Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

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The bills eventually come due! That day is coming soon!

The state of military readiness is a joke. We have shipped our readiness to Ukraine and the military is ill equipped at best.

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Cluster munition depot west of Kiev hit by Russian drones.

In case you’re wondering where Zhitomir is

Yeah, yeah, we know where you come from, Mr Britannica wannabe.
Russia would not attack a school unless it’s used for a military purpose.

If you know the blueprint devised by John Podesta for Obama’s 1st and 2nd terms, then you would know that decimating the US military beyond recognition was part of that blue print. It was referred to and known as “Lessening America’s footprint in the world” something that Obama was on record as saying. He couldn’t accomplish while in office due to the amount of corruption that both parties (aka John McStain and Lindsey Graham) were benefiting from. Now Obama can do pretty much anything because they have someone who can claim amnesia on almost everything. What is the point of impeaching Biden when the real culprit is Obama and his people?

Aaron Klein wrote about this

Third World War could very well involve Poland as being the catalyst if the invade Belarus.

Since Russia doesn’t want to have anything to do with Lvov, Russia may simply let Poles stay there as peacekeepers after the war ends. (If the Poles get shot at by Ukrainian nationalists, it’s not Russia’s problem)

Hungary gets Transcarpathia in southwestern Ukraine inhabited by ethnic Hungarians (as a reward from Russia for not aggressively opposing Russia).

Kiev may come under the Russian administration while Nazis and other criminals are investigated. The capital of rump Ukraine may be transferred to Zhitomir to the west temporarily.

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Warning: This is graphic!

This is what losing badly for Ukrainians looks like.

Face of war: “My ammo ran out, so I took his rifle”
→ Zaporizhzhia front, Russian unit took out Ukrainian assault group

Funny, in this video it looks like there is discussions now underway with Belarus about dividing up Ukraine. Weird seeing this video after you were just talking about this very same thing. To be honest I haven’t given it much thought in terms of a post war Ukraine and if the West is simply going to accept defeat or keep pushing to broaden the conflict? What does an off ramp look for Europe and the United States?

“The dismemberment of Ukraine and transfer of lands to Poland are unacceptable to us and if the western Ukrainian population needed it, we of course will support them” — Lukashenko

→ Sounds like western Ukraine will wind up under Belarus control …

Hm …


A moment of reality for a Ukranian Soldier returning to his position around Kremennaya…

BREAKING: “Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons, that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”

→ NATO wanted Ukraine to sacrifice themselves in a huge human wave attack … but break through.

Cynically the Ukrainians are free

Ukrainian lives don’t matter.

It is surprising how few civilian casualties have been caused by Russian military activities throughout the conflict. (Especially given the fact that Kiev troops attacked private homes, markets and downtown Donetsk, killing 14,000 civilians between 2014 and 2022).

Actually Poland would be enjoying more freedom to do what it wants, if it had not joined NATO.

The US would supply military hardware and training, whether country X is in NATO or not, as long as it’s opposing Russia.

You are probably right which begs the question in current terms on whether they have the stomach for going against Russia in order to appease their overlords. My guess is that they are secretly hoping for an off ramp.

The way things are going, there is a whole lot of pain that is going to happen to the US domestically that eventually their own chickens are coming home to roost that they will no longer have the resources or the time to be involved with other countries affairs.

I don’t know the statistics in Poland, but many are tired of Ukrainians flooding the country. Poles and Ukrainians were traditional enemies and they started shooting at each other in 1945, once Germans left the scene.

The Biden shit show included, perhaps

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Ukraine already lost the war. The burning question is, how much will it lose in addition to the war.

The Russian offensive in the north (Kharkov) is progressing steadily, if not dramatically. So-called stalemate in the Donbass, Zaporozhe and Kherson is not really a stalemate but heavy losses for Ukraine.

Drone attacks in Moscow and use of cluster munitions will not help Ukraine at all.

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If anything it will bekon Russia’s resolve to make the pain felt more for Zelensky and Ukraine

Lancaster is reporting from the Russian side.
A number of western reporters are reporting from the Ukrainian side.
(No reporter has gone to two sides, as far as I know.)

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