Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

I have previously said that the US doesnt have an angelic halo over it. The CIA has had its GRUBBY hands in Central America( United Fruit Co) installing the Shah of Iran ( No Angel and Reformer himself) among other areas.
Politics being what it is is a DIRTY business and no country including the VATICAN has clean hands.
Simply put, all want is for Ukraine to have all its land back and its original borders either by Military Victory or a political agreement.

Doesnā€™t matter, the fact you support the most corrupt country in the world as well as sending US tax payers money to a country we have no invested interest in says all I need to know where your priorities lay, you are just as guilty for supporting it!

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A member of the US House Intelligence Committee said that a bioweapon is being created that uses DNA to kill specific people.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, the congressman warned people not to so casually give their DNA into the hands of companies.

ā€œYou can actually take a personā€™s DNA, make a medical profile of them, and develop a bioweapon that will kill that person, remove them from the battlefield, render them useless,ā€ Crowe said.

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Cluster bombs is an indication of how the war really is going.

How so?

One commentator suggest that Cluster bombs might be used to clear out the mines that is stalling their offensive.

Cluster munitions are a method of dispersing large numbers of tiny bomblets from a rocket, missile or artillery shell that scatters them in mid-flight over a wide area.

They are intended to explode on impact but a significant proportion are ā€œdudsā€, meaning they donā€™t explode initially - this happens especially if they land on wet or soft ground.

They can then explode at a later date on being picked up or trodden on, killing or maiming the victim.

From a military perspective, they can be horribly effective when used against dug-in ground troops in trenches and fortified positions, rendering large areas too dangerous to move around in until carefully cleared.

Ukraineā€™s forces are running desperately low on artillery shells, largely because, like the Russians, they use them up at an extraordinarily high rate and Ukraineā€™s Western allies cannot replace them at the speed they are needed.

In the largely static, grinding battlefronts of southern and eastern Ukraine, artillery has become a key weapon.

The Ukrainians now face a daunting task in trying to dislodge the invading Russians from their well dug-in defensive positions stretched along a 1,000km (621-mile) battlefront.

In the absence of enough artillery shells, Ukraine has asked the US to re-stock its supplies of cluster munitions to target the Russian infantry manning all those defensive trenches.

More than 100 countries, including the UK, France and Germany, have signed an international treaty - the Convention on Cluster Munitions - that outlaws the use or stockpiling of these weapons due to their indiscriminate effect on civilian populations.

Children are particularly prone to injury as the bomblets can resemble a small toy left in a residential or farmland area and are often picked up out of curiosity.

Human rights groups have described cluster munitions as ā€œabhorrentā€ and even a war crime.

Russian cluster munitions reportedly have a ā€œdud rateā€ of 40%, meaning large numbers remain a hazard on the ground, whereas the average dud rate is believed to be close to 20%.

The Pentagon estimates its own cluster bomblets have a dud rate of less than 3%.

I was mere asking ā€œHow Soā€ as how is the war really going? What is that indication that you are referring to?

I know how Cluster Bombs work, but why is Cluster bombs an indication of how the war is going?

Desperation sets in when conditions remain static.

The Ukrainians now face a daunting task in trying to dislodge the invading Russians from their well dug-in defensive positions stretched along a 1,000km (621-mile) battlefront.

In the absence of enough artillery shells, cluster is the next option.

Makes sense. What will be interesting is how they will be delivering these munitions seeing they donā€™t have control of their own airspace.

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Ukraine lacks air superiority because of the foot dragging to train Ukrainian pilots and delaying xelivery of F16swhich will help in the air war.
Are the unexploded duds any worse than than the millions of unexoloded land mines in former areas of conflict??? Ukraines slow progress is due to lack of air superiority and yhe amount of time Russia had to prepare the defenses.Russias casualty numbers are alarming. Over 230k total ( killed and wounded) while Ukraines is substantialy less.ukraines tactics have forced Russia to constantly move reservers from one area to the next and have been constantly OUT GENERALED by Ukraine.
I would say Mexico is far more corrupt than Ukraine and so is Russia as their ELITE enrich themselves at the cost of the average person. Again, show me a country where corruption doesnt exist that exists with or without our support.

Other than that, there are reports that foreign mercenaries who fought Russia in Ukraine got paid with fake dollar bills.

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That would be the ultimate irony if it werenā€™t so freaking sad but in any other universe would be hilarious! Yikes!

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Zaporozhia front, ā€¦ more leopards Leopards destroyed

Yeah this Zelensky! Ha ha ha! Lol!

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Its a big club and Zelensky is not in it!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This festive event certainly puts Vilnius on the map.
Many Europeans donā€™t know the difference between Lithuania and Latvia.

Whereā€™s the Japanese Prime Minister? Afraid of the Zelensky curse?

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