Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Here are the war mongers to further escalate a war that the West so desperately wants. Fking idiots!

I will be working with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate to pass a resolution urging the admission of Ukraine into NATO.

The best way to prevent future wars and promote peace is to create security guarantees that make aggressor nations think twice before starting wars.

Ukrainian NATO membership is vital to the future security of Europe and the world. I believe there is an overwhelming majority of Senators supporting this proposition." ~Lindsey Graham

I guess its OK for Russia to use cluster bombs but not Ukraine.
Next to the Ukrainian Army, the Russian soldiers greatest enemy are its Commanders that have them at the front without ammo ,using them as cannon fodder , giving them outdated and poor rations and refusing them to retreat when necessary.See the latest on the Russian Airborne Brigade near Bakhmut.I assune Russia has your APPROVAL to put nuclear missiles in Belarus as a threat to Ukraine.
Wouldnt surprise meet if SLOW JOE would throw Umraine under the bus and push for a " NEGOIATED SETTLEMENT" which may meet your APPROVAL.
I want nothing less than a total UKRAINIAN MILITARY VICTORY or if there is so.e type of " NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT , a return of ALL land to Ukraine.

Dude! Please stop! You are embarrassing yourself. Ukraine is using cluster bombs that are supplied by the US. Try a least to be honest with what is wrong with that instead of supporting another proxy war that the US and its allies is trying to escalate. The fact you are here espousing more hegemonic nonsense while promoting a Nuclear war with a Nuclear power like Russia is shear lunacy! Take a moment and take a break from your your dumb cheerleader nonsense to reflect on what a war with Russia is going to look like should it escalate further. There will be no winners and especially for America and American soldiers, or for the rest of the world. Again you continue to ignore the most important points of this discussion so far! Why is that? I keep asking you this same question but you continue to ignore it. That is what I mean when I say you are being purposely obtuse! Russia is not the enemy.

Yes it does meet my approval. Russians are fighting for their very survival and are not going to allow the war mongering United States to dictate terms to them, and so it should be.

Accept it Beadencup49, America is toast and when they lose big we will all lose big. Get ready for your next cancer screening and Lindsey Graham wants you dead!

If you’re for truth, you’re pro-Russia whether you like it or not.

These two guys have been right in the right.

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Welcoming Ukraine into NATO would force the US to choose between nuclear war with Russia or abandoning its security commitments to Kiev, two American analysts claimed on Friday.

“The security benefits to the United States of Ukrainian accession pale in comparison with the risks of bringing it into the alliance,” Justin Logan and Joshua Shifrinson of the libertarian Cato Institute wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine.

Im not promoting any type of nuclear war in which thete are no winners.I said before , I want a complete Ukrainuan Military Victory to regain all their land or by a Negotiated Settlement.
Russian soldiers prefer surrender than to fight for their commanders that use them as cannon fodder which you seem to ignore.
Russia with AIR SUPERIORORITY cannot keep Ukraine from winning. The Ukranian Generals , using MOSTLY the same LOUSY Russian equipment, have ADAPTED their TACTICS and have out smarted Shoigun and the the rest of the DUMBASS GENERALS.
Russia has modified the BTR 80s with EJECTION SEATS to eject the soldiers when hit. A Ukranian soldier brought down a K 52 attack helicopter with a Javelin Anti Tank Missile. What a nice Target those big Russian helicopters make!!!
Zelensky has more LEADERSHIP in his BIG TOE than RAS PUTRID has in his body.

You can’t have it both ways. You either support war or you don’t. If you support war then you are doing the devils work by siding with the Neo-cons. If you proclaim to be about peace then your ugliness and vile venomous hatred you have for Russians is of Satan’s tongue. They too are of a Christian nation in which you cast stones of aspersions towards without fully understanding the entire context in why this war is being fought.

The rest in which you state is a nonsensical diatribe that is not even worthy of a response, without actually having any awareness that you are promoting American evil hegemony to which you will be a part of when the final tally is in is pretty incredible to witness after reading your fiction.

Last lesson here for you Beadencup49!

Zelensky is not real, he was an actor selected to be a puppet, you just don’t want to be honest with facts as you continue on with your nonsense in this thread spewing propaganda and false assertions. I can’t even take you serious anymore due to ignorance on this subject matter to which you display which is off the charts.

Holy crap!

Take a moment to actually reread my previous statements and figure out why I call you obtuse.

And just so I am clear with you, I like you as a person, and I am trying to be respectful, but holy crap man you clearly have no idea what the actual truth is when it comes to this subject matter, only that you want to see it one way and one way only that is through the lens of the past, a hegemonic narrative that is dying on its own fruition. Wake up before its too late!

This is one of very few areas we disagree on.I personally like you as we have discussions without it being personal.I respect your point of viewand hope we may continue this discussion.
I support Ukraine as they were invaded by Russsia to be brought back in Russias sphere of influence and because Luhansk and Dumbas voted to be part of Russia. Were Russian people imported there to skew the vote in Russias favor???
Russia previously “ANNEXED” the semi- autonomous Crimean Pennisula in 2014
These areas are Ukrainian land FORCIBLY taken away by Russia.
Through overconfidence and poor tactics , Ukraine kept Russia from occupying Kiev.
You are ignoring how Ras Putrid has yes men all around him.You also ignore the POOR TREATMENT of the HUMAN SACRIFICIAL LAMBS Russian Commanders make of the soldiers and released convicts in the Army.
You dont see the nuclear missiles in Belarus as an escalation , but US troops in Poland to prevent a possible Russian invasion is.
Also, Russians in Koenigsberg( Kallingrad) are tired of Ras Putrid and want independence.
Ras Putrids sole goal is to reunite the former Soviet Union Empire.

