Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

You believe in God? And you believe in war? Imagine the oxymoron you put forth here, it’s almost good enough for trench fodder :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The Jooos have been the center of every conflict because they created them since the beginning. You are too brainwashed to see the truth. Your war machine is your God! Face it, it’s the truth!

I have provided my resources before but I will provide them again. On You Tube there is Divine Justice, Pioneer,David Davidov a Ukrainian airline pilot( or former pilot) a man called Georgi.
You are brainwashed by watching BULLSHIT propoganda news and sympathize with the COMMIE RASPUTRID in his stated goal to recreate the former Soviet Union.

Look.MORON, Im not a warmonger but I believe in helping a country that was invaded with arms and training but not boots on the ground.
As far as I know, you know little of military strategy and or tactics. Russia should have taken Kiev in 90 days. But do to INCOMPETENCE and OVERCONFIDENCE they are loosing their ASS to Ukraine taking needless casualties and killing their solders that retreat.You need to STOP believeing the Russian BULLSHIT PROPOGANDA and supporting a COMMUNIST and former KGB AGENT
YES, i believe in God and doesnt make me no less a person because I support a countries fight agsinst a GODLESS believing country and leader . Read history to learn about those that believe in God fought wars to CONVERT people to their way of worshipping God. YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON TO TRY AND LECTURE ME ABOUT THAT. You are so far out in outer space , you cant look back to see PLUTO !!!

You don’t know how to copy and paste your links? Tells us you are not adequately prepared to accept facts that are contrary to your own views! You sound exactly like a leftist liberal who buys the headlines but sells the propaganda. You are just like Jitss617 they call themselves conservatives but in reality are leftist chucks trying to convince everyone they are something that they are not!

How little you know about me. In the past here on PB , Ive accepted facts that proved me wrong. Dr Manhatten had proven me wrong , I accepted it and thanked him. Ukraine is one of the few he and I disagree on but I respect him as a person with no hard feelings
I assume if you live on the HIGH PRARIE, the lower level of OXYGEN has affected your cognitative ability to RATIONALY discuss issues with people that have opinions that differ from yours.
I gave you my sources on YOU TUBE . I cant make you watch them and I dont need to copy and paste.

You can only critcize my internet skills which I dont care if that makes you a better person than me. Instead , try answering what I said about your OBVIOUS lack of military comprehension when it cones to strategy and tactics.
I wasnt an officer when I seved on active duty and was in PEACE TIME SERVICE but I have a good understanding if what UKRAINE is doing in defeating Russia and they WILL BE NEAR CRIMEA by the END OF THIS YEAR.
Put yourself on oxygen to limit the brain damage that has occured.

Anybody who says what you say and supports Ukraine is nothing more than a sock puppet repeating the mainstream media talking points. You don’t have any idea what you are supporting except that it makes you feel good inside but instead you support Nazis and expressing your vehement dogmatic views that is still stuck in the 1950’s.

It’s not hard to copy and paste links which says to me you go about life with blinders on much like leftists do. Not really getting outside to see the world or allow themselves to be open to the actual facts. Wave your flag, it’s a shortly lived trip. Death to America and grave yard for Americans are the slogans of your military age men that you import while giving money and supporting your bullshit narratives to a country that is not your own. How dumb is that?

I am pretty sure losing half a million soldiers and destroyed military equipment at an unprecedented rate is not winning the war. You are living in a fantasy! You provide absolutely zero evidence to back up your claim! Zero!

That is factually incorrect, and I know that you are not smarter than Col McGreggor, and if he says that Ukraine is losing then you can bet on two things. You are just repeating Fox News and their propaganda narratives or you really like looking dumb here, because nothing you are saying in your recent posts is verified fact, in fact its just stupid and false so you should stop because you are making a complete fool of yourself here!

Me and Didge have been posting on this particular thread for over a year and while we have our opinions on the subject matter as you do we certainly would not try allow our biases get in the way if Ukraine was actually winning the war (which they are not). You on the other hand are just being stupid and you should stop before I lose all respect for you, because its embarrassing for you to be repeating the same old garbage that has no bases in truth.

I get it you support Ukraine, but at least get your facts straight, we have standards here.


The more western aid to Ukraine, the more Ukrainian deaths.

If you say “Ukrainian lives don’t matter,” may no man say that about your life in the future.

It was a death trap, like many suspected.

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This was so obvious anybody who knows military strategy knew there was a flanking move in the planning.

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This is rather telling on so many fronts!

The Ukrainian troops were hiding in various buildings, public and private, and the Russian troops, the Chechens in particular, had no choice but to attack these buildings.

Additionally, Ukrainians took hostage of the Donbass citizens, putting them in basements and shooting them when they tried to escape.

And the Ukrainians laughed at the misery of these woman and children who were forced into the basements and called them rats.

I think a grandmother telling this story was in one of Patrick Lancaster’s videos.


The war in Ukraine is intricately related to Biden (re-election scheme).
The war caused BRICS to become a real world order, reducing US influence.
Turkey may be peeled off NATO

Surrendering Ukrainians

(Computer-generated English is not the best on this channel)

All interesting theories and scenarios in the future. Buyer beware!

This program used to have guests with opposing views, but it got boring because they share pretty much the same views now.

As for Ukraine, you cannot argue with people who STILL believe Ukraine is winning. Just no point in talking to such people.

Anthony Blinken was on CNN stating that Ukraine is winning and that they already took 50% of their land back. Whose ass does Blinken think he is blowing smoke up in? Holy crap!

While the elections were held in Russia, including the new four regions (oblasts) of former Ukraine, Kiev troops attack the center of Donetsk with a missile killing 17 (the last I heard).