Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

He sounds very dead.

His usefulness is over. Heā€™s supposed be in exile. Heā€™s more of a nuisance now for Putin.

So, who killed him?

We donā€™t know, but Iā€™m sure he had many enemies.

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How much cocaine do you think he is snorting on a daily basis?

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He outlived his usefulness and became a burden, I think.

He should have kept his mouth shut, although my first initial reaction to this news is to suspect foul play, but could be just an accident, however I find it hard to believe that mechanical failure is the reason when considering the plane was seen spiraling downward suggesting there may have been a struggle on board the plane due to it being hijacked.

Anyway, his body has not yet been positively identified.

Someone caught footage of the plane descending in a spiraling fashion that eventually crashed to the ground.

I wonder if the jet would fly by remote.
If so, maybe there were no humans on that plane, while Prigozhin is only ā€œofficiallyā€ dead but spending the rest of his life in luxury away from Russia. Everyone is happy.

Anything is possible, and nothing these days is surprising.

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Cui bono?
Who benefits?

Certainly not Putin, because the timing is all wrong. In the middle of the BRICS meeting, in the middle of Russiaā€¦ very embarrassing for Russia if it was really a murder.

Prigozhin could have faked his own death. Yep, my point.

Let the speculation games and conspiracy theories begin.

Meanwhile, a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  taco with beef sounds nice now. Lunch time!

Not why the word ā€œs_picyā€ needs to be redacted on this site?

s-pic, n-igger

What else?

A cool dude. LOL

A kosher sushi bar is theoretically possible because neither the Old Testament nor the Talmud says anything about eating raw fish. Needless to say, shellfish, octopus, calamar and eels (no scales) are non-no.

The Russian Ministry of Defense didnā€™t want to fight for Bakhmut.

Scott Ritter says it was an accident, not an assassination.

Donā€™t know what to believe anymore. Ritter is and has become another pundit with another set of opinions. Nothing is confirmed.

I still think the plane was on remote control and the crew and passengers are still alive. Prigozhin, after having lost all his businesses, is given a life of retirement in a tropical resort far away, maybe in Cuba

I donā€™t think so. His ego is too big that would allow him to remain silent that would give the game away.

Has there been any one in human history that faked their death and got away with it?

A few Chinese emperors and Korean kings.
Some of them turned up in Japan.

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Never heard of them and I am guessing this was before the internet? Lol!

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Before photography was invented, people could easily be fooled.

Well, even after the invention of the photography and internet, people are easily fooled. LOL

I think in todays digital age it would be much harder to fake or stage oneā€™s death and then try to get away with it. Itā€™s almost akin to foul play or murder itself.