You don’t seem to want to see the US as the provocateur in this situation, or have the ability to see how the outside world views your country’s foreign policy as always interfering with other sovereign countries affairs. Your lack of knowledge on the matter of Ukraine and your hatred for Russians shows why America is hated! You are simply too blind to know the truth!

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None of this is actually a balanced view but a biased one. That has been my point all along with every post you make on this particular topic which makes it difficult for me to take you serious when trying to discuss this particular subject matter.

I will give you an example.

You ignored the genocide committed by Ukrainian army back in 2014 that killed 14,000 innocent people that provoke Russia to act and invade Ukraine. Ukraine was invaded because they were killing innocent women and Children in provinces that were mostly Russian speaking.

Why am I am having to tell you this when Didge had already tried explaining this to you already before? (sigh)

Here is another example

The cluster Munitions that the US is now sending Ukraine which has been outlawed by over 120+ countries including some NATO countries seems egregiously hypocritical.

Your premise:

It’s bad when Russia uses them but good when America/Ukraine uses them. Haha.

This is why I have a problem with your position, You not only contradict yourself on many issues relating to Ukraine, but you also support a hypocritical position of the West which is clearly an immoral one based on obvious lies.

Why are you endorsing a lie? Are you really that devoid of thinking for yourself and have become that brainwashed to not know the truth?

Ukraine wants to use cluster munitions

Don’t come crying when Russia uses them as well. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander as the saying goes!

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The worst part of the cluster bombs (or any advanced missiles) for Ukraine is that Ukraine uses them against civilians, especially in Donetsk.

When Russia attacks military targets, there are limited collateral damages among civilians and civilian structures, which is mostly due to the fact that the Ukraine military uses (ethnic Russian) civilians as human shields and hides its military activities in such places.

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Actually what is worse about Cluster Munitions and why they have been banned by most civilized countries is because they have a high dud rate and long after they have been discharged civilians years later become maimed by them by accidentally and unexpectedly coming into contact with them. Even mine detectors have a problem finding them long after the war is over.

It’s pretty hypocritical for the US in trying to call out Russia for using them and here they are supplying Ukraine with them now.

Why is Russia pissed off? Look at this map & imagine that the U.S. was where Russia is now. This should’ve been negotiated w/o a drop ofđŸ©žand over $200 BILLION in unfunded dollars & U.S. munitions ending up on the black market w/US taxpayer cash now sitting in deep pockets.

Let’s go back to the agreement NATO member countries made when the Cold War ended. We promised Russia we would not add more NATO member states close the Russian border. Here’s the map w/dates. Now NATO has signaled ADDING the corrupt Ukraine to NATO.đŸ€Ż Zelenskyy has filed the paperwork.

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Here is what I was talking about earlier at the hypocrisy of the US Government and this fking ridiculous administration!

Jen Psaki 18 months ago

Jake Sullivan just recently


None of these new NATO countries are a threat to Russia unless attacked.
Im not that ignorant or blind to know that the US thru the CIA or CIA proxies have overthrown regieme change in various countries and I don’ t support this and we are not alone in this in the DARK WORLD subterfuge of WORLD POLITICS.
I want Ukraine to have its land back and its pre- invasion borders reestablished.

Russia is not worried about these governments per se. But Russia knows that the US will station nukes in these countries.

These small bomblets are often in pretty colors and small children tend to pick them up in the parks and residential areas where Ukraine drops these bomblets.

If you drive over such a bomb, it will blow out the tire. When civilians of Donetsk find them on the sidewalks, they place a bucket over them, so that other people won’t get hurt before the bombs get disposed of appropriately.

There was a Russian TV report about teenage groups in Donetsk who collect these cluster bombs. These boys have learned how to throw them and explode them safely. As they were demonstrating this technique, the woman reporter was scared to death.

How many wars and regime change has the US been involved with compared to Russia? At least be honest with yourself on this question! The point is the US is responsible for far more deaths in the world than Russia has, and that is including Stalin’s Red Terror. The United States and the CIA has been in a perpetual state of war for the past 200 years, with their so called spread of democracy (imperialistic intentions)

But it was OK to be threatened (USA) when Russia wanted to set up Nukes in Cuba? The funny part about your argument is you can’t see the double standard of our government that it regularly practices even to this day. BTW, the US broke their agreement treaty with Russia which you again miss that important detail and why this entire situation could have been avoided to begin with, yet all you come back with is “NATO countries are not a threat to Russia” nonsense? You are not seeing the irony of your willful blindness when Biden is Flying to Europe to further approve of new miltitary equipment to further prolong a war with Russia? No he is not going there to negotiate a peace settlement but to poke a bear further into an escalated conflict that may involve boots on the ground.

What part of corruption, and Genocide do you not understand? Ukraine does not deserve to have anything back and I hope that they are obliterated. It would be the best thing to happen to the Western world since the defeat of Hitler.

Why do we have to keep sending US tax dollars there? (You haven’t answered that question either!)

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