Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

NATO naval war game in Black Sea.
The US always uses the sea to create an excuse for a war.

Yeah, the same false view that Russia is winning. Dont look now but Ukraine is close to taking the Donest airport.
Ukraine has taken Robyne and expanding east to Verbove and moving west. Russia has retrested from Andrifka with ukraine in hot pursuit.
Looks like Russias Poop is weak. Russia has few remaining reserves and are moving units from one place to another to reinforce areas where Ukraine has btoken thru. Most of the troops Russia has are poorly trained conscripts.
All those that support the COMMUNIST KGB MAN RASPUTRID better start buying CRYING TOWELS as you will need them.

     SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!

Proof that you are still living in the cold war of 1950’s! Get out of your slumberland “Archie Bunker”

Hate to break it to you Albert but Russia is no longer a communist country! Get with the times and stop your BS shilling, for its not rooted in facts!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didnt say Russia is a communist country nut close to it. My mind is not in the 50s nor am I Archie Bunker ( a great TV charactor) . Go look at the You Tube videos.

      SLAVA UKRAINE my friend.

I have and there are plenty here in this post that you refuse to watch.

And yes you did say the word communist. Putin is not a communist!

Yes you are living in the 50’s and yes you are very much like Archie Bunker! Anybody who says half the stupid shit that you say here and is still calling people a commie is still living in the 50’s and in the past as well as being a close minded bigot with xenophobe tendencies! Get a clue Archie, cough cough I mean Albert!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is what you support! Just own it !

Laura Loomer Exposes Florida Nazis As Federal Assets Tied To Ukraine

I believe John Brennan was CIA Director in 2014 and guess who the president and vice president was when the State Dept ban was lifted on funding Neo Nazis. Yes , SCHMOBAMA and SLOW JOE!!!
Guess who was the Ukrainan President in 2022 when he was DEPORTED??? Yes Velodymyr Zelensky!!!

Once again obfuscating the fact that you are blindly supporting a Nazi regime with out actually knowing that you are! Instead you buy into the false narratives sold to you by your wanton need to consume the MSM talking points that you were brainwashed with. You self admitted it with another one of your dumb logic while performing mental gymnastics to prove that you are not supporting a Nazi regime when in fact you are. Hilarious!

Proof positive that you are both clueless, misinformed and blind about the actual truth! You represent the American double standard well!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s the same guy who said: Zelensky says all kinds of things, depending on what he drinks and what he smokes.

A sage.

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He’s a rock star!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BREAKING: Putin explains the western plan, he sees it through!


  • Capture as much as possible
  • Until weapons and people run out
  • Start negotiations
  • Restore Ukraine’s combat capability

→ He also said that Ukraine lost 72,500 people, 543 tanks and 18,000 armored cars.

Is that 72, 500 the amount of people lost during the counter offensive alone?

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Earlier pics of Elensky don’t even look like him.

He probably has a body double. A lot of pariah puppet leaders have a body double. It’s a dangerous job.


Not the best paying job


Nobody can give more accurate info and raw data than Patrick Lancaster.


One has to be mentally debilitated or simply impaired to think Ukraine is winning this war.


Milley is the worse General there ever was and don’t understand how this fraud is still hanging around. What a fking joke!

Zelensky’s English is terrible! We should expect more from a faux leader taking money from America to be at least articulate.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The western media, be it American, British or German, still maintains that Russia is running short on munition in Ukraine.

Therefore, Putin has invited the North Korean dictator, according to this narrative, to Vladivostok in order to talk about the exchange of North Korean munition with food, high technology, military gear and the like.

No, Russia is not running short on munition. I think Putin wanted to look at the North Korean armored train in which Kim travels. LOL

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Strategic dialogue with Washington has done nothing for Moscow’s national security, claims Aleksandr Kramarenko

“What kind of trust can we talk about here? Where is the principle of pacta sunt servanda (‘contracts must be respected’)? And what then is the meaning of contracts when everything happens regardless and in spite of any contracts? Apparently, it turns out that Washington is simply unable to negotiate,” wrote Kramarenko, noting that not only Russia has come to this conclusion.

Commenting on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the diplomat recalled the words of US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at the recent Aspen security forum, who said that the US and its allies were willing to “take risks” with their arms supplies to Kiev. What Sullivan meant, according to Kramarenko, was that Washington was willing to take the risk of nuclear escalation, and that it was willing to do so because the principle of nuclear deterrence did not work for Russia.

“We need freedom from the West and its ideological oppression,” Kramarenko surmised.

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