Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

They are running out of native Ukrainians to fight their war now recruiting fro other countries to fight for them.

Captured American APC “Bradley”.

  • Hello Zelensky, thanks for equipment! Now MT-LB will arrive and we will drag this piece of shit away

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wonder how many people that Rosanne Barr is referring to that think and act the same way, applying the same logic when referring to Ukraine and their Nazi’s? Jooos?

“I’m from the Ukraine … there’s a large amount of Nazis in the Ukraine, and they actually killed my whole family” — Roseanne Barr

—> Since Obama is black, there can’t be any racism in the US?

Consistent application of the same logic leads to a paradox.



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The top echelon of Nazi Germany consisted of Joos such as Adolf Eichmann and a large number of Wehrmacht generals were Joos. *

Many former Nazis in Germany and Poland wound up in Israel, including Menahem Begin who became the right-wing Prime Minister of Israel in 1970s.

Zionism = Nazism

  • Why did Israel capture Eichmann in Argentina where he was living peacefully without bothering anybody, transported him illegally to Israel, condemned him in a kangaroo court and (instead of giving him Israeli citizenship as per their Law of Return) executed him? Because he knew all about Zionism and its ties with the Nazis.

Russia has little use for these vehicles, except to learn more about their shortcomings.

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KimDotcom says “The End” when referencing this photo. A photo is worth a million words!

Isn’t most of the equipment that NATO countries sent to Ukraine mostly outdated by todays tech standards? F-16’s is a outdated fighter jet and they say they be getting those soon?

These countries want to keep the updated versions for their own military and get rid of the outdated ones. Great virtue signaling.

Since Ukrainians are not trained enough to fly F-16s, wither old or new, it will be the pilots from the NATO countries.

I understand the Ukrainians couldn’t maneuver the German leopards and American bradleys properly. But what difference does it make if they become fair game for the Russian artillery and drones?

It was only a few months ago. High hopes for bradleys. ↓

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Alex Christoforou made this.


Today, Chechen soldiers were" CHECHMATED" by Ukraine in Bakhmut which soon will become Russias Stalingrad in reverse.
With France supplying Ukraine with long range missiles( Scalp) , Russian soldiers need to keep their heads down to avoid being “scalped”.
A Russian General ( Papov) dismissed for telling the General Staff the truth about the resupply problems providing food, water, ammo etc to the soldiers. Will probably be reassigned to OUTER SIBERIA.


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You cheering on for the death of others? How so American Judeo Christian of you! :joy:

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Russian warship arrives in Havana, Cuba as the nations strengthen ties

An armed Russian warship docked at a harbor in Cuba on Monday as Russia warned the U.S. against causing a repeat of the Cuban missile crisis.

This happens when a war occurs. This could be ended if Russia removes all its troops and returns to Ukraine, Luhansk, Donbas and Crimea which was Ukraines land.

They have been parts of Russia for hundreds of years, with all inhabitants being ethnic Russians.

Poles and Lithuanians want their ancient glory (from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea) with chunks of land in Ukraine. Good luck.

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Yes and part of Poland was EAST PRUSSIA and DEUTCHLAND never got it back!!!

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That is weak! I mean really weak!