Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

No, I didnt vote for Slow Joe, I voted for Trump!!! Yes I have moral principles, when dealing with foreign governments, you work with those in power good or bad. There is no country I know of that has a halo over it .
I do have moral principles on issues within our country.

What does being a Joo or a Tatar have to do with being a leader of a country or a cabinet member.

Zelensky was made President by an obscenely rich Jooish oligarch.
Obama and Biden were made Presidents by a group of obscenely rich Joos in DC and Wall Street.

Blinken and Nudelman represent the interests of above obscenely rich Joos.

If you fail to see the pattern, you’re in trouble.

Russia and US started talking.

Try this on for size!

This is what you support! Sending billions of US tax payers dollars to a foreign country that has zero benefits to the average working class Americans!

The daughter of Alexander Sapon, the head of the Ukrainian draft board, was on vacation in Los Angeles this past weekend.
Now you know where that 70% of US Funding went that was “unaccounted for"

You didn’t vote for Slow Joe, but you might as well have with all your bullshit gaslighting!

Im not doing any Bullshit gas lighting , only watching various video updates on Ukraine which is kicking Russias Army all over the country.
As a Putin Pal you must believe their mindless propoganda on Ukraine. They have Russian people believing Ukraine will invade Russia , that Ukraine is the aggressor and they support the " SPECIAL OPPERATION" falsely labeled of the invasion of a soverign nation.
You BITCH about the cost of taxpayer money to Ukraine while not taking care of our own people, an highly educated person like you should know the HOR has the budgetary power to reduce needless domestic spending and eliminating foregin aid to various SHITHOLE countries which would help those here who would actually need help.
We would see the comming of a NEW ICE AGE before Congress would actually make those hard decisons.

Yeah you are! You are ignoring every known fact about this war as well as valid points I make in exchange of you accepting the liberal media false narratives. Everything else that you are rambling on about here is nothing but bullshit fodder to appease your own fragile psyche because you simply can’t handle or accept the actual truth. Please spare us your liberal bullshit talking points, because that is all they are at this point.

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If those in DUMBASS and Luhansk thought they would have it better in Russia under RASPUTRID, they could have migrated to Russia which isnt far away, but, NOOOOOOOOOOH, they gave Mr former KGB man an excuse to launch a " SPECIAL OPERATION" to " Liberate" them from Ukraine. He only does things by force and wont try any other means to solve the problem.
He suffers from tunnel vision with a personality of a SCORPION which insults the scorpion which is in his DNA. Now he is victimized by his STUBBORNESS to refuse to accept that he wont ever defeat UKRAINE. And his pals SHOGUN and GIRAFFEIMOV have the same mindset.
I dont spout Liberal ideas either. We live in the best country in the world and have flaws like other countries have.I also dont have a fragile psyche either and dont watch Liberal news channels .

You live in an alternative reality than the rest of us. Why do Americans such as yourself have such a hard time accepting the truth? Your country has been interfering with other countries businesses including my own for many years and nothing that you will say can justify your blind ignorance for supporting Ukraine and their Nazi regime. You support it and you should just admit it!

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Then why are you contributing to fake duplicate threads here on this site? Don’t know how to read or something?

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Colonel MacGregor
A good overview of the Ukraine situation.
Follow the money to understand the war and the deaths of over 400,000 Ukrainians.
Skip the first few minutes of intro in German.

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US to give $600m more in military equipment to Ukraine

New $600m security assistance package follows a day after US pledges $1bn in military, humanitarian aid for Kyiv.

Published On 8 Sep 20238 Sep 2023

The United States has announced a new $600m security assistance package for Ukraine that includes demolition munitions, mine-clearing equipment, artillery shells and other weaponry, just a day after pledging $1bn in new military and humanitarian aid for Kyiv.

Announced on Thursday, the $600m follows after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced during a visit to Ukraine on Wednesday that Washington would provide $1bn in military and humanitarian aid for Kyiv, including depleted uranium ammunition for US-made M1 Abrams tanks that are expected to be delivered to Ukraine later this year.

The United States has announced plans to supply Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions to stave off the Russian military’s offensive, drawing fierce condemnation from Moscow.

The planned transfer, which comes as part of a $1bn US aid package for Kyiv unveiled on Wednesday, also has raised questions about the possible effects depleted uranium could have on civilians in Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden’s administration has defended its decision, with a White House spokesman telling reporters that the ammunition poses “no radioactive threat”.

