Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Fk no! Obviously you haven’t been paying attention.

Ukraine is planning a major false flag, just like they blew up their own dam.


You must believe the Russian lies about Ukraine. Ukraine would not gain anything by blowing up the dam.Russia was that smart by blowing up the dam, they lost alot of equipment.
Instead of competent Generals in his Cabinet, he has notjing but YES MEN, telling him what he wants to hear.

This is the part that I am and have been trying to tell you that you are not paying attention. Russia is not the one who is lying! Ukraine is not the one calling the shots the CIA is. This is a set up for a false flag operation in order to have provocation for NATO forces (The West) to escalate a war with Russia in which the US, Britain and other NATO countries will send in troops and other means to war with Russia. Watch the dam video!

Of course they are, this is right from the same CIA playbook in order to find an excuse to get into the war with the worlds largest nuclear power.


Larry Johnson

These two pieces of shit are trying to sell the public on this bullsh*t story of Russia’s threats on using a Nuclear weapon. This is what they are trying to do by setting up the narrative to sell the public on, but the public is not buying it! This stench can be identified a mile away!

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American commanding a unit in Ukraine, Zaporozhia front.

→ Many videos and admissions of US personell in Ukraine are popping up recently. Worrying.

The Ukrainian army runs out of trained, experienced and capable unit commanders and they can fill the ranks hastily with fresh conscripts only.
→ Only way to keep the troops effective is to fill key positions with former NATO, but now “volunteering” personnel.

Should be fighting the Somalis in the US.

Why should Russia use nuke weapons (or nuke explosion), since Russia is winning one-sidedly?

Either Ukrainians are slow learners, or maybe they are being forced to repeat stupidity.
They are making the same error at Artemovsk (Bakhmut).

Apparently, the Russian military didn’t want to “conquer” Artemovsk (Bakhmut) at all. They wanted to use the city as a bait to destroy the Ukrainian army (as the notorious meat grinder), but Prigozhin jumped the gun and attacked the city at a very high cost (and blamed it on the Russian Ministry of Defense) to justify the presence of the Wagner group.

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They wouldn’t which is why the entire narrative read by Zelensky provided to him by his puppet masters is absurd!


It looks like a UPS truck, but it’s packed with deadly missiles

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Russia,not Ukraine is running out of reserves as Ukraine has forced Russia to commit reserves at Bakhmut and other areas. Ukraines casualties and equipment losses areSIGNIFICALLY LESS than Russia. With the help of the Patriot batteries, Ukraine has cost Russia many losses in planes and has reduced the number of missile strikes.
Russia has BRAINWASHED its people on its SUPPOSED successes in Ukraine and fomented AntiAmerican feelings among its people.
In its prisoner exchange, Ukrainians look under nourished compared to Russian POWs. They look ALMOST like the Nazi concentration camp JOOS.
Russia should IMMEDIATELY return ALL children they KIDNAPPED . This never have happened.

Who is feeding you this crap fictitious news?

Various news sources on You Tube.

The problem I have with the many statements you made in this thread so far is:

  1. None of what you stated so far is grounded in actual facts
  2. You also have not provided any cited sources to back up your absurd claims

Yeah this really looks like Ukrainian victory (Sarcasm)

Face of War: Ukrainian trench after successful Russian assault.

→ Russian army slowly takes the positions around Kremennaya. While all focus is on Zaporozhia, they steadily move forward.

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Fking Tom Cotton! Another fking war mongering WEF cksucker!

Here are cluster bombs in action

The bomblets have high “dud rates” which is why they’re banned

Nobody wants to walk through old battlefields with metal detectors looking for these so they invariably maim and kill civilian men, women, and children long after these conflicts end!