Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Again, the Ukrainians were led into another kill zone after their failure to fully capture an empty hamlet Robotine.

Just like our sock puppet friend they can not accept the reality of the truth. :doughnut:

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Anyone with a brain knows that no weapons system is inffalable. That Challenger wasnt hit by another tank. It hit a mine and lost a track.and then hit by artillery fire so SHOVE THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT.

As an aside here, why is everything AMERICAS fault all the time.I know AMERICA isnt perfect, but its the best country on the planet…What isnt AMERICAS fault today???

So what? The Brits were bragging that its never lost a battle until the Russians took it out. The fact Ukrainian Military is being annihilated is something you simply can’t or don’t want to admit. SHOVE THAT I YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!

You simply don’t get it! Maybe that is why you obfuscate answering pretty common sense questions or avoid them altogether as to why "America is sending Billions of dollars to Ukraine while ignoring their own people during times of crisis. Nor can you answer why or what interest is Ukraine to Americans? Why are you supporting Nazis?

The other part you are not getting is that America has been starting wars in other peoples countries for the past 50 years and you ask why is everything America’s fault? Holy crap dude! You really have no idea what is going on!

Here try this on for size! Get some perspective and start being honest with the facts. Like America itself, Americans needs to start being honest with themselves starting with accepting their cause and effect within the world has had a negative effect all because of the greed of its elite class of leaders doing the bidding of evil people. “The Harlot” The whore that rides the beast in revelations is America!

The Ukranian Army is winning against a numerical superior enemy and inflicting vastly more casualties on Russia than they sustain. Russia has clearly shone that their Army and the leaders are less than paper tigers.
I guess the Russian helicopter pilot that landed in Ukrainian controlled land was a hollywood type staged photo op.
Hopefully as Ukrainian victories increase, Russias political elite will tire of RasPutrid and exile him to somewhere in BUMFUK Siberia.

Clearly you are delusional and disseminating fake news propaganda as gospel. No intelligent sane person who has been following this conflict puts Ukraine as winning. You sir are making a fool of yourself by not only ignoring the legitimate questions I put forth to you earlier, but by repeating what everyone here knows as fake news as gospel!

Fk Ukraine!

How interesting. I have the same feeling.

What matters is, he won’t be bothering anyone anymore whether he is alive or pushing up daisies.

Did any one tell you how ridiculous you look wearing that hat? :tophat::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Complain to the Brits about the bragging.

I would question the validity of the election in the contested areas to join Russia. Maybe about as real when Trump lost to Slow Joe where Trump lost a 500k vote lead in Pa in minutes.

Again ignoring the facts and coming back with a inconsequential response!

AMERICAS fault all the time.I know AMERICA isnt perfect, but its the best country on the planet…What isnt AMERICAS fault today???



Dennis Kucinich a former Democratic congressman and presidential candidate: “In blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, this government has deliberately circumvented Article One of the US Constitution, the Authority of Congress to make war… Thanks to a courageous journalist, Seymour Hersh, we know what each of you did at the Nord Stream Pipeline Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State, Mr. National Security Advisor, and Madame Undersecretary of State and we will not rest until you are held accountable by Congress, by the international criminal court and by the American people at the next election.”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have no dog in America I am Norwegian. You voted for Joe Biden?

Why do you openly support Nazis? Do you not have moral principles to stand upon?

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Maybe operating in the shadows is even better too! Drinking “Everclear” one tends to drink themselves sober at times.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Leave Albert alone. He is set and stilted in his ways and is not capable of being either open minded to the truth or accepting anything outside the legacy brainwash media! Sad but true there are many people in America like him and its the reason why we are in the mess that we are in. Asleep in America in front of the TV still watching Fox News while eating cheese puffs!


If Ukraine was having all this success on the battlefield that the brain-dead zombies claim then why fire the defense minister?

Reznik literally means “butcher,” a guy who prepares meat for you. Reznikov could either be a Joo or a goy.

Crimean Tatar? It sure complicates the matter.
But generally, Crimean Tatars are better off under the Russian flag than the Ukrainian flag, given the history of ethnic discrimination of minorities by the racist Kiev regime.

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