Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

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It seems that Russian military up until this point has been very restrained and looks like an example of pent up aggressions. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Some of Putrids supporters must be clumsy. One " ACCIDENTALY "fell out of his 12th story appartment and another “ACCIDENTALY” fell out of his 2nd floor house window. I hear Queens Another One Bites The Dust is to be rereleased in Russia.
Russia must have discovered ammo inside the cathedral in Odessa. Why else would they hit it with a missile. Russia may have executed a Ukrainaian spy. A 60 something woman that gave Ukrainaian troops locations of Russian soldiers. How brave of these BARBARIOUS HEATHENS!!! How proud they must be!!!
Ukraine has pushed Russia back and retaken land around Luhanks and soldified tbe front. Russia is in DEEP FECES in Bakhmut and along tbe southern front.Crimea will also be un DEEP Feces as Ukraine will target bridges there along with ammo storage areas.
At least countries arent waiting for SLOW JOES approval and continue to supply Ukraine as it fights ALONE to LIBERATE its country from Russias invasion of its BARBARIAN HORDES.
The SELF PROCLAIMED military genius Field Marshal Prigo better be careful if he FUKS with Poland. They are TOUGH and he will regret it.

Oh Ok :ok_hand: (Lol) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Zelenskyy on borrowed time?

I have the sneaking suspicion that Putin let Ukraine take the regions of Izium, Kupiansk, the south of Kharkov, last September on purpose in order to justify mobilization.

Even those people in Russia who were against the “Special Operation” were infuriated by the territory loss and thought that Putin was too soft.

If that indeed was the case, maybe Putin will pull the same trick again for further mobilization.

Sergei Shoigu, the Defense Minister, was in Pyongyang recently to celebrate the armistice agreement in Korea 70 years ago. I still think Russia should ask North Korea to send a few million troops to occupy entire Ukraine to the Polish border.

North Korean troops (who never had actual combat experience for 70 years) would learn a lot about modern warfare too. I personally think North Korea is a disgusting dictatorship, but South Korea, a corrupt slave state of the international banksters, isn’t much better.

True. I don’t think that would happen. Also Ukraine using North Korean made missiles seized from a recent shipment destined for Russia is revealing that they are desperate for ammo.

I wonder what Russia’s response will be?

Notice Stoltenberg’s Norwegian accent coming through? Obviously he is very upset. LOL

Why can’t the European countries forget about Africa altogether? Nothing good comes out of Africa. (Whites in Africa, get the hell out of there. And send blacks in the UK, France and Germany to where they come from)

Nothing prevented Zelensky from avoiding the war.
If he had renounced his request for NATO membership, it would have satisfied Moscow’s demands, and the invasion would have been called off.
However, the corrupt rulers in Kiev were not motivated by concern for the stability and integrity of Ukraine. They were moved by billions in financial and military aid and unlimited prospects for personal enrichment.

Some Europeans, locking any capacity on their own for revenge for centuries of defeats and humiliation, saw an opportunity for reprisal, especially without direct military involvement. Biden looked forward to extricating himself from Afghanistan and making the Ukrainian crisis a turning point in his presidency.

Ironically, everybody wanted this war except Putin.

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Many Europeans firmly believe Europe is “a (heavenly) garden” and the rest of the world “a (savage) jungle.”

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“Everybody” meaning the elites ruling class who needed an excuse to launder more money while propping up a Nazi regime,

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Why should Zelensky give into Putrid?? He has to do what he feels isvin Ukraines best interest as a country. Russia wasnt threatened by Ukraine or NATO at that time.

If he had renounced his request for NATO membership, it would have satisfied Moscow’s demands, and the invasion would have been called off.

Look at the damage, it will be decades to recover and billions of dollars.

All because he would not say, no w will not seek to loin NATO.

One day the US will regret getting involved in this dispute. Perhaps when it becomes a necessity to send boots on the ground.

The Minsk Agreements were a sham. This was admitted by Merkel and Hollande, two leaders of the sponsors, Germany and France, as well as by Poroshenko, then Ukrainian President, the chocolate king.

Russia no longer trusts the west, which it shouldn’t have and Russia learned the lesson the hard way.

You don’t have to be a genius to realize the Zelensky regime is a puppet government by the US neocons.

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Russia does not always win. Russia should not have allowed the Wagner group to take over Bakhmut.

Despite people here and their best efforts to try to put lipstick on on a pig, one would simply resign themselves to blissful ignorance!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Why do some women with very dark skin put on red cheek powder? (Scientific name is “blush,” I understand)

I saw some in New York subway and they look ridiculous.

(I’m not putting down women with dark skin, but their imitation of pale skinned individuals is silly.)

Australian aborigines paint themselves white or make white marks on the body for ceremonies because the “white” color represents spirit.

This colonel doesn’t hold the same opinions as Scott Ritter or Col MacGregor, but it’s fun to listen to him.

I know who Col Tony Shaffer is. Usually he is spot on and doesn’t waste time in articulating points of interest, but does it in a concise calculated manner.