Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

When Russian troops “encircled” Kiev in February 2022, it was a perfect feint movement to keep Ukrainian troops in the north and and to divert their attention from the Donbass, Zaporozhia and Kherson.

The current Russian movement in the northeast appears to be more serious. If Russia manages to take Kiev and fell the Zelensky regime, Russia no longer needs to occupy Kharkov or Odessa. These traditional Russian cities fall into their lap automatically without any bloody building-to-building fights.


Yeah I agree, cutting off the head of a snake ends this a lot sooner than the war of attrition that they have been fighting so far.

Another thing as well is the fact that Ukraine’s defense minister has recently openly stated that attacking Russian cities, ie: “bringing the war to Russia” might have been the wrong propaganda ploy on their part because this may have lit a fuse of urgency on Putin’s part to become more assertive and decisive to end this war especially if Russian cities are getting hit with drones and start injuring Russian civilians.


Cue that song from the Wall

“And they were going no where fast”

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Ukraine is losing across the board.

Nonetheless, the war will grind on (at the expense of hundreds of thousands of goy Ukrainians) as long as Jooish neocons send materiel, courtesy of US goy tax payers.


This is a recent posting from Gonzalo Lira’s Twitter account, a link that was provided by Alex. Needless to say, its pretty fked up what he is reporting.

The question I have in the case of Gonzalo’s predicament is how is he going to get past the check point that is past the Ukrainian border and into Hungary without anyone knowing who he is?

Right now, I’m about to try to get out of Ukraine, and seek political asylum in Hungary.

Either I’ll cross the border and make it to safety, or I’ll be disappeared by the Kiev regime.

This is what’s happened to me over the past three months.


On May 1, I was arrested for my YouTube videos. The photos of my arrest are pretty funny—morning bed-head made me look like a character out of Dr. Seuss.

My crime was making videos critical of the West and their proxy regime in Kiev—and how they are destroying Ukraine.

Attached to these tweets is the full indictment against me, both the original Ukrainian and English translation.

As you can see, even the prosecutor admits I committed no crime against property or any person. And I certainly provided no aid or intelligence to the Russians.

My indictment explicitly states that all I did was discuss publicly known facts about the war—the epitome of free speech in a democracy.

But Zelensky’s Ukraine is no democracy—it is a thieving, corrupt, murderous gangster regime PRETENDING to be a polite “western” democracy.

Once arrested, I was given documentation assuring me that I was “guaranteed the right” to contact my lawyers and loved ones, as well as post bail.

In fact, I was blocked from calling anyone—even my lawyers. And I was not permitted to post bail—though I had the cash to do so.

In other words, the formalities were carried out scrupulously—while judicial and ethical grotesqueries ruled.

That’s Zelensky’s Ukraine. That’s what his thuggish regime cares about: The >perception< of democracy and the rule of law, so as to mask the sordid, corrupt reality.

That’s why they relentlessly persecute anyone who tells the truth about this war. I’m not the only so-called “propagandist” the Kiev regime has thrown in prison.

It’s also why they shoot any AFU soldier who dares retreat. That’s why the AFU losses are so horrific—but hidden.

As you can see by the indictment, the video I made that really chapped their ass was “Ukraine: A Primer”, which gives the historical background to the conflict—where I state outright that this invasion wasn’t out of the blue. That indeed, it was provoked by the Kiev regime.


Once inside Sizo Prison, I was tortured in two of the four cells I was in—by the other prisoners. Guards NEVER beat prisoners—they outsource torture to the other prisoners.

One prisoner actually apologized to me, telling me he had no choice. He wasn’t lying. I understood.


I got a cracked rib in my first cell, but it wasn’t too bad. The worst stretch was in my fourth cell.

From 1pm on June 21 until 7pm the next day—30 hours—I was beaten and sleep deprived, my arms twisted the wrong way around at the shoulders, and generally beaten pretty bad.


I’ve taken a beating in my time. So sure, it hurt like hell, but it was manageable—but then at one point, two thugs held my head and used a toothpick to scratch the whites of my left eye, while asking me if I could still read if I had just one.

ngl, >that< was unnerving.


Near the end of this session, one of the thugs struck me in the chest so hard and so repetitively that the beating left a yellow-and-green splotch dead-center on my sternum.

He was >berated< by the cell boss, because he’d left a mark on me—which was a no-no.



Then as luck would have it, two days later—when the bruising was in full bloom—a senior guard came to give me a wellness check!

This was likely because of the Chilean embassy efforts.

The US embassy called me three times, but gave me nothing but “support”—empty bromides.


The guard told me to remove my shirt so he could look me over. The bruising was really spectacular—but he just nodded and pretended he didn’t see a thing.

Perceptions< He’d checked me, right?

Why was I beaten to the point of torture? Well—it wasn’t over my YouTube videos!


I was imprisoned because of my videos—no doubt. The videos are why the SBU arrested me and put me in Sizo Prison without bail.

But as they investigated me—and examined my computers and accounts, all of which they confiscated and opened—the SBU realized that I’m not poor.


So once they had me imprisoned for my videos, the SBU took the opportunity to extort money from me—using the guards as accomplices, who in turn used the prisoners as the muscle.

How I discovered this is too complicated for a Twitter thread. But I’m writing a book about it.


All told, they extorted USD$70,000 out of me, and split it among themselves. They also took another $9k when they arrested me (my emergency cash). And another 11 grand, which was the bail money.

With the computers, iPhone, etc., I’m out an even 100k on this adventure.


I’m never seeing any of that back, not even the bail money—because I’ve decided to leave Ukraine before my trial.

My trial is on Wednesday August 2—and I’ve already been told: I WILL be found guilty.

My sentence will be five to eight years in a prison labor camp.



