Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

China’s Military needs some experience and they certainly have vast resources and manpower

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The sooner he goes, the more lives will be saved.

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Totally agree with this analysis and disposition. How many days are left is the bigger question.

Yes, we knew what the Ukrainians would do, once Biden gives them the cluster munitions.

The people in Donetsk are pissed off, though they are used to Ukrainian shelling since 2014.

Can’t wait to see what the response is going to be. They should just say “fk protecting the culture” and obliterate Kiev!

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Newsweek said over 30% of Americans support the idea of American boots on the ground in Ukraine.
These liars.

Either Biden will waste more money on Ukraine or Ukraine will be hung out to dry.

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Larry Johnson gives excellent analysis

This is intense

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Very dangerous toy from Russia

He is earning his pay. Its why its a young mans game! Stamina is a well needed asset in these situations when you got to keep moving.

This is the new style of war of the future.

What’s amazing is that they knew exactly where the other side is sitting and sleeping.

And it’s only 70 meters apart?

Yes, I heard about the Polish mortar shells that are silent.

I would imagine both sides are moving camp quite frequently depending how far they are advancing but when advancing its head on a swivel time, and 4 hour sleep periods at the most.

Ukraine, Kiev August 2023. Please donate more money.


Who are the owners of the US - doesn’t the bible say "Jesus confronted them by saying, “You are of your father the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies

Life is normal in Kiev, Moscow and St Petersburg (as shown by Alex Christoforou). Of course he won’t dare enter Ukraine, but the fact remains that Russia doesn’t target the civilian infrastructure there. When missiles fall on civilian buildings, they are usually Ukrainian missiles missing the targets.

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Zelensky can always migrate to Israel and join his parents for whom he bought a fancy house or mansion.

Israel will never let any jooish refugee be extradited or face criminal charges once he is in the land.

Ukraine’s Sluggish Counteroffensive Raises Questions About U.S. Support

Should the U.S. continue to bankroll the counteroffensive?

WILLIAM RAMPE | 8.7.2023 10:42 AM

President Joe Biden has claimed that the U.S.'s support for Ukraine “will not waver” amid its conflict with Russia, but new reports about the slow pace of Kyiv’s counteroffensive highlight the costs of the fighting.

The New York Times reported last week that newly Western-trained Ukrainian brigades have failed to achieve any “sweeping gains,” due to Russian artillery fire. Similarly, CNN has highlighted Ukraine’s difficulty in penetrating Russian defenses, with one Ukrainian official calling the density of Russian mines “insane.” And Politico reportedTuesday that U.S. officials expect the counteroffensive to last “at least through the fall and possibly into the winter.”

These reports follow a July 25 story in The Wall Street Journal claiming that the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive to achieve its objectives has many Western officials fearing an “open-ended conflict”—and pessimistic that conflict-ending negotiations will occur this year.

“We are not expecting that they will be able to recover all the territory that was lost to Russia, especially if you are considering Crimea and even the territory which was lost in 2014 with Donbas,” one European official told the Journal .

“It’s going on pretty much according to the way I thought it would,” says Lyle Goldstein, a visiting professor at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University. “It always seemed ridiculous that you could have armored elements advancing without air cover, never mind having a deficiency in artillery. And when you add the mines to it, it always struck me as a nearly impossible task.”

Yet earlier Western expectations thought Ukrainian valor could overcome this reality. As the Journal reported earlier in July, “Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”

“Pentagon and White House officials had low confidence of Ukrainian success, but allowed them (actually, outright facilitated their ability) to go on an offensive that was almost certain to fail,” says Daniel L. Davis, a senior fellow at Defense Priorities.Ukrainian soldiers, he adds, “shouldn’t have been sacrificed for a mission that was all but militarily unattainable.”

For Ukraine’s counteroffensive to succeed, the country’s armed forces need time to wear down Russian defenses. “At this stage of active hostilities, Ukraine’s Defense Forces are fulfilling the number one task—the maximum destruction of manpower, equipment, fuel depots, military vehicles, command posts, artillery and air defense forces of the Russian army,” wrote Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, a month ago. “We are acting calmly, wisely, step by step.”

But Ukraine’s plans also require the U.S. and its allies to provide more military aid. “The only real response is an industrial mobilization that will give Ukrainians, and the Russians, a clear message that the Ukrainians will always have plenty of what they need,” one Washington-based diplomat told The Wall Street Journal.

Such a policy underestimates the costs and dangers of supplying arms for the offensive, such as the threat of nuclear escalation. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev stoked these fears on July 30 when he said that Russia would be forced to use nuclear weapons if Ukraine’s offensive were to infiltrate Russian territory.

“I’ve been regularly documenting all kinds of nuclear threats that have traded back and forth,” says Goldstein, “and I personally think that we’ve kind of underplayed those for political reasons.”

There is another way the U.S. can help end the war. Instead of continuing to aid the counteroffensive, Washington could facilitate a negotiated end to the conflict by opening back-door diplomatic channels.

“The most prudent course of action now is to stop the offensive, use the rest of their striking force to begin digging in so that they guard against a Russian counterattack this summer,” says Davis. “And then seek a ceasefire to end the killing of their men and destruction of their cities, and try to find a negotiated way out.”

“The Ukrainians achieved a miracle—they saved the Ukrainian state—so they should pocket that victory and try to come to some kind of ceasefire,” adds Goldstein. “I don’t really see major political changes coming in either Moscow or Kyiv, so maybe a Korea-like settlement is the best we can hope for.”