Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Not really! If you are a believer of life and love war no matter by who is never acceptable! Glad we can establish who is the hypocrite here!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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There was a post-war joke in Germany that went like this:
Two German soldiers return home as the war ended, and strike up a conversation.

— Now that the war is over, do you have any plans?
— Oh… I will take my bicycle and tour the entire country.
— And what are you going to do in the afternoon?

Maybe it was the British queen who said she loved Germany so much that she loved it there were two Germanies.

English royals were all Nazis. A bunch of hypocrites.

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White genocide.
That’s the long and short of it.
(Guess who’s laughing all the way to the bank)

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Same then as it is today!

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Im not a war lover, but when Ukraine ( a soverign country) is invaded by Russia on the pretext of protecting Russian people in Luhansk and Dumbass(Donbas) because of voting to join Russia and FORCIBLY ANNEXING the SEMI- AUTONOMOUS CRIMEA then I will support the invaded country.
Ukraine has exposed the Russian Army as a PAPER TIGER at best and while using mostly the same equipment and with fewer soldiers has adapted their tactics and strategy to eventually defeating Russia by themselves.
No one loves war but its sometimes necessary to preserve ones country.

The scary part about your reasoning and logic is that you evidently don’t have your facts straight or are correct in your assertions. I don’t know where you get your information but you are so grossly misinformed that I am embarrassed for you!

Lastly you can not state you are not a war lover then cheer for the death and destruction of another. That is the definition of hypocrisy. You either serve the devil or you don’t! You can’t serve two masters as the saying goes.


I didnt vote for SLOW JOE and wouldnt vote for him for dog catcher.He is only my President by DEFAULT and I dont refer to him as President.
When Ukraine defeats Russia,you will acknowledge me as being right on this.
At 74yrs young, Im to old to fight on the front lines, but I would like to work in Kiev with the military intelligence branch.
I would love to PERSONALLY meet Zelensky and Hana Maliar.

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Funny, but you still serve him and take the same side as the war mongering libersls, so what is the difference?

No I won’t because its not realistic and its not going to happen.

You should go then and stop making excuses. Age is only a state of mind!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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My position on Ukraine is based on the fact that Ukraine was unjustly invaded by Russia. I dont see it as siding with tbe Liberals.
My political feelings are far away from siding with the Liberals

That is not a fact, only your opinion. You can’t seem to distinguish between the two.

But you are siding with liberals when it comes to this issue. Not too many American conservatives who actually know what is going on will take nor will they agree on siding with Ukraine when knowing the actual facts of where this all started.

I am not so sure about that anymore, considering what you have stated in this thread these past two months. I agree with RW, you simply don’t have your facts straight. In fact I am beginning to think your real name is Lindsey Graham.


If its not Russia that invaded Ukraine, who did???
In my past posts on different threads, more often than not I have agreed with you. Our differences are with Ukraine and Communist Chinas wanting to invade the Republic of China( Taiwan) and its threat to SE Asian countries over claims to postage stamp size islands in the South China Sea because of oil reserves on the ocean floor and militarizing man made islands to threaten shipping.
I also agree with you on the actions of the " Unseen HAND" of the Globalist Cabal ie Soros, Kerry, Gore and Clintons etc.
Unlike Graham, I dont play both sides of the game.
Have a safe weekend!!!

Why is it my job to try to educate you on this particular issue? Me and Didge have tried in earnest to explain to you why Russia invaded Ukraine, but for some reason you don’t want to accept the facts. It gets tiring repeating the same thing to a person who simply refuses to take his horse blinders off to see what is actually the truth.


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Doesnt all the PORK BARREL spending have alot to do with it???

Of course Russia did.
And that’s in accordance with the UN Charter.
(You are allowed to invade the enemy land, if it’s preparing to invade you.)

China cannot “invade” Taiwan, because Taiwan is part of China. (According to the UN which the US supports)