But here’s the thing: The conditions of my bail are that I have to wear an electronic monitor, surrender my passports, and not leave the city of Kharkov, much less the country.

HOWEVER—after posting bail, I >didn’t< get an ankle monitor—and they >returned< my passports.


Later at the SBU offices, they >returned other documents< they’d confiscated—my driver’s license and my motorcycle registration.

In Sizo, I told an inmate how last year I’d been detained, released, but told not to leave Ukraine. He laughed. “They were telling you to leave!”


This time, it looks like the same is happening: They’re telling me not to leave—but leaving the door open.

Or so I hope.

Or maybe I’m being set up by them so they can justify putting me away in a labor camp—so no one will ever know about their sordid extortion scheme.


I simply don’t know. So I decided to die trying.

I rode my motorcycle across Ukraine—1,400 kms in two days.

I’m going to Hungary to ask for political asylum.

When I fail to show up in court in Kharkov, an arrest warrant will be issued, likely an international warrant.


No doubt other EU countries will comply like sheep, returning me to serve five to eight years in a prison labor camp—

—regardless of the fact that Kiev arrested and imprisoned me for >YouTube videos!<

For free speech!

What happened to “European democratic values?



And the US State Department would return me too. I’m not a black lesbian druggie, or a transgender grifter. Besides, Victoria Nuland hates my guts, or so I’m told.

I’m hoping the Hungarians will read my indictment and say, “This is bullshit—we’re not sending him back.”


I’m posting this thread just as I’m getting to the border checkpoint. I’m also posting videos on the two channels I have access to, The Roundtable and Gonzalo Lira—Again.

If you don’t hear from me in the next 12 hours—whelp! I’m on my way to a labor camp!

Wish me luck.


Ron Paul, Col MacGregor

This is neocon’s war. “Neocon” is another name for you know who.


He pretty much sums it up

31% of Americans in favor of American troops in Ukraine.
Or boots on the ground to fight Russia.

— According to Newsweek.

Joosweek at it again to manipulate the dumbed down population.

In case you forgot.

The Joooos started it today and will doom us all.

This is tragic and just shows that we as a species are capable of such things.I hope he makes it out safely. I think he should go to Russia as I am sure he can soldier on there and they would welcome him with open arms.

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It was pretty dumb he didn’t leave Ukraine immediately when the Special Operation started in February 2022. I think he was in Kiev on business by chance.

I understand his wife is from Kharkov, and he has lived in Ukraine for some years, so he should have known what would happen if he kept making videos and podcasts which are not friendly to the regime.

Scott Ritter in his interview yesterday said Gonzalo Lira is an agent or asset of the Ukrainian intelligence. Scott Ritter may have intel sources we’re not privy to, but I tend to doubt Lira is a Ukrainian agent.

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400,000 Ukrainian dead already.
Goy lives don’t matter, do they?

American tanks as well as German tanks are death traps. And NATO knows it.


White Lizzo, also known as Chris Christie, took a trip to Ukraine and presented Zelenskyy with blue and yellow flowers.

In case you were wondering what kind of a Republican Chris is, it’s the type that would continue the national sucking-off of Zelenskyy.

Why is it that Chris wants to continue to take American tax dollars and send them to Ukraine?

Let’s be real. He doesn’t care about that part.

Chris is there for the borshch, varenyky, holubtsi, Chicken Kyiv, banosh, and syrnyky.

Chris is there for the crazy lunch festival that I’m sure Zelenskyy is going to provide.

If Chris was serious about winning the GOP primary, rather than eating his heart out with Zelenskyy he’d be denouncing every dollar that we’ve sent to this war of NATO aggression.

Chris Christie is not the guy we need right now
 and with those flowers in hand, we don’t EVER need him.

Plan B is not going according to plan. The end is very near and soon NATO is going to make a move. They can’t have this war ending before they (NEO-CONS) cash in.

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The second Mongolian attack on Japan in 1281 consisted mostly of Chinese troops who were sent off to Japan with seeds and agricultural tools. In other words, they were told to stay in Japan, if the invasion was a success and never to return.

In other words, the Chinese (Sung Dynasty) army was a second-class army who came under the Mongolian rule relatively recently and they were more of a burden for the Mongolian ruling class.

So, for the Mongols, it made little difference whether the invasion was a success or a total failure. And that’s why the Mongolian emperor (Kubilai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan) who was familiar with geography and other sciences, chose a typhoon season.

Just like Chinese troops were dispensable, the Ukrainians are nothing but chess pieces for NATO.

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I wonder how many they have as a standing army that represents NATO?

Col MacGregor mentioned the figures somewhere.
The biggest NATO army (other than the US) is Turkey and then Ukraine. Or maybe the Ukraine army was bigger, I forgot.

The German, French, English, Dutch, etc., are totally insignificant. And that’s exactly why NATO had to “expand” east to secure necessary troops.

Let East Europeans fight East Europeans. What a brilliant idea.

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Does NATO even have the numbers to match Russia’s? Here is another things to consider, should NATO decide to get into the fray then should China join Russia to bolster those numbers?

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Very good question.
Putin was reluctant to mobilize because it might affect the Russian economy negatively, since you have to pull work force from various sectors of society.

The territory loss last September was an excellent excuse to mobilize 300,000 men, if I’m not mistaken, and the Russian army is growing daily because there are a significant number of volunteers.

And yet, there aren’t enough troops to occupy entire Ukraine, a huge country from a European perspective, given the population in the north / northwest is hostile to Russia, unlike the Russian speakers in the south / southeast.

Shoigu’s recent visit to North Korea may have something to do with this fact?

Of course Russia doesn’t need North Korean missiles, but a few hundred thousand North Koreans come in handy, don’t you think?