Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Ukrainians have little to do with the conflict. The major players are Christian Russia and Joo-America.

The latter don’t give a damn about Ukrainian lives. Or human lives for that matter. Khazaria is their ancient homeland and will nuke the world, when push comes to shove.

From the mouth of a very wise Joo


Looks like bottoms up at the party!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ukrainian women!


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Speaking of Wagner

I wonder if she needs a place to stay in a “western” country.

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I think she’s still single.

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The truth is a slow drip to actualization!

Need to push this to the top to get rid of Jizz’s folly

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If one picture can sum it all in terms what this world’s current disposition is all about then this would be it.

Washington is urged to “declare Russia
a state sponsor of terrorism and publicly declare Putin to be a war criminal who constitutes a serious threat to European and global security and to the restoration of democracy in Russia,” with “foundations promoting Western democracy” – no doubt a reference to CIA fronts such as the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID – directed to “significantly increase their support of the different components of Russia’s opposition.”

New focal point: Belarus

As Poland is busy to unite with Lithuania and Ukraine, the Wagner forces are steadily building their bases and their presence is no secret anymore.

Where are their bases located? Near the Ukrainian-Belarussian border. When push comes to shove, the Wagner forces can surround Kiev and cut off the NATO supply line in the western part of Ukraine.

Is this G7?

How come there are nine of them? LOL

I think it was Davos, but I could be wrong.

G7 in Hiroshima this year.
I know who Ursula von der Leyen is, but I just wonder who the bearded guy is.

Incidentally, “van” in Dutch names doesn’t mean much, but in German, “von” indicates someone with an aristocratic background.

Charles Michel. EU rep

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Makes you wonder. EU is represented by two individuals? What has EU got to do with G7?

In Moscow, police officers were armed with anti-drone guns.

Today, the capital of the Russian Federation was once again attacked by a drone.

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Looks like some electronic jamming machine.
BTW, the guy with a big backpack is obviously a tourist from North America. Meaning American or Canadian.

The cops in Russia will never bother you, just because you’re from a foreign country. Me and a friend from Australia were annoyed by a trio at the Red Square who looked like Stalin, Lenin and some czar (Ivan the Terrible?) who insisted that we take photos together. Sure enough they demanded a ridiculous amount of money for the photos.

I plan on going to Russia next year. It sucks they only offer a 16 day visa however, a good month to tour the country is not enough time. I was inspired by our friend Alex who obviously was or still there touring.


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