Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

This was good and more to the point. Why? Because its the truth!

In a statement on Thursday, Zhang Jun hit back at a communique issued by NATO members at the Vilnius summit earlier this week, which accused China of pursuing “coercive policies” that challenge the bloc’s interests. It also claimed that Beijing uses a wide array of tools to increase its global footprint and undermine the security of NATO members.

The envoy rejected the statement as “slander” and a “smearing” of China, claiming that the US-led military bloc is still trapped in a Cold War mentality.

He recalled that, while NATO claims to be a regional organization, it violates this principle by entering the Asia-Pacific region, “bringing more negative impacts and destructive factors on regional and global security.”

Zhang said that, although NATO claims to be a defensive alliance, it encourages its members to increase military spending, cross borders, and provoke confrontation.

The bloc, he added, portrays itself as the champion of the ‘rules-based international order,’ but it “has repeatedly violated international law…, interfered in the internal affairs of other countries, provoked many wars, bombed diplomatic facilities, [and] killed innocent civilians.”

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US Boots on the ground. Mission creep!

One for the ages where cooler heads prevailed and relegated the “Neo-Cons” to the back ground!

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Colonel House, the oligarch who picked Zelensky, the neocons in Washington DC, the lying mainstream media…
Who are they?
We know the answer but we are not allowed to name them.


“Dark” US corporations are already investing heavily in Ukraine.
They don’t want their investments getting lost to Russia.

If Ukrainians are smart, they should see that the continued Kiev rule will certainly bring death one way or another.

Monsanto, Black Rock, JP Morgan. The usual suspects as the saying goes!


Russia and Poland have some bad blood between them and that is not good!

It took the morons a while to realize they were with the losers.

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Apparently the Ukrainian military is legitimizing striking civilian targets now, which will certainly be a new kind of escalation in this war.

They struck Kerch Bridge and hit civilians. Not sure if this girl made it.

Great article on what NATO is and their precarious position today.

NATO is useless and are outdated. The most interesting take from the article that I find most accurate is NATO’s existence is solely for the purpose to buy and sell arms from the US MIC. Pretty amazing to think and see in the terms of being one giant money laundering operation that is stealing money that can be used for good than supplying counterfeit nations.

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If Ukraine is to join NATO (after the current conflict is over), then Russia will have to make sure that Ukraine as we know it will no longer exist.

I heard that if a European government decides to send a group of pilots to be trained in the US for a new aircraft for a week or so, it would cost the European government a million dollars per pilot.

That sound about right, even though the cost can’t be justified when in reality that cost could easily be less than $100,000 per.

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Put them up at a Motel 6 and give them breakfast coupons at a local Jonathan’s. LOL
No, it ain’t gonna happen.

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Unfortunatly, the occupantsof the car didnt survive. Ukraine didnt purpously target the car, but it was in the wrong place at the wrong time at 3 am in the morning.
I know you Putrid Apologists will launch a full scale attack on me saying I am defending these Muderers. This is an unfortunate incident and I feel bad for the families.
You Putrid Apologists dont say anything about Russia targeting hospitals and innocent civilians which you condone by your silence.

   SLAVA UKRAINI!!!!!!!!!

Yeah OK! You still support sending US troops, US tax payer dollars but won’t acknowledge that fact. Its OK when the US and NATO or Ukraine kill innocent civilians but low and behold if Russia retaliates. Love the double standard you regularly display here Beabencup49!

As I said before we might as well call you a liberal who is brainwashed on MSM talking points because you don’t have a clue on this subject matter otherwise or know how to distinguish between fact and opinion.

Again as I said before, I support sending Ukraine equipment, ammo etc but I dont support sending US troops to the front lines only to train Ukrainrian troops.
Russia hsd targeted hospitals when they invaded Ukraine.
I have not been brainwashed by MSM. I watch video updates on You Tube by various sources.
As an aside , what was your military MOS. Mine was a 19D30 CAVALRY SCOUT.

Ok Lindsey Graham! What ever you say! I hope they are paying you well to be a shill for the zionist club!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: