I personally know a Green Beret officer who was rescued by Kerry.
Firing a RPG projectile results in an outbound projectile. I’m uncertain how that might incur injury to the troop firing it unless they fired it at a target less than thirty feet away. I do recall an incident where a soldier in my platoon injured himself a two others by loading 82MM mortar rounds by loading them so rapidly that the outgoing projectile hit the wires of the projectile awaiting loading.
Kerry was an officer. Officers do not fire RPGs nor are they sniper qualified.
Here, cleaned it up for you: BTW- I know a lot of Republicans, they work hard, make good livings and none are billionaires-none are ‘suckers’ either. They just dislike their tax money going to pander instead of infrastructure.
Holy crap! You claim to be in your 70’s and you act like a 10 year old? I am literally embarrassed for you and you should be ashamed of yourself! I know of no one who claims to be your age and acts like a pure immature asshole!
What under oath sworn testimony? The Democrats are conducting hearings behind closed doors with no transcript released. Prepared opening statements aren’t sworn testimony. Leaks from hyperpartisan Democrats aren’t sworn testimony either.
Democrats insist on closed hearings but now insist they know what was in the testimony. They can’t have it both ways.
Now, are you going to respond to the debunking of your claim that Trump tied US aid to an investigation of Biden’s corruption with something besides talking points and speculation about what was said in the secretive impeachment inquiry?
The question tells it all, not what evidence debunks the claim Trump tied US aid to an investigation of Biden’s corruption but what is the source. Trump says the phone call was perfect and releases the transcript to prove it. Democrats declare he is lying and launch a secretive ersatz impeachment inquiry before reading the transcript. With the Resistance zealot there is no search for the truth or reasoned discussion it’s closed minds believing in only approved sources without question.
Here is my analysis presented earlier in the thread. I know, it’s shocking to debate on a debate forum instead of braying talking points from Resistance approved sources.
"Trump had ample reason to request assistance investigating Biden’s corruption in foreign countries. There is no denying the fact pattern that when VP Biden took a prominent role in US policy Hunter prospered beyond his skills and expertise.
There is also the matter of getting the Europeans to deliver the aid they promised. As with NATO some of our allies were relying on the US taxpayer to shoulder the burden of their commitments. Had the US aid been delivered immediately the European deadbeats would have declared the problem solved no need to write a check."