And you STILL can’t demonstrate how they are bound to any prior procedures…
Your puerile nature is showing. I’ve noticed throughout this thread that you depend (erroneously) on attempted cuteness and puerility to counter sound arguments against your posits.
You also promote the “appeal to authority” fallacy of logical argument.
Being a decorated veteran of any conflict doesn’t imply honesty at all. John Kerry was a decorated soldier. Three band-aid Purple Hearts don’t translate to patriotic hero. That lying son-of-a-bitch and TRAITOR used minor injuries (one caused by a sliver of shrapnel that almost fell out from beneath his skin before the medic looked at it) He demanded the Purple Hearts so he could get out early.
You do speak like a true libtard, though…so your stupidity and lack of substantive argument is expected.
Trump had ample reason to request assistance investigating Biden’s corruption in foreign countries. There is no denying the fact pattern that when VP Biden took a prominent role in US policy Hunter prospered beyond his skills and expertise.
There is also the matter of getting the Europeans to deliver the aid they promised. As with NATO some of our allies were relying on the US taxpayer to shoulder the burden of their commitments. Had the US aid been delivered immediately the European deadbeats would have declared the problem solved no need to write a check.
Not only does Trump not give a damn about corruption, what an oxy moron, he asked for the investigation into his chief political rival. This is what the whistleblowers complaint said, corroborated by key witnesses in his own administration, and THE reason impeachment is pending.
Baseless allegations by Federal bureaucrats aren’t evidence. Somehow it’s a triumph of investigation to verify a public transcript by adding partisan talking points. To give the claim even less credibility it relys on leaked tidbits from Schiff’s secret meetings. Then there is the unequivocal statement by the Ukrainian President that he was not pressured verifying Trump’s statement.
Again you avoid discussing the subject at hand, the falsehood of claiming Trump “tied” US aid to an investigation of Biden’s corruption as VP. I note the abscense of any attempt to rebut the evidence showing aid was not tied to investigating the Bidens
You may demonize them all you wish. They are going to be testifying in public. Americans will soon see…
Wth you mean Willis, that’s all I’ve been talking about and what all the witnesses have been corroborating.
Here! This is already blowing up Monte’s weak arguments that is obviously constructed by the TDS he is so acutely suffering from!
I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” former NSC Senior Director for European Affairs Tim Morrison testified today, according to a record of his remarks obtained by The *Federalist .
By recent immigrants, do you mean the ones that have come here legally and followed the process to the letter…or do you mean the illegals whose simple act of coming here violates American sovereignty and well-established immigration law, passed by Congress.
Repeating the same false talking points just exposes intellectual laziness, it doesn’t make them true. My comment refuted the allegation the aid was tied to investigating Biden using facts. Childish attempts at humor are unpersuasive.
For the hive mind, it really does work that way
Turns out it was as Dems are getting their asses blown out right this minute now that the whistleblower won’t testify. Y’all fucked up.
If one doesn’t believe in Karma, this might be a good time to explore the concept
Under oath witness testimony is not talking points. Talking points memo is what you get from Carlson, Lintball and Hannity.
It’s not even necessary.
First off I’m not a Dem.
Secondly how exactly did they get their asses blown off? Is that what Pravda is saying?
Thirdly, the whistleblowers testimony is no longer needed. Plus with Mafia Don essentially threatening to put hit orders on the whistleblower and their family it’s best that they do not have to go public.
The book should be an interesting read though won’t it?
Another trolling shill suffering from TDS, ignore the clown show!
You know this from experience? Or are you parroting what you’ve heard?
You do a tour in the crotch did you? Inland rivers?
I’ve never considered myself a hero or even particularly brave. I just happened to get in the way of one Kalashnikov round and shrapnel from two Claymores.
The Claymore wounds were minor and I was able to complete our mission but my boss demanded the recognition, not me.
You should read more of the history of John Kerry, his military service, his contemporary swift boat officers and personnel that disliked him for his actions under fire…
Just do some searches. I have neither the time nor the inclination to tutor you.
I’ve not officially served in the military at all. My contributions to the military efforts of the US have been limited to contractor engineering services for fueling systems at various bases around the world. Except for 10 days in Kandahar, Afghanistan, all of my overseas visits were outside of any conflict zones. I did this kind of work for over 20 years.
I am as proud of my work as if I had been in uniform serving in the COE either at home or in battle arenas. Without fuel, pilots are just pedestrians.
My mention of band-aid Purple Hearts was in no way related to you. I appreciate your service to this country, as I do that of all service men and women, wounded or not. I hope none of your wounds were serious.
You may read of John Kerry that he caused one of his own “wounds” in firing an RPG too close to his own location, thus wounding himself. If I recall correctly, that was the sliver that almost fell out by itself.
See above.
His always open mouth is missing in action, is he sleeping with the fishies??