“They are simply denser than more conventional tank rounds. But there’s no carcinogenic or radioactive threat posed by depleted uranium rounds,” US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said.

But Russia has lambasted the US, with the Russian embassy in Washington denouncing the Biden administration’s move as “an indicator of inhumanity” that will cause “indiscriminate effects”.

Here’s all you need to know:

The US announced on Wednesday that it plans to send armour-piercing, depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine, which is fighting off Russia’s continuing invasion.

The 120mm rounds will be used to arm the 31 M1A1 Abrams tanks that the US plans to deliver to Kyiv in the latter half of the year.

The rounds were developed by the US during the Cold War to destroy Soviet tanks, including the same T-72 tanks that Ukraine now faces in its counteroffensive.

What is depleted uranium?

Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the process to create the rarer, enriched uranium used in nuclear fuel and weapons.

The rounds retain some radioactive properties, but they cannot generate a nuclear reaction like a nuclear weapon would, RAND nuclear expert and policy researcher Edward Geist said.

Although far less powerful than enriched uranium and incapable of generating a nuclear reaction, depleted uranium is extremely dense – more dense than lead – a quality that makes it highly attractive as a projectile.

“It’s so dense and it’s got so much momentum that it just keeps going through the armour – and it heats it up so much that it catches on fire,” Geist said.

According to the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Museum of Radiation and Radioactivity in the US city of Tennessee, “as a DU [depleted uranium] penetrator strikes a target, its surface temperature increases dramatically”.

And when that depleted uranium penetrates a target, “the larger fragments tend to chew up whatever is inside, while the pyrophoricity of the uranium increases the likelihood that the vehicle’s fuel and/or ammunition will explode”.

They get the radiation and clean up at no extra cost.

The reality is, Ukraine is winning the war against Russia which Russia started.I support Ukraine as they were UNJUSTLY invaded by Russia. If everyone here supports diplomacy to solve everything, why wasnt it used before the Russian invasion? If Trump was president we may have had a different outcome there.
If Russia is pure and innocent, explain the rationale behind the missile attack on an outdoor market. Was there ammo stored among the fruit and vegetables for sale and innocent civilians were killed??? This is typical of the Russian mindset. Primitive BARBARIANS that only recently learned to walk upright and still have flat spots on their knuckles.
Zelensky isnt perfect , I dont know what problems he has within Ukraine, but he is doing the best he can and has shown positive leadership.

US intelligence has a big problem.
Who’s heading the myriad organizations?
A neocon. Not the brightest.
Blinken is full of Jootalk.
Now, less countries are supporting Ukraine.

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Lets cut the JOO CRAP say something meaningful if you can !!!

JOO CRAP makes the world go around, unfortunately.

Incidentally, REAL Joos are Palestinians who descended from ancient Israel, or more precisely Judea (origin of the English word “Joo” which comes from French “juif”; German “Jude” is closer of Judea, Judean)

Prophet Ezekiel prophesied a war of Gog and Magog, which is the current war in Ukraine.

Gog and Magog is the evil people of darkness who infiltrated the land of God or Palestine, and stole land from and murdered the people of God or Palestinians.

Gog = Gok (Turk) = Khazarian who converted to Pharisee teachings (Talmudic Judaism) in the 9th century AD
Magog = Mongol / Mongolia

Gok-Turks or Khazars are of the Mongolian (East Asian) race, later mixed with their own slaves of various races. Their homeland was what is today Mongolia.

The war of Gog and Magog is between the peoples of God (Palestinians as well as Orthodox Christians) and the evil race with its slave states (NATO) and morons who stand for Ukraine.

I had long thought that the war of Gog and Magog would take place in the Middle East, in and around Israel, like in area of Megiddo Mountain, hill or tel (Har-Magido in northern Israel or Armageddon in Latin)

But somehow the timeline changed and the NATO (allies of Gog and Magog who are thieves, usurpers and murderers) chose the battlefield in Ukraine. If we read Ezekiel, we know exactly what would happen.

The JOOS are GODS chosen people!!!

Cite the verse in the Bible that says “God’s chosen people.”

Or maybe the “original sin.”

These phrases were invented by the agents of Darkness.

That is not a reality, that is your fantasy and story book telling from watching Fox News and your so called sources that you refuse to provide here.

Your support for Ukraine is based on shear ignorance on your part and based on what you written so far I have to wonder the level of intelligence the average American possesses because yours is borderline laughable. You are not very read on the subject!