013-2014 in Kiev, financed by the Neocons, but Russia DID NOT recognize the Lugansk and Donetsk Republics.

Only after the Kiev military shelled the civilians in the Donbass, mostly Donetsk, for 8 years, KILLING 14,000 civilians, women and children included, Putin said enough.

I could have put this in the Tucker thread, but I think it should go here.

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300,000 Russian troops, still not engaged, in the east and north (in Belarus) of Ukraine
God knows how many woke US troops in the west.

Poles are tired of supporting Ukraine and quitting.
Germans and Slovaks are not really interested in fighting the Russians.
Swedes? They never experienced war for 300 years.

Scott Ritter on the possible outcome of the war. At 17 min.


Tucker has been pretty vocal and blunt about Ukraine since the invasion started and is probably one of the reasons why he was fired from FOX.

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Three theories as to this.

  1. It was done intentionally by someone who understood the situation.
  2. It was a computer / machine glitch.
  3. It never happened.



The West has become a shabby lot desperate to find an axe to grind under false pretenses.

Reasons why Russia is loosing to Ukraine:

  1. Poor Opsec
  2. Massive coruption in selling military supplies at all levels.
  3. Poor tactics and failure to use Combined Arms Tactics
    A. Using tanks not supported by Infantry and Artillery.
    B. Using tanks in supported in open areas and travelling single file and to close together.
    4. Maintenance is poor or non existant.
    5. Generals educated at a CLOWN COLLEGE and failing to revise tactics.
    6. Removing and punishing capable generals that are smart enough to see General Staffs INCOMPETENCE and failing to improve Logistical Support necessary for unit success.