Congress can Impeach Trump for nothing if they want, Senate will overturn it.
Even Mueller’s “Convictions” based on guilty pleas were themselves extortion using process crimes based on twisted evidence. Flynn was the first in a long sequence of cases that should never have happened…and it will soon be undone.
Deposed in secret with transcripts not released to the public or media. The meetings are held in a high security underground chamber with only committee members allowed to attend. When Congressional Republicans stormed the hearing room in protest of other members of the House being excluded, Democrats whined about them breaching security.
Yet, you claim to know what is in the secret sworn testimony and it’s all bad for Trump.
I’ll repeat that prepared statements from witnesses released before they testify are not sworn testimony.
Again, what sworn testimony are you referring to? Rumors and partisan leaks about secret testimony don’t suffice. Thanks to Democrat insistence on secret hearings claims about what witnesses said are nothing but speculation.
Such is always the case. But you do misrepresent it some. Mark Meadows has publicly stated that the republicans are given equal time and access to the witnesses as democrats. There’s like 45 republicans involved in this process. Stop lying about it.
Stop being dishonest and hypocritical about it all.
“Sen. Lindsey Graham and other congressional Republicans have slammed House Democrats for conducting their impeachment inquiry with depositions behind closed doors, but Republicans also used closed-door depositions during their impeachment inquiry of former President Bill Clinton two decades ago.
Then-Rep. Lindsey Graham, at a November 1998 news conference one day after Special Prosecutor Ken Starr publicly testified before the House Judiciary Committee, praised the Judiciary panel’s plans to hold depositions before conducting public hearings. Graham was a key Republican on the Judiciary Committee and was one of the House impeachment managers during the Senate trial that followed.”
What is it that I misrepresented? Be specific. You can’t.
The misrepresenting is on your part. In previous impeachment proceedings the minority party, Democrats, were allowed to call witnesses and subpoena evidence. The President was represented by council who was allowed to ask questions without a minder like they do in North Korea.
Stop lying by omission. The current impeachment process isn’t comparable what was done in the past. It’s deceitful to pretend they are equivalent.
Do I hurt your fee fees Pee Wee? Poor widdel snowflake.
But here’s the deal, I do not see any reason to waste time on the likes of folks like you.
Offer up some intelligent conversation instead of the sort of childish insults that you throw out while running in the opposite direction and perhaps we can discuss.
You got the stones to do that? Or do you got only assumptions and poo?
Yeah you Feigning at having a higher moral ground is like calling the kettle black! What substantive arguments have you made here? I see none and only see a hypocrite who can’t practice what they preach!
(yawn)- I didn’t start with the insults -you did. I’m generally one of the more civil posters here (ask Monte).
I notice that you offer up a put down to pretty much everyone who disagrees with you- politely or not.
None of us has any idea whether you actually served or if you’re really just a twentysomething media matters troll living in Mom’s basement. If you did serve in Vietnam, I would expect a guy in his seventies not to act like some hate gorged mille.
Doesn’t it feel great having someone you don’t know cast aspersions online?
Myself, I didn’t serve- inquired, but my vision is too low. I admire veterans immensely, though I’ve never had one insult me.
I welcome those who reply thoughtfully and will always engage politely in kind.
However like the current occupant I’m a counter puncher. And a counter puncher who never had bone spurs to hold me back from serving.
I got off to a really bad start here, I acknowledge that now and have done so previously. I was damn angry and for a damn good reason.
I know that this is going to take a long time and no small effort to undo but I promise that I’ll do my best.
I uncertain how I can dispel this without serving up my identity. We’re living in a time when a President of these United States incites his followers to do violence upon others. I have a family. My wife has made me agree to reasonable limits on what I share on the Internet and i agree with her judgements. Makes life easier.
Not hate so much but as I said earlier pretty angry. Upon coming here I thought I’d stumbled into some dark web chatroom. This site is a place for mostly like minded folks to share and reinforce their opinions, I was wrong. The left has it’s own bubble domes.
How is someone in their seventies supposed to act?
Both knees have been replaced but I still do three or four six to ten mile walks each week. I don’t watch any cable news burt I do watch college football. Mostly I read two to three books at a time both for enjoyment and to keep my brain alive. I run exponentials while in the shower.
My mother and two aunts passed of Alzheimer’s, it’s the only thing I fear. Maybe that’s the reason I sound younger. Could be the grandkids and great 'uns too. It’s difficult to be an angry old fart with twenty somethings who know everything and their rug rats but I do try.
Me? I knew everything there was to know by 1965. And I still do.
I appreciate the response and the tone therein. I guess we all fly off the handle from time to time (me included).
As you mentioned “intelligent conversation”- I try to stick with critiques of ideas and why I don’t think this or that will work or is unfair, etc.
From time to time Monte gets under people’s skins (mine included LOL) but he makes his points succinctly (I need to do that more) and more often than not any aggravation I might feel is my inability to answer with equal logic/research.
I’m intrigued- what are you angry about? I ask this not as some patronizing jibe, but more of what issues inspire that anger- that makes for great discussions! BTW- One does not have to start with a news article here; opinion and discussion can be a starters as well.
We all need to focus more on ideas and less on hammering each other - with that, I look forward to further conversations with you!