Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

This interview is somewhat old, maybe some weeks, but not months.

Odessa has always been a historic Russian city, except after a totally artificial border drawn by Bolsheviks. (Even in the Soviet Union, Odessa was Russian, although administratively it was Ukraine. But within the Soviet Union, what difference does it make?)

Of course not, because the whole Ukraine thing is a part of the Khazarian mafia agenda. No, Ukrainian lives don’t matter.

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It was bound to happen sooner than later. I expect more of this as the US pushes for more war in the future.

All the more reason this Dem regime (and the entire Dem movement) must be taken down.
It’s promoted by these people.

Yea but with that proposition comes with thorny consequences that requires anarchy and revolution. I suppose we are close to reaching that point!

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What’s the word

Those who are awake (red-pilled) won’t put up with the BS from governments anymore.

At the same time, those still asleep do everything to remain asleep in their comfort zone and defend their paradigm (even if they know there’s something deadly wrong with the world)

The saddest part in all of this is that it doesn’t have to lead to this!

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Its not looking good good for your PUTIN PALS today. Andrifka LIBERATED, the railine and main highway threatened and Klaslifka soon to be LIBERATED. Russias elie 72nd unit cesses to exist.
In the south, Verbove is under SERIOUS ATTACK and will EVENTULALLY fall which will seriously threaten the defensive lines flanks.
Russias only success has been in Marinka where it faces LESS EXPERIENCED Ukrainian units.
How about the UKRAINAN NAVY!!! SERIOUSLY damaging a Russian missile ship which is being towed to a port by tugboat because its in danger of SINKING.
THIS is the time for Ukraines allies to increase their military support of Ukraine anf call RASPUTRIDS BLUFF.


Horrendous Ukrainian losses.

The German foreign minister is not the sharpest tool in the shed but at least speaks better English than Zelensky.


Ukraine may use long-range German / British missiles for political purposes only. No effect on the war on the ground.

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Its a foregone conclusion Not even going to entertain the cheerleaders here and their laughable claims.

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I know you are refering to me.

South Korea’s decision or obedience to Neocons to send shells to Ukraine (via the US) brought about the rapprochement of its archenemy North Korea to Russia, resulting in advanced Russian weaponry and electronic war technology for North Korea.

Did the South Koreans think about such consequences?

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I don’t know how glide bombs work to be accurate.
They sure look very destructive.

There is no honest discussion with you on this topic. What do you expect me to say? Don’t become another Jizzer here!

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South Korea is another US proxy, much like North Korea is for China. South Koreans don’t think for themselves.

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There can be an honest discussion if you try to understand why I support Ukraine and not treat me like I’m in the courtroom.
You know from the past that I’m not like him

Well, then try getting your facts straight and stop repeating the MSM nonsense. You know that I am a lawyer and I only deal in facts for better or for worse. If Ukraine was actually winning the war which they are not, I no doubt would be talking about it the same way as I do Russia, as I am sure Didge would too. I like being objective about the subject matter we are discussing here so please stop insulting my intelligence with your repeating Proganda talking points of the West. Whether you support Ukraine or not is not really my business. Yes I think anyone supporting Ukraine is ethically immoral, but that is your choice, but I believe Russia is dealing from a moral position and are justified with the actions they took.


Your arguement is with the various sources on You Tube , at least one of which is by an Army veteran.
In your esteemed opinion, why am I ETHICALLY immoral and why is Russia in a MORAL POSITION and JUSTIFIED.