UK/US now shitholes but why?

I used to feel sorry for France - now I realise this coming to us.

The trick is knowing who are the harmless Muslims, and who are the jihadist terrorists? I mean er, they all look the same??

Itā€™s true. Iā€™m reading The Looming Tower (9/11??) and part of it states that before the westā€™s interferences in the region, Muslim kids were raised to respect westerners and their traditions, but since the awful things weā€™ve done in the ME since then has made the parents raise the kids to hate us the same as they do. Weā€™ve made rods for our own backs, in other words, and they want to beat us with them whenever they can. Iā€™d type the relevant paragraphs but it would take too long in the time Iā€™ve allocated to the board this morning; but itā€™s in the first chapter or two of the book, if anyone wants to check it out.


Yes and the difficulties arise in people thinking a left/right vote will cure all the ills and it wonā€™t.
Hopefully the Brexit process is clearly showing that no amount of voting will resolve this particular issue.

It will need solidarity and the will for ordinary people to reclaim their territory. I think people are starting to realise that once the numbers are tipped, the once so called moderate muslims are anything but that. In my lifetime I think there will be an internal war of the people.

The trick is understanding right now that there is no difference when we reach saturation point.

Yes, and again, isnā€™t it a pity that that is a crisis of your own makingā€¦

Getting all emotional about how you spilt the milk doesnā€™t unspill it, just work on cleaning up the mess.

Are you getting emotional? I already pointed out, itā€™s the genie out of the bottle. Youā€™re going to be pissed, and hate on Muslims in your country, but this was completely avoidable.

Iā€™m not getting emotional. You asked this.

Iā€™d say pity is an emotion. You stating the milk didnā€™t need to be spilled doesnā€™t offer a solution. I hate on muslims in my country because I see so many behave like animals. They have destroyed whole communities. Thatā€™s it. Nobody will care about the whys and wherefores when they are being forced to convert to islam.

You have made your point about the cause and I believe your thought is there is no solution, fine.
I believe there is, up to now most donā€™t have the stomach for it but the tide is turning.

If I was British, living there and dealing with it, perhaps Iā€™d be emotional about it as you are. But from afar, Iā€™m not affected by it. As an observer, however, I think it a pity that the UK has created such a problem for itself.

Are you referring to violence???

So where are you from ?

Iā€™m really not emotional about it. I look at the situation through pragmatic spectacles.

Historically a lot of crap has been dealt with that way. Could the history of 500 or so years ago repeat, I think it could be on the cards.

The US.

So are you suggesting that violence is the remedy, Iā€™m not sure by your comment.

The US ok you have the same problems just on a different scale.

Yes it is the way itā€™s always been, right down to settling scores in the schoolyard.

No, we really donā€™t have a problem. 3.5 million Muslim Americans, 1% of the population, and by and large, they are quite peaceful.

How many British citizens lives are you willing to sacrifice in civil war to rid the country of your problem, and what makes you think it would even go the direction you want?

Isnā€™t your problem more Mexican than Muslim?

Well, thatā€™s hardly the topic, but would make for a good thread if youā€™re so inclined.

For nowā€¦ you obviously really donā€™t understand islam

How many will be sacrificed if we donā€™t conform, itā€™s just a matter of time. The current birth rate shows us this. I havenā€™t expressed a thought that it would go in the direction I want but Iā€™d like to think we still have enough numbers that are capable of dealing with the situation. Everyone one has a survival instinct and I believe it is starting to kick in.

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Well sure I do. But no matter how many times I point this out, you seem not to get it. The problem is western policies in the Middle East. Stop doing stupid.

Again, itā€™s a real shame that you guys find yourselves in a mess of your own makingā€¦

Think you mean AIPAC policies