Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Heā€™s neither pro-Russian nor pro-Ukrainian

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The same people driving this war in Eastern Europe and Ukraine are the people dominating the financial markets, dominating media and ultimately shaping policy for our government.

We are not allowed to name them or criticize them. I wonder who they are.

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Yes very true! They are the protected class

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Not sure how much truth there is to this article, but back channels is common in diplomacy where the public is kept out for obvious reasons. Still, the larger picture and strategy for both sides to seek an off ramp and negotiated settlement is in progress of further discussions. Russia is not going to back down or cede anything, while Washington is further humiliating itself the more it keeps bleeding out economically from a war they obviously canā€™t win the worse it continues to get for the average joe.

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The US President and Secretary of State are both lying

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The US President and Secretary of State are both lying

Of course they are and is par for the course for letftists disguised as leaders.

Bradleyā€™s no more!

I understand he is a Russian who resides in Florida. There is a joke about Swedes who got tired of the cold in Sweden, so they decided to settle in Minnesota. But Russians are smarter. LOL


Some Swedes who are my Viking bros are awake! We travel well! Remember we were sailing before everyone else! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It looks as though the Celts discovered North America and Iceland, long before the Vikings and of course Columbusā€¦

Wait a minute. Are there ancient Egyptian artifacts found in the Grand Canyon? Iā€™m totally confused.

That is subjective and open for debate. But Vikings were travelers long before many civilizations.

According to the Book of Settlements, Iceland was discovered by the Norwegian Viking FlĆ³ki VilgerĆ°arson, also known as Hrafna-FlĆ³ki (literally ā€œRaven-FlĆ³kiā€). FlĆ³ki reportedly released three ravens, and then sailed in the general direction that they flew, eventually discovering Iceland.

Meanwhile, on the eastern shores of the Americas, the most certain, best-documented evidence for European contact with America before Columbus is the Vikings. Icelandic sagas record that Lief Ericksson took a ship west from Greenland in the year 1001 and set up a settlement in an area they called Vinland.

Some say the Portuguese and the Dutch mastered sailing but it was the Vikings that gave them the knowledge to do so.

I know some are saying with this latest development that this is a betrayal that will spell the end of the US military dominance and the end of the tank itself. Why the fk are we giving our most advance tank to Ukraine now?

Well, if I read a book, I take into account who wrote it. If the author is a Scandinavian, he is not likely to say Eskimos (not a politically correct word nowadays, but what do I care?) discovered Iceland.

" The ƍslendingabĆ³k of Ari Thorgilsson claims that the Norse settlers encountered Gaelic monks from a Hiberno-Scottish mission when they arrived in Iceland."
From wikipedia.

As for the Egyptians, tobacco leaves were found in the sarcophagi of some Pharaohs.
Also, forensic anthropologists say syphilis was present in Britain long before Columbus.

When they traveled to their colony in Indonesia, they sailed straight to the east toward the Australian continent after their last stop in the southern tip of Africa, thus reducing the travel time.

In 1609 a Spanish vessel traveling from the Philippines to Mexico across the Pacific Ocean was shipwrecked off the coast of Chiba, near Tokyo. Be it the Scandinavians, Dutch, Portuguese or Spanish, they didnā€™t fear the sea.,and%20kept%20warm%20and%20fed.

The whole alien thing is a big distraction from the Ukrainian fiasco and Hunter Biden ā€” scandalā€¦ Is that the right word to describe the whole thing?

The Russian military was not keen on taking Bakhmut, but Pregozhin jumped the gun, so to speak, and pushed it to justify the existence of his Wagner group. Now Bakhmut is more of a liability for the Russian military, because it has had little time to build defensive lines (which already exist but are far to the east of Bakhmut).

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I donā€™t agree, but itā€™s subjective and admit it might be possible. We were still the earliest navigators and still Lords of our own domain back then.

This was dug up in 1904

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I can see shared cultures or influences Vice versa or Versa vice. Celtic, Vikings, they are very similar to each other when it comes to their art works.


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This was rather interesting to watch. Ukrainian military is not in the same league.

A single Russian tank fucks up an entire armored convoy of 8 Ukrainian armored vehicles/tanks. Canā€™t wait for the video to be repackaged by the British media as being something else or make up another lame excuse as to why the Ukrainian offensive is not going as planned.

ā€œRambo, he doesnā€™t give a f#ckā€

ā†’ Russian Kamikaze tank confronts a whole Ukrainian convoy with 2 tanks, 4 Kazak APCs and 4 Marder IFVs.

PS: Subbed and zooms